If anyone will kill you or me ,
Or our society as a whole,
Don't allow anyone to take your heart & soul,
& stop you from living your life,
we need to protect our home, Children ,husbands & wives,
we do not know from one day to the next, if we will be attacked on
our soil,
Thank goodness, The CIA & FBI,some of them, they do foil
So, It could be worse I suppose?
Weeks like this, keeps us on our toes,
& makes us think & reminisce,
What we could lose, & miss,
, about what is important & we attempt to understand the criminal's
what makes him/her so cruel & unkind,
heartless & pure evil,
What makes one kill?
& another not?
Why do some conspire & Plot?
To attack our Nation & another's land,
This, I do not quite understand.
Why do some become Hero's?
& others, the 10 Commandments they can't even follow?
What makes one use a bom , Gun or a mish Eddie,
We need to be vigilant, not be afraid, but ready,
Unfortunately,, this is how society is in this day & age,
So many filled with anger & rage,
Who chooses to use WMD's While others use bomb's instead,
hundred's or thousands of people dead,
Very high is the Fatality rate,
We all remember the date,
& shouldn't forget,
watch the news & surf the net,
WE need to hold on to those who are dear,
& not live in fear,
WE need to remember, our History & why we are at war,
& what the Troops are in Iraq for,
Sometimes, life seems way too intense,
&, we cannot make sense,
War & murder I intellectually do comprehend,
Just do not know, why not more of us, can't be friends,
Not foes ,
You know?
Do you wonder why, I am writing about this or the subject of time,
Or about this job of mine?
Would you like to know?
Perhaps,Because on this day 12 years ago,
It was the Oklahoma city Bombing & 8 years ,Columbine tomorrow,
I am sure, there are so many lives still filled withsorrow,,
& Millions still dealing with their grief,
Our life on this earth is very brief.
Some may have forgotten about these Events, get caught up in life
from day to day,
& from moment to moment,
& wonder where the time went.
yet, all of us are reminded again this week,
& answers we seek,
There was a Mass shooting on A college Campus, Virginia Teck, ON
Monday ,April 16,
This will not be the last,more I am sure, will be seen,
Schools will have to take more measures & precautions,
To hire more security Guards, & check for Weapons Knives & guns,
To make sure all children are safe & the property is secure,
So, nothing else like this does occur.
The Gunman was from South Korea not Japan or Grease,
Why , can't their be peace?
Thirty-two innocent lives were lost ,just the other day,
Do not know what to say,
Yet, their pain, I do feel,
Long it will take for the families & friends to heel,
This all seems so tragic & senseless,
& for awhile this story will be in the news
Police will find the clues ,
& solved will be the case soon indeed,
Closure all do need.
I find this a difficult subject & no more I can write
Sorry, alright?
Perhaps, I will reflect & Journal again,on this some day?
For now,it's a little too much,
My emotions, I am getting in touch
For another time,
Hope that is fine?.
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