Sunday, May 02, 2010

Day 8: Solo,Visit with friend and Coming home Video

Today is May 2,almost 9  here on this Sunday.
We just finished Breakfast and I must say,it was one of the best I had here. it was scrambled eggs,bacon,English muffin.  I asked if they wouldn't mind melting cheese on the muffin so I could make a  sandwich.  They did and I had two.  I know it was a lot but it was scrumptious.
Also,I really don't like ham nor want sweet potatoes for lunch. I am not a fan of Mexican and that is what they will be serving for dinner so for both lunch and dinner will have the salad plate.
Anyway,quiet here. Think most are in their rooms and a few went to Church.  The dogs can't go since we only had them a week. 
Right now,its 72  degrees and overcast.we are expected thunderstorms today and showers again tomorrow.  86 for the high and low will be 63. its warmer here than in Phoenix,that is crazy,only 83 for the high in  Phoenix today.
Yesterday it was 20 degrees warmer than at home and of course the humidity is higher
 Okay,enough of  a weather report , I will give you an update on my day here,that's the  point of this post anyway's.:) lol. 
Yesterday morning(Saturday,May 1)  we had our  solo's on South Street.   The day before I was fine,felt like I knew the route.
However,not the case yesterday morning.  I wanted breakfast to be over and get the show   on the road.  I was really hoping Leeann and I would be able to go first but  were the second team  in our class to do the solo.
I was very nervous.  I know its not an exam but it feels like one to me.  I have  test anxiety and my memory fails me when I get anxious. I am also a perfectionist,not in all aspects of my life thank goodness,but in  some areas I am . I wish it weren't true but it is. 
Needless-to-say,I am very hard on myself,my worse critic.  I also second guess myself and  don't trust myself as  much  as I should. 
In regards to yesterday's solo,I felt like if I made more than one mistake,that I failed  that it  wasn't a successful trip. 
I can handle stress and pressure at work but this  was different.  if I feel like I am being tested,then I get anxious.
I was fortunate to remember  the street names and  I made no major mistakes.  I didn't get lost,trip or  fall but I made errors. Joyce made a couple minor ones and  I made a few. 
I mostly  didn't stop far enough at the down curb and thought I was aligned right at a  couple intersections but that was about it.   So,if it weren't for Leeann and  definitely if I hadn't had Joyce,I would have made a diagonal crossing. 
Joyce walked me into the flag that was strategically placed on  the route as well as my arm hit one of the poles   .
I did correct her and we  reworked those spots and she cleared me. So,she obviously was paying attention and wanted to please. 
There was a lot less traffic and the streets less crowded.
Other students were completing their solos  also.
 some students made mea more nervous and were distracting me.  They were  constantly talking to their dogs,projecting their voice and  walking so fast,thought they would  plow  us down. 
None of this helped matters so  between all of this and it being wicked hot,,90 degrees,I was sweating and  anxious by the time we returned to the training lounge.  I was so glad it was over!
Kristin was pleased how we did,thought we did great! I  give it a C or a D .  maybe,probably shouldn't give it any grade..
The  point of the solo is to see how well  we work as a dog Guide team,if the dog can guide,if we can follow the dog's lead,communicate,trust him other her and get to our destinations.  We did that,so,guess,it was successful??
After I got back from doing the solo and was sitting in the lounge,Jeff and ken were trying to make me feel better.  Jeff told me not  to" sweat the small stuff!". That,I need to do.
he Also made me laugh.   laughter is the best medicine.  Leeann stopped by my room later and  wanted to see if I was alright and lend support.  I appreciate her and the others caring and   supporting me. 
Soon after we returned to Campus,Kristin took us on the leisure path. it was bloody hot and I was glad to be back inside.
Since I was wicked tired/hot,I didn't feel like much for lunch.
So,I didn't have the steak ,just had a  salad,a couple glasses of water and lemonade.
once lunch was over,I went and took a shower.  I wanted to take a nap,like many but  I was having company later in the afternoon.
Visiting hours are from 2 to 4 on the weekends.  My friend Mary Anne came to visit.  She is more like Family,known  her since High School.
We had a great visit,so nice to see her. It was way too short.!
We got caught up on what was happening in each other's lives,reminisced about old times,played with Joyce,talked about  training and more.
She is very much interested in becoming a  trainer here at the Seeing Eye.  She took some information with her before she left.  I hope she applies,she would make a good instructor. 
After she left,it was feed/park time,then dinner.
Dinner wasn't very good.  Pizza for the hot plate and salad for the alternative. 
 At 6;30 we had a meeting.  I wish they had it Friday night. it didn't feel like time off. I much rather they had the meeting Friday night so we could have been off from noon Saturday till Monday morning park time. 
The meeting wasn't very worthwhile,at least for me,for us retrains.  They showed the  "Welcome home "Video.   I have seen this many times. Its a very good video for newbie's and family,friends and co-workers but not for us retrains,JMO.  lol
 later, listened to internet radio.  Jeff called into the station ( described  the training,what it was like here at the Seeing Eye)
I continued to listen.  I actually fell  asleep to Jonathon playing Journey and other great tunes. 
I woke later,to some other DJ playing tunes at  midnight and chatted with Darrell for an hour on the  phone.
That's about it for day 8.  Will compose a post for day 9 later  since nothing much has gone on.
I still have to groom Joyce and later today Kristin will give our class Puppy info.  I am really looking forward to all that.
That post will likely be very short,unlike the last few.   I am not doing much of anything today! That feels great,doing nothing!
Kristin,just stopped by my room.  she wanted to do an evaluation ,see how I  feel about the match and so on.  I toldher  I am pleased with the match,think Joyce matches my pace and  pull and that we work well together.  It will take time to  really work well as a  team but that will come.
Kristin can see that I  trust Joyce,that i just need to trust myself  .   That's for now.  Take care ,keep reading and I will send the next post soon.  Have a great day.

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