Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today's KDD: "Poop Deck"

Today is Saturday September 13, at 10;04,

I had not planned writing today, but I just had to say more,

Later last night, I watched more of the News, about Ike, This one is large
in size

And I couldn't believe my ears, not my eyes,

On what I heard, Some in Galveston Texas were still there,

But, that is not what blew my mind, its what they, next did share,

There were some, hanging out at a Restaurant called "Poop Deck

Have not heard anymore about the train Wreck,

have you?

Can you believe, naming a business that?. That I wouldn't do"

I am not feeding you a bunch of bull, this isn't crap

I am not tossing manure on your lap,

Or wouldn't on your plate,

Can't you just wait,

To go there?, to grab a bite? Lol

I certainly would lose my appetite

And would not want to tell folks, I am a manager at the "Poop Deck",

And I wonder, too customers, quickly ask for their check?

Before they are served their entrée and they don't make it to dessert?,

I would think, it would taste worse then dirt,

Wouldn't you think?

I know they have a bar there too, Maybe, they have much to drink?

Maybe, they get Wasted? And drunk as a skunk?

So, they don't know the food really stunk

And maybe, they don't have taste buds?

Many there said, they would ride the storm, that they can't believe the

That they would just Paddle, hopefully make it,

And wonder, if their menu items, are really a hit?

Or one should just pass?

Or if they have irregularity?, Indigestion? And Gas?

Not sure what is the scoop?, This piece can you digest? will you devour?

Or do you have a sudden urge, to take a shower?

Lather up and scrub? Or do you want another cup?

I will continue to shovel it up?

Give you another bowl, a huge platter,

And then, you can go to your doctor, and he can say, What is the matter?

Nah, I am sure, the food there, tastes just fine,

That customers, go there to dine,

But, really,Enough of this crap okay?

How are you Today?,

Hope your fine?

Today, going to relax, this coming week I will be working overtime

We will be slammed at the hotel,

And have you heard more, about Ike?, how much rain fell

And the damage there?

I know this is brief, but this I just had to share,

About this name of the Restaurant, It gave me a good laugh, I had to say,

And for now, so long, have a great day.

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