When you were very small?
When you were young?
The songs you sung?
The games you did play the fun you had?
Do you remember, eating dinner every night with Mom and Dad?
Good times with Brother and Sis?
Those times, do you miss?
Do you remember, Mom being there at home taking care of you?
A homemaker, is what she did do,
She did not work outside the home, gone from 9 to 5,
There, when home from school, you did arrive?
Do you remember, not being a latchkey kid or not having to carry a
That Mom would make you a snack?,
Make dinner? Give you a bath?
Help you with homework? including your math??
Do you Remember, Mom would run you around from place to place?
Make cookies or brownies and the bowl she let you taste?
Do you Remember, Dad reading you a bedtime story? or having pillow fight's
with you and your Brother?,
Do you remember, Dad spending time with your Mother?
Do you remember, having a picnic in the park? Or going to the pool?
Recall Dad, also helping you with School?
Both parents being there?
Time, they did share?
Do you remember, playing board games, not Video?
Or having Relay races? Or playing in the snow?
Do you remember, playing statue, Hide and seek? or catching lightening
Do you remember when others made you laugh? Or the last time you had a
Do you remember, the last time, someone told you " they love you"and love
you unconditionally?
And accept you and are there, even when they are disappointed in you? Or
angry ?
Do not agree with your choices?or your view?
They are still there for you?
Do you remember, riding bikes? Or playing a game of Twenty-one?
Do you remember, the last time you had fun?
Do you remember, playing red light, green light?
And when your folks tucked you in at night?
Do you remember when they were there when you were sick?
Or sang to you? Or played music?
Do remember, the days before one parent worked outside of the house?
Do you remember not using a computer without a mouse?
Do you remember, getting fresh air? And climbing trees?
Rather, then sitting by a screen, striking the keys?
And playing a video game?
Do you recall your best friend's names?
From way back when? And remember something about he or she ?
Do you wish, that time, you could be?
Do you remember, when it was safe to stay home alone?
When, each house only had one telephone?
And only one television as well?
And telemarketers did not call your house with products to sell?
Do you remember, using a typewriter? Before accessing a computer with
Do you remember the fun times on the beach?
Do you remember, the days before cable TV?
Or VHS? or DVD?
Do you remember, the days, before a tv,needed a remote?
Or when, you would type a hand-written note?
Do you remember, when you call someone, you would not get a voice mail? Or
an Automated Menu?
Or fewer people would sue?
Over something like spilling Mc Donald's coffee on their lap while driving a
Or over a Brawl at a bar?
Do you remember, when, you received more mail and not as much junk?
When you were feisty and had spunk?
Do you recall, the days, before you did worry?
Do you recall, when, you were not in a hurry?
Do you remember the days, before Identity Theft? And Weapons of Mass
And recall, when, we did not have as much construction?
On the streets? On the Highway?
Do you remember the profound things one did say? The impact they had on your
The days before Missiles? Guns and box cutters, and knives?
Do you remember the simpler things, when, things did not seem so
complicated? , those times, do you recall?....
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