Monday, October 27, 2008

Nethug Message: Gently with the Flow

If the sky above seems cloudy,
And you are left out in the rain,
If you are searching for a rainbow,
But the colors bring you pain,

If your world is not revolving,
And there is no end in sight,
If you are looking for the sunshine,
But all you see is night,

If all around are smiling,
But all you can do is frown,
If you are tired of all this living,
When life just brings you down,

Then look beyond your teardrops,
At the wonders of this land,
The beauty of a flower,
Like velvet in your hand.

Feel the air around you,
The smell of new mown hay,
Laughing children in the park,
The innocence there at play,

Imagine floating with a butterfly,
As she flutters between the trees,
Or the whispers of the ocean,
On warm hot summer's breeze,

Think of the taste of candy floss,
As it melts upon your tongue,
Or the melody of morning birds,
As they greet each day with song,

Remember words of beauty,
Told in your mother's embrace,
Feel the gentleness of her touch,
As she softly kissed your face,

Seek the good within you,
Cast the clouds from your sky,
Don't look toward the pavement,
But hold your head up high,

Think not what life owes you,
But of all you have to give,
Forget about tomorrow,
Then you can start to live.

So bless this age you are living in,
With the gifts you can bestow,
Don't disregard the stream of life,
Go gently with the flow.

Author Unknown - Submitted By: Kelly L.

Music Sequence By: © Author Unknown

Saturday, October 25, 2008

today's Kdd: Sometimes I don't know Jack!,O' Lanterns

Its Saturday October 25, at 8; 33,

I am here again, to write a Kdd,

I know, I am beginning to establish a pattern: these are more weekly doses
then daily ones

And I don't know who played tonight the Suns?

Actually, The Sun Devils, the Football team of ASU?

And what is new?

I do know also there is a Wild Cats Game tonight, there of the U of A,

And I would really like to compose a dose every day

It's just not a conducive environment at work anymore, since, my employer
incorporated new policies, and rules last year,

So, can't write, till I am here,

At home, and by the end of the day, I am wicked tired,

Not very inspired

To create,

And hope your doing great?

In my last dose, I told you about the changes at work, what is happening,

And soon, it will be Halloween

Are you into trick or treat? Or scaring your friends and family?

And next weekend, in Denver we will be.

I use to like wearing a costume, could be someone else, not me, myself
and I,

And Friday Morning we do fly,

Do leave for our Trip, be back on November Third

And have you heard,

The largest Pumpkin weighs, 1,689 pounds?,

And my favorite candy bar, is not a mounds,

But a Hershey milk Chocolate with almonds, second a recess peanut
butter cup, not a Twix

And your pumpkin, did you pick?

We don't have one,

For me, that isn't at all fun

I don't like scooping out all the goop and I am not a artist, can't do it

But, my friends, I like to fright! Lol

They say, I'd make a good extra in a horror movie that I have a piercing

And as I said, at work, we will have a new team,

Of managers in Housekeeping, don't know who my new boss will be,

Soon, we shall see.

Janelle's last hours are tonight she has about 2 hours to go,

And Claudia's is Thursday, they will have a party, it, I will not go.

For reasons, here, I can't explain,

And my job, glad,it,I still do retain,

For some reason, they decided, I needed 90 days of probation though,
nothing, I did, was that bad,

And is as to why, an awful year I had.

I did not do anything criminal, I did not steal or embezzle money,

Yet, they say, I poorly performed my job, so, many days were not sunny,

Despite the fact, that I was not unprofessional, rude and disrespectful
to our guest,

And each and every day, I always did my best,

But occasionally made a mistake or did not complete a task in their time

And though, I basically have done things the same,

As I had in the past, they say, now, I am doing well,

Fantastic and would like me to stay at the hotel,

It was not always the case, those, days I would like to erase

And things have improved in the work place

And in a week, the virtual bars of my jail cell will be open,unlocked,I am
soon free,

And that will be a day to celebrate for me

It will be Halloween, October Thirty-one

The documented Incident's, weekly progress reports, it will all be over, I
am done

No more I can say, maybe, should not have said anything at all

Not sure what we will do in Denver?, but we will be staying close to the
16 TH Street Mall

I believe in the 10 Commandments: Each,

And to our children, we should teach

All ten !, values as well, a better world we would live in,

Though, their would still be some, who will commit a sin,

And there are some real evil folks: like Bin Laden, Hussein,Hitler and

Society is diteriatting ,, we are falling

We all need to recognize what is most important, Family and Education,
not money,

And to have a sense of humor, appreciate the things that are funny.

Will you vote on November 4? We will be voting on Thursday, the 30TH ,in
the afternoon

So, should go soon,,

Its almost 10 o'clock,

And ASU is a mile down our block,

Hear fireworks, hate the noise, the sound,does that seem unusual to you?

And at work, again, a Pumpkin contest they will do,

I have no clue,

Nor really care what we will do,in our department if one we will even

And its getting late,

So, I should get on my way,

Have a good night or good day,

Some links about Halloween I will send,

Take care my friend.

Nethug Message: WE may not always realize

We may not always realize
That every thing we do,
Affects not only our lives
But touches others, too!

For a little bit of thoughtfulness
That shows someone you care,
Creates a ray of sunshine
For both of you to share.

Yes, every time you offer
Someone a helping hand ...
Every time you show a friend
You care and understand ...

Every time you have
A kind and gentle word to give ...
You help someone find beauty
In this precious life we live.

For happiness brings happiness
And loving ways bring love;
And Giving is the treasure
That contentment is made of.

Written By: Author Unknown
Submitted By: Janet E.

Thank you for all the love
you have shown me...

Music: Author Unknown

Nethug Message: Today I smile

Today I smiled, and all at once
Things didn't look so bad.
Today I shared with someone else,
A little bit of hope I had.

Today I sang a little song,
And felt my heart grow light.
I walked a happy little mile,
With not a cloud in sight.

Today I worked with what I had,
And longed for nothing more,
And what had seemed like only weeds,
Were flowers at my door.

Today I loved a little more,
And complained a little less.
And in the giving of myself,
I forgot my weariness.

Written By: Author Unknown

Wishing You Many Smiles
Today and Everyday!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Today's KDD: Trip to Denver,not feeling great and update about work

It is Sunday October 19, at 12; 32,

How are things with you?

Again, it has been about a week, since I have written, sent a Kdd,

Will give you an update and tell you what is happening for Darrell and me.

I was going to begin the dose earlier today, but woke up with a sore
throat, wonder if I am getting the flu?

And lately, I have had lots of work to do.

We are finally done with the guest room Renovation as you know,

And in two weeks, Darrell and I will go to Denver, maybe, it will snow?

We will be visiting a couple friends, one of whom we never met,

Only have chatted with her, on the phone and the net.

Her name is Millica, In English it would be Melissa, and she is about 21,

Is from macedonia, it will be fun,

We will see our very good friend Tina as well,

And we will be staying at one of the Hyatt Hotel's,

Downtown Denver near the Convention Center and the 16 Th Street Mall,

Hope we will have a ball?

It will be Halloween weekend, we will return home on November three ,

Millica is in the U.S for an International Journalism Internship and it was
recommended she attend the CCB,

Soon after she arrived in Dc,

Where she was going to work this fall, but will do that in the spring

And finished the book, "Pandora's Daughter", like what I had red.

The next Novel I will read will be "Terminal Experiment"

And fast this month went,

How quickly the time does pass

And great Darrell is doing in his class,

A's in All three, and its already time to choose courses for next Semester,
can you believe?

And two managers at work will soon leave.

Is it true, you have to change gears when reading my Kdd's? Hope that is
not the case?

Yet, probably so?

I will work on this okay? Would like you to know

Yes, as I said, two managers will be leaving; some will be giving them a
send off,

And, I hope I don't get a cough,

I am sneezing, sore throat and tired, my body is aching,

And time I am taking,

To rest this weekend

And last weekend, we did not spend With Jeff and Keri, due to the bad
news he received about his Guide Dog Jascinda,and the decision he made to retire her,

Who knows when we will see them next? Not sure.

Anyway, my Boss Claudia will be moving to Seattle Washington State,

Her last day is October 31; think, that is the date,

She got a promotion, at another Hotel

I will wish her well,

However, I am unable to express, how I truly feel about it all, what
happened this time last year, and all the incidents that arose

For weeks, nothing I could compose,

Even now, not much, I can write,

What happened to me, then, was not right

I know most of you don't understand?? Feel like something you do miss?

Sorry about this

The Gravity of the situation, I can't convey

What can I say?

Just don't know, who visits my site, surfs the net,

I later, wouldn't want to have any regrets

It could affect my career,

So, it would be best, if I don't go in detail here.

Most of us found this out, this past week, and news I also received tonight,

An E-mail, from one of the housekeeping Assistant managers, Jenelle

She too, will be leaving the hotel,

Her last day,

Is a week from today,

Staff are always coming and going in this corporation, frequently managers
getting promotions

Some travel across oceans,

While others just transfer a few states away,

Wonder if that will be me some day?

Well, its 2 o'clock in the morning and I should get to bed,

Hope this dose you were able to comprehend? And enjoy what you red?

I know, it's not my best work, but as stated, not feeling great

And it's very late,

But we both relaxed today, and a nap we did take,

So, now, wide awake lol,

Just wanted to send you a Dose your way,

Take care, stay well and have a fantastic day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nethug Message: All that Really Matters

All That Really Matters

Life is too short for grievances,
For quarrels and for tears,
What's the use of wasting
Precious days and precious tears.

If there's something to forgive,
Forgive without delay
Maybe you too, were part to blame,
So make it up today.

Be generous, forget the past
And take the broader view,
Cast away all bitterness and
Let the sunshine through.

If it's within your power
A broken heart to mend,

Love is all that really
matters in the end.

Submitted By: Author Unknown

Please pass this on to 10 people.

Mountain Wings: Six the Hard Way

Six The Hard Way

I was on my usual run. The mercury hovered above 90 degrees.
It was hot.

Sweat poured into my face stinging my eyes as my feet pounded
the pavement in a steady rhythm. I saw a man standing in a
doorway and then heard a shout,

"That will either kill you or make you strong!"

It was a MountainWings Moment.

Both halves of the statement were true.

Such heat combined with the exertion could surely kill you.
It's always an elevated risk exercising in extreme temperatures.

I waved and kept moving. Heat kills a few but inactivity kills
a thousand times more. His statement applied to more than just
running in the heat. It applies to all tough situations.

When tough things come, it will either strengthen you or break
you down. It will make you better or bitter. It will make you
an over comer or overwhelm you.

Tough things can kill.
They kill the spirit, hopes, dreams, visions and even desire.
Excessive pressure can make you explode
or make you learn new ways to constructively vent.

Spirit is very much like the physical; you can't build muscle
without weight or put another way,
"Smooth seas never make good sailors."

Heat, pressure, weight on your shoulders, and the constant
demands of life can make you strong. They build your faith.

After six miles, I finished my run, exhausted but feeling
better. I went inside, showered, and took a nap.

I ran hard for the six and then rested.

There are keys to improving your odds that the pressure makes
you stronger.

Run hard for the six then rest, is one of those keys.

~A MountainWings Original~

Click for Spoken Version >
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Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Petwarmers: Explaining Economics to Dogs and Cats lol

by Jackie Gregg

So, I'm in the kitchen.
All four dogs are in the kitchen with me. It's morning and that
means it's time for cookies. The dogs all know this and they do not
let it slip my mind. Ever.
All four furry dog butts are planted on the tiled floor in a
row. All four tails going back and forth like they are competing in
a synchronized tail wagging contest. Their expectant looks always
make me smile.
But, this morning, they are getting a little lecture with their
"Listen, my doggies," I begin carefully, "The whole country is
experiencing financial problems and we're going to have to tighten
our belts around here. Do you know what that means?"
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag.
"Well, it means that instead of each of you getting four cookies
in the morning, you will only be getting three."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Cookies, cookies! She said cookies, right?
"We must make every penny count for two for a while so we're
going to have to cut back on a lot of extras."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Extra, extra! She said extra cookies,
"So now, that box of doggie treats has to last for a whooole
month instead of three weeks."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Oh, yeah!! Doggie treats! When she
says doggie treats, she means cookies!! And we love cookies!! Wag,
wag, wag, wag, wag.
"We're going to have to cut way back on the smoked pigs ears, too."
WAG, WAG, WAG, WAG, WAG. She said smoked pigs ears, didn't
she? Yep. She said it. We're dogs... we have good hearing.
"So, from now on, you're only gonna get smoked pigs ears every
other month or so, okay?"
WAG, WAG, WAG, WAG, WAG. Did you hear that? We're getting pigs
ears! Woo Hoo!!
"We're all making sacrifices now," I say as I dig into the dog
treat box and come up with four square tidbits. A brown one for
Timm, a yellow one for Violet and whatever is left for Raisin and
Batdawg because they aren't the fussy ones.
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Okay, we're
ready for round two of cookie time!
"Like not having flavored cream in my coffee every morning," I
say, letting them know they aren't the only ones having to make
changes as I pass out the treats. "It's back to plain milk for me."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Okay, none of
us peed in the hallway last night so pay up, lady! Round three!
"And no more pricey paper towels to clean up the messes you dogs
make!" I admonish tenderly, "We're using the cheap store brand now."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Round four, please!
"It won't be so bad," I say, looking at their eager faces.
"There'll always be plenty of regular dog food. It's just the treats
we're cutting back on."
Wag, wag, wag, wag, wag. Where's round four, lady? Huh? Hey!
Excuse us, but aren't you forgetting something? Like round four of
cookie time?
"Sorry, guys, but that's it for today," I say and show them my
empty palms. That's the signal that treat time is over. They looked
at one another and I swear I could see the confusion on their faces.
Then Raisin heaves one of her big dog sighs and turns to leave. The
rest of the dogs follow her into the living room and soon they are
all stretched out in their favorite spots because right after cookie
time, nap time is next on their daily agenda.
Smith, the cat, purrs into the kitchen then and butts his head
against my shins. That's his way of reminding me that his food dish
is empty and he would like his half a can of tender slices in real
beef gravy and ONLY tender slices in real beef gravy and not some
other flavor, or some other brand, if you don't mind. And even if
you do mind, it had better be exactly what I want or I will throw it
up on the sofa, and we don't want that mess again, now do we, lady?
He sits primly in front of me, wrapping his tail around to cover
his front paws. He blinks at me a few times and then yawns.
"Smith, old buddy," I begin gently, "I have some news for you.
Times are tough right now, the old pocket book has taken a direct
hit, so we're gonna have to tighten our belts a little. Do you know
what that means?"
He blinks again. Yeah, I know what that means. That means you
and the dogs are gonna have to make a few cutbacks. Now, where's my
half a can of tender slices in real beef gravy?

-- Jackie Gregg <flowerdchild at>

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mountain Wings: Where the Past meets Today

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#8384 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Where The Past Meets Today

Recently, I was laid off my job...they came and took my company
car and my laptop computer.

So I am using my wife's computer to check e-mail.

Well, since it's her computer, I did not have MountainWings
e-mails arriving automatically. So, I was logging onto your
website to get my daily nourishment. I quickly noticed that
when you click on "Today's Issue," it takes you to the following

In order to save time, I started just typing in on the address bar and
going straight to the daily message.

In doing this, I noticed something very interesting. In order
to get the message for "today," you have to use the "past."
I know that probably just has something to do with how you
organize your messages and the fact the web address
".../past/today.htm" is just the way it works.

Still, I know there is a MountainWings moment in there
somewhere. Some of us in our day-to-day lives won't live our
TODAY without remembering our PAST.

The fact is we don't have to remember the negative things of
our past and allow those things to hold us back. So many
people, including myself, allow the past to affect today.
There is no need to do that because every day is a new day.

As I was typing this, I took a second to go ahead and add to my Internet Explorer
favorites. Now, I can quickly go to today's message without
typing the ".../past/today.htm" web address. By the click of a
button, I go straight to TODAY'S message, and it's almost like
the PAST (in the web address) is not even there. It's not even
remembered when I go to TODAY'S message this way.

It reminds me of how God works with us. When we go and
confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just and will
forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness
(just read 1 John 1:9 in His word).

So the MountainWings Moment must be that there is absolutely no
reason we cannot live our lives to the fullest. Nothing,
absolutely nothing from our past should hold us back. Our past
is just that. It's in our past. If we follow the verse above,
He is faithful to give us a fresh start.

Now, that's a MountainWings moment.


~A MountainWings Original by Ryan Henderson, Lawrenceville, GA~

From The Mountain:
Mr. Henderson is absolutely correct. But if you skip the past
and simply type you will still
go to TODAY's issue. You wouldn't know that unless you tried it
and on most webpages leaving out a word wouldn't work. We did
design it that way; to work without remembering the past.

The past is still there, but you don't have to go through it
each day to live today to the fullest.

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Today's KDD: Not land of Confusion but, perhaps, site of confusion? ??

It's now October 12, shortly after the midnight hour

After I posted the lastKDd, I took a shower,

Now, having hot tea, and here I am again, I should be heading to bed,

Darrell, my Kdd, he just red,

Likes it, but says, he often has to change gears,

And most of it made him laugh, a little sad, but shed no tears,

At least, he did not say,

And will do more housework today,

Before work tomorrow I go,

And it's brisk, but certainly not cold enough to snow.

Darrell said, my KDd's many are good and sometimes cute, but, thinks most
will get lost and may not read to the end?,

Are complicated and can't always comprehend?

Unless, your family or a close friend?

Perhaps, this is true,

But, frankly, writing a KDD,is not easy to do,

You try! attempt to create,

To compose something, that is poetic, interesting, informative, funny and
makes it great

I do my best to stay consistent, stay on subject, for the train not to

But, guess, this job, I often do fail.?

Many visit my site,

And appreciate what I write,

I seldom get feedback, comments or suggestions, on how I can improve my
style and technique

Guidance, I do seek

I would very much appreciate any help, from you writers out there,

Tips, and constructive feed back, please do share.

Hope most of you are not often lost and confused? If so, do say

And some things, I left unsaid, for another day

Could not disclose and talk about it then, earlier tonight

Probably, another day, it, I will write.

It was about Jascinda's situation, yet, I was beginning to cry

And this entire thing, makes me upset, that is why.

Some medical staff and others, don't have her best interst at heart

Then, suddenly when they find out she is losing vision , wants to review
her chart

Yet,not prior,

And looked at what has transpired.

there is more to the story, then I am ready to reveal, here to disclose

And how does one compose

A masterpiece that is both a journal entry and a poem and make it Eloquent?

Make sense?, and with not much time spent??

It's now 12;30,

And this dose will not be half as wordy

I am heading to bed soon don't want to sleep the day away,

Take good care and have a great day.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Today's KDD: Jascinda Pup,Rennovation complete and Endless Shrimp

It's Saturday afternoon at 3; 37,

And today is October Eleven,

It has been over a week since I have written; 11 days have flown by,

Been a difficult week, had headaches, long hours at work, and got some news
that made me cry.

I will attempt to stay on task and not switch topics, in mid thought,

And today is not hot,

It is 71 degrees, from what we are told,

And finally, the Guest rooms are complete today every room will be sold,

For the next 3 weeks, all will be working, doing overtime, including me,

So, now, is a great time to compose a Kdd.

I am not at the office taking calls, phones are not ringing,

So, a dose to you I am able to be bringing

And have no migraines, none at all, and the pain in my arm is diminished,

And Darrell and I will go to Red Lobster, when this is finished,

Hopefully, I wil complete this in 30 minutes? I need to get ready for our

So, maybe, this will have to wait?

Before, it can be posted to my blog? to my site?

If not before dinner, will be later tonight.

As stated, the Guest rooms are finally renovated,

And I am sure, the Guests are elated?

They will not have to hear all the noise, deal with construction, hear all
the power tools,

Maybe, its only quiet out by the pools,

The Spa, or off the property,

And for us employees happy we will be,

Don't have to hear all that racquet, clatter,

And some of the shrimp we wil get will be dipped in batter.

We were running the regular operations, serving our guests,

Yet also, renovating the guest's rooms and one ballroom, coordinating it
all, so, it wouldn't affect their rest,

Their sleep as much as we could,

However, the environment for some, was never good,

Not conducive to stay,

Whether you're at work or play

Its human nature, can't please everyone, someone wil be disappointed and

And later in this dose, you will fine out why I cried,

What made me sad?

And understand what kind of week I had,

Why a KDD, I did not send,

And how are you, my friend?

This Guest room renovation began in April, that long ago,

And this weather is beautiful, sunny, and the wind does blow.

I also said, I had migraines this week, more then one

So, it wasn't at all fun,

I am glad I can't see, when, I have a migraine,

Because, hurts my brain,

And I can't think, don't like to hear any clamber

And feels as if someone is hitting me with a hammer

And I need quiet, icepack and rest,

And often, nothing I want to digest,

To eat,

Noone I want to chat with, go out and meet

Want time for my self, be alone,

Not be on the computer, watch TV or be on the phone

Those of you who do not suffer from them, don't know what it is like, can't

And have all of you watched the Debates?

Twenty Four days till the Election, Darrell and I will try to vote ahead of

And soon, we will leave to go dine,

I know me. I knew, I wouldn't be done with this dose of mine. lol

That, it wouldn't be completed in time,

Since, I have much to say, I have only just begun

A few subjects, not just one,

, I want to mention since, it has been over a week, and the creativity has
been stirred

In my mind, want to tell you what has occurred,

Has transpired,

Now, under the wire,

Need to get in gear, get ready to go have our dinner date,

Will not be back late,

In a few hours, after 8 or so, this I will resume, I will

And shrimp, we will get our fill,

Take care and I will be back! For you all it may be one session?

And what do you think, about this Recession?

About what happened yesterday? On Wall Street? The Stock Market did
basically crash

And, perhaps, we will have potatoes mashed?

Definitely shrimp, in variations

And do you watch the news stations

Like Fox or CNN? On cable?

And the Economy is not at all stable,

Not at all secure, safe and sound,

And I am sure, we both will eat more then a pound?

Of shrimp? Probably so?

And very soon, we will go

Our ride will be hear, in a few,

And not sure when this will be through. Lol

Comment To my posts, if you wish to O pine,

The length of your comment does not matter, or the subject, it all will be

Just don't send me spam, and it does not necessarily have to be pithy,

Just write,

If you want. and have something to say,

And hope well, is going your day?

We are starving,

And soon, many of us will be carving,

A turkey or a ham, and noshing on a lot of yummy stuff, spending time with
family and friends, enjoying our time together, on the Holiday,

At Thanksgiving time, giving thanks,

And bankrupt are many of the Banks,

Yet, I suppose, the government does have to bail,

And our ride is here to take us to Scottsdale

The restaurant is halfway between home and work,

And I wonder how many do lurk?

And just visit my site and don't say a word? probably most? Or almost all?

And it is definitely fall.

At 8 o'clock, its 67, low 51 tonight

And already 3 pages I did write.

I can see this is going to be several pages, before it's done?

And tomorrow the high will be79 and the low 51.

So, we had a great time at Red Lobster, we ate all we can eat,

Had lots of shrimp, and nothing sweet,

The shrimp came with two sides and shrimp, was prepared in variations4,
not just 2,

And we were full when we were through.

We both began with a large pineacalada and biscuits tasty and hot,

And soon our entrees they bought,

Had a Cesar salad and Darrell soup, Potatoes with bacon

And when we finished that, it was taken,

And we then were served our shrimp, Darrell had double fried,

And two I wanted to try, I had one Alfredo shrimp and the other coconut,

I Had baked potato and fries Darrell did get.

We ordered more coconut shrimp , and took it to go,

Couldn't eat anymore you know?

We were full, not quite stuffed to the gills, but almost bloated like a fish

And enormous was our dish,

It was more like a platter about 4 or 5 times the size that it should be,

It was certainly enough for Darrell and me

There was a large party, who arrived after us, while, we were still sitting

And the manager, information he did share

With their group, the menu items and the promotion they had awhile back,

Their was a customer, shrimp they did attack,

Guess, this man ate 370 shrimp scampi from what the manager did say,

Wondered if he did not eat for an day,

Or more? Wow, that would make me ill

After a couple dozen, I had my fill.

Now,its 9;08,

And, another reason as to why I wasn't doing that great

Some bad news we did receive, from our Very close and dear friend Jeff,
about his Jascinda, his dog from the Seeing Eye

I was not really surprised, yet, it did make me upset and cry

Jascinda has been ill for awhile, for the last few months or so,

Often, to the vet, she did go,

Maybe, July?, orAugust? Not sure when? She was having problems they were not
sure what was the matter?

But she was having problems with her bladder

Had chronic Urinary Tract infections and with her Immune system too,

Many tests they had to do

Lab work, and urine analysis, several types of tests,

And pills to digest.

They did discover that she had valley Fever, a common desert Respiratory
problem here in our state. humans can also get this, I may have had it
back in 2,001?,

Two years after I moved to the Valley of the sun?

I was getting chronic bronchitis and pneumonia as well,

Thought from our Guests,it was my environment, from working at the Hotel?

Anyway, Little Cinda, it is attacking her bodynotjust her immunity, but he

She isn't fine,

Just recently, they realized, she is going blind, losing her sight,

And so, Jeff made the decision to retire her, found this out Wednesday

Cinda is almost 8 years old and now legally blind and is taking a form of
Pred forte 3 times a day

She is unable to guide, but she can certainly play.

Jeff and Keri will have to give her up for adoption, I know a good person
he will find,

That the individual or family will be caring, loving and kind,

And treat Cinda well, and have the resources to handle these health issues

This all made me cry I needed some tissues

These dogs are like our children like little people of ours,

They are with us for several hours,

Numerous of years

Are with us through the tears, the laughter and

Bring us safety, security, happiness and joy, very little sorrow

Here today, and tomorrow

Are with us at work, school and at home,

Not far from us they roam,

Our with us at Restaurants, sporting Events, pools, parks when we are
playing games,

We never forget the pup, their personality and name.

Love truly does lead the way,

In our hearts they do stay

Long after, they retire, and pass away; we remember them all, every day

When, they get ill or grown into old age, then, onto rainbow heaven

We don't forget, the days before they were seven,

When they were a young pup Frisky and filled with spunk, a bundle of energy,

And in Harness, they guided us, those of us who can't see,

We were a team, a partnership, a companion and friend

I am starting to cry, so, soon, this I must end.

I will tell you more about Cinda and her situation as things transpire, as
the days pass

And I wanted to tell you about how my sister is, who lives in mass

I heard from Tara recently by e-mail, they are all fine,

Not much time,

She has these days, a graduate Student, a Mom, a wife and a Chauffeur, doesn't
have any time for herself

But, I think, all are in good health?

Tara and Bob, just had their 19 th Wedding Anniversary the other day,
October Eight,

And Mary Beth and Todd, 7 years, October 7 Th, was their date,

The same week, Dougie I did get October 1, was that day,

And Mary Beth and Todd, My other sister, live an hour or so away,

And Jeff and Keri's 20 th Anniversary will be Wednesday October fifteen,

And my Niece Katie will be the Queen,

In the play," Sleeping Beauty", Her Brother Bobby, Rows, does Crew,

And Katie and Jo, 3 days a week, Horseback riding they do,

And Jo Anna is on the Field Hockey Team, this month it will all end

And marry Beth and Todd and their Girls are going to Disney World, not with

Rather, with Todd's Folks, they are taking them on a vacation all expenses

And next year, Emma will be in Kindergarten, not the first Grade,

And Marin is in pre-school, they both like it, have fun,

And think, I will read, when this is done

I began reading "Pandora's Daughter" by Iris Johannsen, My Jaws
screenreader,butchers her name,

And do you all, think this KDD is lame?

Or just way too long it does seem?

And outside just now, I heard a couple College Guys scream

They sounded like girls, and quickly they were quiet, lol

Very good!, and the day after tomorrow, I return to Hyatt

Will work all week, not off again till Saturday October Eighteen,

So, not sure next, when a dose will be seen?

When you all hear from me?

Until then, a great week for you hope it will be.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Mountain Wings: No Admittance

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#8277 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

No Admittance

Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano,
a mother took the small boy to a Paderewski concert. After they
were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and
walked down the aisle to greet her.

Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert
hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way
through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE."

When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin,
the mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was

Suddenly, the curtains parted and the spotlights focused on the
impressive Steinway on stage.

In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the piano,
innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that
moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved
to the piano and whispered in the boy's ear,

"Don't quit. Keep playing."

Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand
and began filling in a bass part. Soon his right hand reached
around the other side of the child and he added a running

Together, the old master and the young novice transferred a
frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience.
The audience was mesmerized.

That's the way it is with God.

What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try
our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music.

With the hand of God, our life's work truly can be beautiful.
So the next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen
carefully and you can hear the voice of God whispering in your
ear, "Don't quit. Keep playing."

Feel His loving arms around you. Know that His strong hands are
playing the concerto of your life.

Remember, God doesn't call the equipped; he equips the called.

Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach
of God's grace.

And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the
reach of God's grace.

Don't Quit - Keep Playing

~Author Unknown~ "Wings Over The Mountains of Life"

Today's KDD: Migraine Headaches,The VP Debate and Working Overtime

Its 6 O'clock on Friday October Three,

And I am here again, to compose a KDD,

Let's hope this one can be better expressed?

And yesterday, I was home from work, had a Migraine and needed my rest

My head was aching; I needed sleep and quiet,

And next week we shall finish the Guest Room renovations at our Hyatt,

Yesterday, I could not tolerate noise, wanted everyone to hush,

And recently I visited the website, Lush,

They have lots of good products there some I may want to buy?

I will just get a couple, give it a try

It's our friend Nicky's favorite stuff; she thinks it's the best, at the

I never visited one of their shops

Nor do I like shopping, much in person or online,

And hope your all well? Doing fine?,

Some of their massage products, I may obtain,

And the other night, not much I could retain

And throbbed, did my brain.

However, I am doing much better today, doing great,

And did you all watch the debate?

Last night

Did it shed some light?

On the issues for you? do you know how you will Vote on Election day?

It's just a month away,

Did you like what the VP Candidates did say?

How each presented themselves on the air

What are your views on the Economy, The war? And Health Care?

Sarah Palin seems Inteligent, articulate, a real person and down to earth,
cares about the middle class, that's Darrell and me,

Hope Vice-President, she will be

Some say, she does not have the same depth and knowledge of all the issues,
as Byden, I don't agree,

I think her and McCain is what we need here, in our land of the Free.

She knows her facts, had her figures and has a good grasp of foreign

I have the impression, that she is not a typical politician that she truly

Seems like she wants to resolve this war in Iraq,

To plan accordingly and bring our troops back,

And she is very worried about this Financial Crises, and also addresses the
topic of education,

I believe, she will be great for our Nation

This will be a very long week coming up Sunday at work, will be working

Putting in the extra hours is fine

We could use the money, since Darrell is unemployed and in school,

Yet, they did not even ask me, that, is not very cool,

Since, they know, I have an injury to my arm and did not ask if I am doing
okay? if my pain level is high or low?

They have no clue, that they do not know,

Nor do I relly expect them too, this, pay attention,

But, it would have been nice, if the longer hours, they did mention

And see if I was willing, and if I was in moderate pain? If so, will it

And if I really could finish,

These 50 hours of work they wanted me to complete with success?

Or that I would need another day off, and get some rest?

Fortunately, I had an adjustment today and the pain is minimal, not high,

I am sure the work week will fly?

Then Friday morning we will head down to Tucson to Visit Jeff and Keri, for
the weekend,

We have fun and enjoy the time we spend

All together,

And nicer, is our weather,

It's still hot, yet, the days are cooler and it's bearable to be out in this
desert sun

And I can't think of much more to say, so, soon, this dose will be done.

I may begin a new novel, not a Koontz, but one by the Author Johannsen

And I won't be dancing,

Yet, a new book I will b reading, won't be able to stay up late,

The ending will just have to wait

I will have to gain control, refrain,

Shut down my brain,

And get to bed early at night so during the day I will feel good, be alert,

Perform my job well and my arm does not hurt

Due to the long hours, the extra work time,

If I do this, I will be fine.

I have no more to add to this, so will post now to my site,

You all take good care and have a good night.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Today's KDD: Furry Companions and the Economy Rescue Bill

Today is Tuesday October one, 7 at night

And sorry, lately I couldn't write

The creativity was just not there,

So nothing, I could share

Some doses never see the light of day,

And 7 years ago today,

I was given Dougie, and in November he will be nine,

As well asChanel, 11 years ago on September Twenty-nine,

And hope your all well doing fine?

Channelli is in rainbow heaven with all of her friends

And our buddy Julio is on the mend,

He had surgery last week, and is our Friend Nickie's Guide, her companion,
he still recuperates,

And Tomorrow night is the Vice-Presidential Debate.

In Rainbow Heaven are Reilly, Odell, and Finnigan,

As well as Topper and the Velcro Twins,

Fitzgerald and Zelda, Sunny, Tani too, Hannah the cat

Having fun and at peace is where they all are at,

They are not in pain in anymore,

And I wish I could be at the shore.

Anyway, it has been a great 7 years with Dougie, how time flies,

And this Bill this bail out, they just passed tonight, is large in Size.

, It I wouldn't pass,

And Darrell got a 91 on his Test, for his Journalism Class,

WE all would love a bail out, a loan, wouldn't you say?

And once done here, with Dougie I will play.

This Bill is 450 pages; it includes the Economy rescue,

And the Tax extensions too.

The Guest room Renovations I am told will be complete October Eight,

I am not sure, if that will be the date?

Will be glad when it's all done, lotsof work for us in Housekeeping,

And soon, I should be sleeping.

I am told by Fox TV, that the Tax Payers this bill will protect they say,
we will be

And this is not a very good KDd

Maybe, it to you I should not have brung? bring?,

And I am losing zing

I have had a long day,

So, need to cut this short, get on my way

I will write again, another day.