Thursday, April 19, 2007

Today's First KDD: Time

What is time, does it really fly
It is difficult to quantify ,
Not easy to measure,
But something we should treasure
& appreciate,
time is more then just the date ,
& measure of units in time & space
time, do some waste?
Being aware of time is important,
We always say, where, did the time, went,
Where, did it go?
&, think, as a child, it goes way too slow,
& now, as an adult, we comment, that it does fly ,

We should not procrastinate & wait till tomorrow or reflect too much
on the past,
make the hours & minutes last . (:
Our thoughts , we need to rearrange,
Time,it always does change,
Time, never stands still,
Do with it, what you will,
Time changes & our perception,
For everyone.
A day is the duration of time it takes for the earth to rotate all
the way around & there are 24 hours in a day & time is infinite,
Not finite,
& most asleep at night,
& work in the day,
& most of us, do not make enough " time" for play ,
& believe, we have a million things to do,& not enough hours,
do not stop to smell the flowers,
Life is very precious & I want to live forever this is true,
How about you?
I would like it to be fulfilling & satisfying
&, avoid the thoughtof death & dying,
&, though its not ideal,
it is the way I feel,
& know, it is inevitable,
no matter, your gender, race & Ethnicity,
it's the case for all, for you & me. (:
Yet, I know,we can not live forever on this earth, our time is limited,

Like a third of our time is spent sleeping in bed,
& time as they say is money, & we base time on our clocks ,
when, we wake, sleep, work & see e-mail in our box,
& we all have our own time line,
& compare ourselves to others, we are doing fine,
if, we stay in step , in pace & speed,
or move ahead in the lead,
if we move to slow & take too long,
then, according to society, something is wrong,
not at all right,
& we are stressed out & worried, we will be up all night.,

There is a song title " time in a bottle" , I love it,
For years, it has been a hit,
Like to hear it play,
Wish, time, wouldn't slip away.

I know,I often sit & Philosophize,
& some say, I often analyze,

& make others crazy , & inaccurate is my perception,
& why, this subject I do mention?,
Don't know ,
Just know, to fast time does go,
& does not always make sense,
&, I want my life to make a difference.

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