Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today's KDD: Collapsed Bridge in Minneapolis and former, guides and pet's I miss

Its now, 2; 09,

And things were all fine,

Was almost done with the KDD,

And then, Jaws crashed you see,

Even though, I did save the document, I can not find it,

A part of me wants to quit,

And not even write one

Yet, I know, you all look forward to one being done,

Each day.

I was gone all morning, errands, I had to run,

And once this is over, packing for our trip will be done.

It's Thursday the second of August,

We were up late, yet got much rest.

We were watching the news, up late,

Wanting to get an update.

Of the tragic accident, of the Bridge Collapsing in Minneapolis

I am sure, none of you, have missed,

And this devastating incident that occurred yesterday,

Sixty cars fell off the bridge into the river, 40 feet below,

How frightening, you know?

From what I hear, 6 so far did die,

At times, like this we ask why?

Why do bad things happen to good people this way?

There is nothing, anyone can say?

If, they repaired the bridge two years ago,

Would this happen? Am sure, many questions are asked you know?

And this investigating will go on for a long time,

And hope your all well, doing fine?

I have a headache,

My morning was shot, much time, it did take,

Took Dougie to get a bath, over at Stacey's grooming shop,

And after, to CVS and Safeway we did stop.

It is called ScoobyDoos , cute name, for Groomers, don't you agree,

Stacey came over and picked Dougie and me up, and I sat with her while,

She and the others, bathed and groomed dogs, their fur they did style

It was very busy and is a noisy shop,

Have a dozen dogs, all barking, wish, they would stop,

Little ones and big ones too,

It took almost 2 hours before Dougie was through.

I thought, fun, I would have, but I did not, a headache, large one,

Big, in size,

And you all would be surprised,

I am afraid of most dogs, since I was 3,

Was attacked by our neighbor's dog you see.

We have had pets over the years,

Yet, they have not diminished the fear,

The phobia, I will run the other way,

Get scared sometimes, when dogs do play.

I loved our pets, Reilly, Finnigan, Fitzgerald, Zelda and Odell,

I loved all of them very well

Odell, we raised through the Seeing Eye,

And so a year later, we had to say good bye,

It was ironic, 15 years later; I'd need a guide, myself,

Changed my life and improved my mental health.

Yet Reilly was extra special, had him since 10,

And when,

I lost my sight; He became very protective and followed me around,

And love was also found,

in Topper, Chanel, and now, Dougie, my three Guides, they are very special

Not just for the job they do

Yet, that's quite important indeed

Hard to believe, that was so long ago,

They all except Dougie, passed away, love them all you know?

Anyway, being at the shop, was very intense,

Was an experience.

I don't think, I will do that again, there stay,

And should go, need to get on my way,

I need to pack, things to do, 5; 30 am, tomorrow is our flight,

And remember what I said, for 3 days, I will not be able to write.

Do take care and stay well okay?

Talk later, until then, have a great day,

And weekend,

My friend.

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