Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Today's KDD: Losing Sleep and friends, should one keep?

Its Wednesday, the 27 th of June,

We woke up 4 hours before noon

I am sitting here having coffee and yawning as I write, for me, this is the

Feelling okay , tired, and sneezing up a storm,

And of course, my PJ's and slippers are warn

Darrell has a headache, so he is just feelling alright,

We benefited from being able to stay up late last night,

Again, I am off work today,

And later, we will receive groceries from Safeway.

In addition to coffee, I made Darrell Pancakes with sausage on a stick, 3
of them, I did make,

A little over a minute in the microwave, they do take

Very good, they do taste, but, certainly not as delicious as French

And today, in the crockpot, will make a roast.

I am consuming coffee in a mug that I received from a friend,

Listening to the blend,

On the XM, and this message to you I send.

Yesterday afternoon , I red more of the book,"by the light of the Moon",
strange indeed,

Yet, I think, so far,it is a good reed.

this is always the case with Dean Koontz novels, unusual storylines and
your attention, he does keep,

So much so, that once you begin, you can't easily sleep.

I typically , lose track of what I had red,

If, I continue to read a novel while in bed,

I lost my place and will have to again,rewind,

It will not be difficult to find

And I will read more of the book today,

And, Hope you all have a wonderful day.,

We chatted with a friend last night her name is Jen,

And up passed 10.

And it was the last Main Menu show, Darrell and Jeff, are taking a

For 5 weeks, Yet, they will find new content for upcoming shows,,

And today, a KDD, I am surprised I can compose

Jen, will be moving back to Tucson we think this is great,

Now, that she is back in the state,

It will be much easier to get together best decision, she did make,

And, the shuttle, we can just take.

We all have been friends a long time ,Darrell has known her most of his

She was once his girlfriend, and I,as his wife,

I am fine with this, I am friends with her too

Yet, don't think many couples would, this is true.,,

Most couples, don't like their spouse having friends of the opposite sex,
wouldn't you agree?

But,, If your secure in your relationship and can trust your partner, I
think its wonderful you see

And why should one, lose friends, they have had, before, the pair met?,,
a few very close friends, are no longer in my life,

Because,of their girlfriends or wives,

And 3 Guys I can think of, we were very close, but, because of Jealousy,
we drifted apart,

Yet, I will always care about them, they will have a special place in my

I believe it is healthy to have separate friends and mutual friends too

Why should one, toss a friendship away, say, they are through?

Just because, they find someone?

To say, the friendship should end?

It really does depend,

If, the two can really just be friends,

And all involved get along,

Respect one another, then, its not wrong., ,

For some, people, think,it would not work, may do things out of spite,

And, honestly, this subject, I did not plan to write

Was not going to say anything,

And this dose, today,I do bring.

Well,its going on 10, so, should get on my way,

Back to work tomorrow, have things to do today.

Mostly housework, so not much more I will type,

And later today, tonight,we will have a computers group meeting, here on

Instead of going to the Starbucks in Phoenix,in person,

And,not sure what else to say, so, this KDD is done.

Take care, hope everything for you is alright,

And now, I have over 145 posts to my site,

This, I can not believe,

And hope you enjoy this dose, you receive?

Until then, my friend.

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