Thursday, August 02, 2007

KDD: Blind Surgeon, gone mad!

This KDD was actually written yesterday afternoon. It was inspired after a
discussion a few night's ago between Jeff, Darrell and I in which we all
were all were discussing blindness, independence and debating what types of
careers blind folks could competently do. So, this is what I wrote. Later
today, I will post another KDD and incorporate news of the Bridge that
collapsed in Minneapolis .

There, once was a blind man, who programmed a brain,
The man he operated on was not insane
Until the day of surgery,
A computer programmer , was doing brain analysis
And with the scalpel he did miss,
Made an incision in the wrong place,
Sliced his nose and another piece of his face.

Instead of mapping the left hemisphere, he did the right one,
Cut deep and blood began to run,
And down and drip,
As he incorporated the microchip,
As well as , he removed the frontal lobe, so, now, emotion, he does
In the process of doing the operation, knocked all the instruments
off the rack,
And had ordered himself a big Mac,
And then finished working away,
As he heard weird Al say." Like a surgeon, cutting for the very
first time"

A month later, the patient was back, and not responsive, did not say
Began to strangle the doctor, when he did touch,
Was much like Data, or worse Lair
Yet, the surgeon did not care,
He just gave an injection a shot in the arm,
He did not care, if he caused harm,
Inserted the " stuff" the mano Technology, and went on his merry
As he heard weird al say." Cutting for the first time"
As he sat and did dine,
Eating his hamburger he heard eat it and then beat it!
And sitting in the fridge,
As he grabbed, his cane and walked across the bridge,
home, and went to bed,
As Weird Al Said Mal practice case, your going to get
sued,sued,sued..... lol

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