Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today's KDD: Not land of Confusion but, perhaps, site of confusion? ??

It's now October 12, shortly after the midnight hour

After I posted the lastKDd, I took a shower,

Now, having hot tea, and here I am again, I should be heading to bed,

Darrell, my Kdd, he just red,

Likes it, but says, he often has to change gears,

And most of it made him laugh, a little sad, but shed no tears,

At least, he did not say,

And will do more housework today,

Before work tomorrow I go,

And it's brisk, but certainly not cold enough to snow.

Darrell said, my KDd's many are good and sometimes cute, but, thinks most
will get lost and may not read to the end?,

Are complicated and can't always comprehend?

Unless, your family or a close friend?

Perhaps, this is true,

But, frankly, writing a KDD,is not easy to do,

You try! attempt to create,

To compose something, that is poetic, interesting, informative, funny and
makes it great

I do my best to stay consistent, stay on subject, for the train not to

But, guess, this job, I often do fail.?

Many visit my site,

And appreciate what I write,

I seldom get feedback, comments or suggestions, on how I can improve my
style and technique

Guidance, I do seek

I would very much appreciate any help, from you writers out there,

Tips, and constructive feed back, please do share.

Hope most of you are not often lost and confused? If so, do say

And some things, I left unsaid, for another day

Could not disclose and talk about it then, earlier tonight

Probably, another day, it, I will write.

It was about Jascinda's situation, yet, I was beginning to cry

And this entire thing, makes me upset, that is why.

Some medical staff and others, don't have her best interst at heart

Then, suddenly when they find out she is losing vision , wants to review
her chart

Yet,not prior,

And looked at what has transpired.

there is more to the story, then I am ready to reveal, here to disclose

And how does one compose

A masterpiece that is both a journal entry and a poem and make it Eloquent?

Make sense?, and with not much time spent??

It's now 12;30,

And this dose will not be half as wordy

I am heading to bed soon don't want to sleep the day away,

Take good care and have a great day.

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