How are things?, How are you?
This KDD, is not about me and How my week did not go,
Rather, about some information I heard on the radio.
On Sundays, Many stations have PSA's,
Public Service Announcement Programs, People's awareness they want
to raise,
Inform and Educate,
Both nationally, and here in the state.
Often, when I work on a Sunday, rather, listen to music instead,,
I am trying to wake up, and wish, I was still in bed,
I would frequently, surf, and the stations I'd turn,
Yet, this morning, found it interesting, and much I did learn.
I usually find, music, that speaks to me, and catches my attention,
However, this morning, I stay tuned, enjoyed what they
At 6, I listened to " Valley Watch and after, is Valley View,
But, we arrived to work, so, couldn't listen, all the way through.
First, Valley Watch, , was 30 minutes,
This morning, spoke about Strays and Family pets.
Someone from the Arizona Humane Society, was interviewed, seemed
knowledgeable and articulate,
Discussed the process of making a good match, a perfect fit,
And explained what is needed if one wants to adopt a Cat or a dog,
Felt, this information is worthwhile, so sending it, to my blog.
The process and procedure sounds similar, when a child adapting,
They say, one has to be at least 18,
And have a valid Id,
As well as proof of Residency
Whether, you live in a house or Apartment
Whether you are a Home owner or do rent,
They would like to see a couple Bills, like Mortgage, Phone, or
Before they agree,
And feel it is a good match and other things they do need, they said
Discussed discipline , training , and if the pet, will have a bed
The owner, needs to have time and a place for the pet to sleep
Respectful of animals ideal to have a fence,
A play area,, this all makes sense.,
Furthermore, Bringing their existing pets and small Children, they do
Say, this is best,
It will give the staff a better indication, if it's a good match,
The interaction, they do watch.
They ask specific questions during the interview,
Such as , what would you do,
If, your cat scratched the sofa with its paws,
Would you accept the animals flaws
What compelled you to adapt a pet
What would you do when you travel?, this information they gather,
they do get,
They also ask about lifestyle,
So, as you can see, the interviewee is there awhile,
When bringing children, they look at how they react to their kids,
when they do something wrong or how they play,
Knowing, Parents or owners, will behave much the same way,,
Whether it be with children, a baby or their children.
This lady said some people they deny,
Because, they think they will abuse the animal, that is why
Or not truly interested in having a pet, something, they do lack,
And think, the animal, would wind up back,
In the shelter, looking for a home so, that, they do not want to do,
These people, they put on a terminal no adoption list too.
Moreover, something else, more, me, it did intrigue,
Something only the Arizona Humane Society is doing, they are in their
own league
They, have an AEMT Academy,
People around the nation, go there, you see,
To receive medical training, just like a EMT a Paramedic,
To rescue animals, who are injured or sick.,
And, what is even better, and great,
They are connected with the show Animal Planet Arizona is the only
Who is doing this, its called I think, Animal Planet's Hero's,
sounds neat,
The woman says its exciting to watch, suspenseful, on the edge of your
When, this TV program, you do view,
Watching what the AeMT's do,
When, they go into a home where there is a bad situation,
Honestly, never watched this station,
But, of course, it, I did heard,
They also, provide medical treatment, for animals who are injured.
This is all great, don't you think? It's a wonderful thing,
So, that is why, this KDd, I do bring,
At the end
A link for the Humane Society, I will send.
In addition to this program, I listened to some of Valley view",
Found this one informative too
They did not discuss animal rescue or pet adoption,
But instead, about donating blood, what can be done,
To save a life how rewarding it could be,
How,it could help another, you and me.,
Back in Denver I worked as a reservationist at a Plasma Center,, some
things, I already did know,
So most of the procedures, I knew,how it did go,,
What is needed to accept a donation,, when, blood you do give,
From our donation, many will live
Interesting facts about blood type, on the show, they did share,
Did you know, Type B and even more so, B negative is most rare
Most common is type O,
It's the Universal blood type , that, did you know?,
Often, when, they give a transfusion, type O, they will choose,
When, I had my transfusion, after my arm injury, don't know what,
type, they did use,,
That, was 11 years ago,
Something else did you know?
Type AB is pretty rare too,used mostly,with patients ,who need
plasma,or have burns
And something, you may now learn,
When, we get burned and it forms a blister, we think its water, but
its not,
Its actually plasma, and type AB is chosen,for blood, that does
Not only did they provide facts such as this ,other information
About the process,of how to make a donation
One needs to weigh at least 110 pounds,
And they generally take a pint, but two,is equal to 25 pounds,
One pint of blood, can save several lives only takes 5 or 10 minutes
in length,,
And after, give you juice and crackers, to help replenish blood and
gather strength.
This is all I did gather, on the commute,on my way into work today,
And hope, excellent,is your day.
Its now 9 o'clock,
And today, we are going to rock,
It will be wicked busy, around the clock.
The status of Occupancy,has been adjusted
Looking at what I had red,
In the computer, I did see,
Over sold, we will be.
We will begin with occupied rooms 468,and 326 to arrive,and 298 to
My day is getting off to a good start,
A good one for a change, think, will be a great day,
Andin the morning meeting, again, music, they did play,
Exercised to disco,
Finally no more to say, so, will go.,
Take care and stay well,
Need to run, will be slammed here at the hotel,
After my shift is done,
My weekend, will begun.
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