Wednesday, July 11, 2007

First KDD for today: More I Remember!...

Its Tuesday night, and I can't sleep,

Thoughts I do keep,

I am also cold, on is the A.C,

So, I am here, you see.

It's now the 11 o'clock hour,

And I took another shower,

Again, tonight,

Another KDD, I will post to my site,

And thought about the ideas I did jot to my blog,

The stream of consciousness, I did log.

Those things I wrote,

That little note,

Those things I do recall,

All of it, since I was small.

My first memories were at age 3, not many, but had a few,

How about you?

Do you remember too?

This train, I will continue riding,

And if you like, you, I am inviting,

Come! share, remember, do recall? Do reminisce,

If things you do miss,

Think about your Wonder years,

Yet, hope, they don't shed tears,

Bring smiles and Happiness,

And if you have some unresolved issues, hope they bring you rest

Peace and Harmony?

Writing, did it for me

It was life experience,

Things now make much more sense.

However, I'd like to share more memories,

Can I do this please?

If you don't want to finish reading this, go elsewhere,

Someone else will appreciate what I share.

I do remember before and after ten,

I do Remember When,

Playing with slinky's down the stairs,

With dolls and Bears

Playing with clay and silly puddy ,

Eating dirty and getting muddy,

With Etch sketch and light bright,

And my Parent's red me and my Sister's Nursery Rhymes at night,

And when, we got older, they still red to us,

And we had chores, had to vacuum and dust,

Our rooms,

Pick up our toys and use a broom

Do the dishes and once a month the basement and the garage too,

And could not play until those things were through,

Until the work was done,

Yet, we still had fun.

Remember, in the summer having ice-cream cones and running through

Drinks with stirs,

And Mac cheese,

Getting skinned knees,


But always trying,

Being shy and not having many friends at all in school,

Often feeling like the fool,

Did not at all like Junior High and High School was not much better

However, always loved writing letters,

And for many years, they I'd would handwrite,

That was when, I had high partial sight,

And when, that was gone, used the old typewriter, yet, longer they took,

At first, yet, still wrote a book

I do remember, I loved playing basketball,

And then and today, love the fall

Always loved reading mysteries,

And do remember, being stung by bees,

And did not care for the museum or the zoo,

How about you?

I remember, going through growing pains, and felt like I did not belong,

And for being punished when I did something wrong

I remember, how I loved Ballet and still love to dance,

And wish when, I was younger, more people gave me a chance,

That I could have experienced romance,

As a teen,

And Those classmates were so mean

should have been more respectful of each other, a hand, they could have

Be your friend.

However, this is a difficult time for most everyone,

You then, want to run?

May have had regrets for the things you had done?

I don't have any regrets, glad, things happened as they did,

Still have many fond memories as a kid,

Made it through adolescence and through much of adulthood,

Life is good,

Seems to get better as you get older, wiser but slower, it does go,

You know?

I remember, as a kid, an hour seemed like forever, that the time would not

That summer vacations went too fast

That we all were in a hurry to grow up and be on our own, that Mom and Dad
did not understand,

Life did not seem that great.

Do you remember, lying in the grass? or playing kick the can?

Do you remember what life was like when puberty began?

Do you remember when you first learned to read?

Or when you got the lead?

In the school play?

I remember the day,

When, auditioning for a role, in a school play,

That, I did not get the part,

Never felt very smart,

Yet, that did not stop me at all.

I played basketball,

And was in the choir, and in two musicals in High School,

Despite being cool.

I made it somehow, someway, most do,

You do what you can, to get through

I do remember, when, it cost only twenty cents to make a phone call,

When, most did their Christmas shopping at the mall,

Not on the net,

These Memories, I did not forget.

I do remember, having records and a TV with only 4 channels, nothing more,

And that it was much safer, for someone to knock-on your door,

That kids, could play outdoors,

Ride bikes, play with bucket and pails,

That, there was not a sight to save the whales,

That fewer people had credit cards, and made purchases with paper money

And that, people did not as often, become offended, and find humoring what
was, is, funny,

I do remember, the days before the term "road Rage, ", and before Terrorists

And I was small, when they came out with the big Mac,

I know I am dating myself, that is so unlike me, so much information, I
usually don't disclose,

Not sure why I am doing this? Who knows?

I remember, the days, when more couples stayed together,

And the blistery cold weather,

In Jersey, and other areas of the east,

And remember, Christmas's and Thanksgiving feasts.

I remember, when fewer couples did divorce,

And remember, Mr. Ed,The talking horse.

I remember, when, kids did not take Weapons of any kind to school,

But, remember, when people were cruel.

I remember, living in Canada, for two years, not in the states

And when, more people were kind, considerate, not filled with anger and

I remember, when, people did not cut you off, were not as rude, helped
their neighbors when, they needed it,

I remember, the hits,

From the 70's and 80's learned to dance to disco,

And to ski downhill in snow

I remember the days, before all these electronic gadgets like cell phones,
Cd players and blackberry's,

Saved us time, and made life a breeze,

I remember the days, before the internet, modems and e-mail,

Visiting neighbors, friends, family and sending snail mail.

I remember the days, before one could telecommute,

When,We used the term "boot", when referring to turning on our Computer, our

We spoke to a human voice and did not hear a recording and have to listen to
a message 3 minutes in length,

Some people, don't have Courage and strength,

To hang in there with their relationships, with their spouse, friend, or
family member,

Some people, don't remember,

Do you?

Do you remember life long ago?

Those Memories, don't let go,

If you can recall, it's your life, after all.

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