Monday, June 29, 2009

MountainWings: The Curious Case

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#9177 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

The Curious Case

I watched the movie, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons."

The movie was about a man who was born old. As an infant, he
was wrinkled and crippled with old age, bad eyesight and many
other physical infirmities that often accompany old age.

As he got older, he got younger until he physically and
mentally went back to childhood. He lived life beginning with
the body of a 90-year-old man. He started with the pain and
fragility of very advanced age.

Benjamin Buttons went from a wheelchair to crutches, from
crutches to a cane and from a cane to walking normally.

The movie made me think.

Suppose we could live backwards?

Would we appreciate the health that we now have much better?
Would we not take for granted that we can walk briskly?
That we can climb stairs?
That we can see and read?
That we can sexually function?

Would we not take for granted many of the privileges and
abilities of 19, 29, 39, 49 and 59 versus 89?

Do we have to lose it before we can fully appreciate it?

Sometimes we humans are curious cases.

~A MountainWings Original~

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