Saturday, April 21, 2007

KDD 1/10/07: TextPal

Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:25 AM

Subject: Text pal, A KDD about it! lol

Textpal,is something, I think I'd like to use,

to write my KDd's and write about the News,

or , My opinions about the Novels I do  read?

Except, directions, with functions and all,I do need.

It does stink,

Because, I can't find a link,

to Text Pal,

Developed by Ja Mal Not a Woman named Val,

or by Weird Al,

Yet, perhaps, he will  write a song about it,

and, it too, could be a hit,

Just like the AOL song,

Or   the One titled " when everything goes Wrong"

Or to the beat  " you got the right Stuff or " she drives like


Maybe, some site will have it, maybe too, in format Daisy? lolol

Maybe, in MP3?,

still, think,its cute, you see. Think,one could  write a Journal Program,

or to even send a telegram?,

or to   write the lyrics of a song?

hmm, for someone, that would not take long. Or  could be a tool  to

write a menu,

or a long list of things to do?

Or  recipes, you want too cook?,

or a list of  favorite books?

or, research on a Cruise,

or where to buy, the coolest shoes?

I  do not care about shoes  but, do about Slippers,

and, cute,is  flipper.,

One can use it, to track, calories burned,

and wonder,if text Pal, could be easily learned?

Or  write the steps of a favorite dance,

or letters of   Romance,

Love notes, to ones Spouse,

for those of us, who don't use the  mouse, and access information, by the

Keyboard Instead,

and write pillow talk, after B and B in bed. lollol

What about  keepping track of one's budget and Financial Reports?

or is this better in excell?

Is this  program,not very good for this,  does not work well?

Or would be better,Quicken Or Money Talks?

to  write down, songs for the  play list,ones that rocks?,

Who cares about stocks

don't have to worry about cleaning socks.

I guess Text Pal can be used to edit anything?

can it, be programmed, to make your telephone ring?, Or clean your House? or make Children behave?

Would, it automatically save?

any document and file?

could it be utilized to write E-mail to Dial?

Nah some of  this, I know,  can't be done,

But, wouldn't it be cool, would be fun?

Wouldn't it be cool, if it could track how  far  one did walk?,

or be able  to change the voices, and get it, to talk

I know this too , can't be used by this tool, Yet, it too, would be cool.

Well, That's all I have  to say,

Hope your enjoying your day.

as well,?

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