Monday, September 22, 2008

Today's KDD: Darrell's Classes finding inspiration and the first day of Fall,

It's shortly after 11 on September Twenty-two,

Not much new,

How about you?

Today Darrell was suppose to have his Surgery,

Now, we are not exactly sure when it will be?

We don't know the next Surgery date,

And I was going to wait

To compose another KDD, because I am enjoying the novel I am reading

Yet, perhaps, a dose you are needing?

Once upon a time, I wrote every day or whenever I had a chance,

However, that is not possible anymore, under the circumstance,

Due to my work environment,

So, this has much to do with, why less are sent,

As well as Have-not had any creativeness

Thus, thought it would be best

If I only wrote when my artistic style was stimulated and worthy of note?,

Maybe, it shouldn't matter, when I wrote?

Write? Shouldn't matter if it is not appealing?

For you the reader, necessarily?? for me, writing is healing,

For me,

And that was one of the reasons I had began the Kdd

Over two years ago,

Just wish every day, the creative juices would flow,

And time would permit,

To allow me to sit,

Here, after work and write about the Happening's of my day

However, I don't always have things to say

Or are not able to disclose certain things on this site

And other times, just tired at night

Don't have vigor

Not always like tigger

Don't have spring in my step, or inspiration,

And Darrell may wait to have his surgery over Christmas vacation.

All A's, he does receive,

and this journalism Degree he will achieve

This long term goal, he will obtain,,

He is determined and has the brain,

His classes are going pretty well, and he is adapting again to the College

Not exactly what he remembers when he was a teen?

And of course, he does have to intervene

Between the professor and the disability office and get what he needs to

And after this, more of the Novel," Stranger's" I will read

He feels with most of the students, he can't relate

That they are superficial, could he have a good debate?

Says, most seem like they really don't want to learn,

Those only good grades they want to earn,

Not just knowledge gained, that most, just do the minimum to get by,

And thus, finding it difficult to identify,

With most of his classmates there,

And wonder, if this, I should even share?

This entry at all?

And it's the first day of fall,

As you may know, it's my favorite season, some say, it symbolizes death and
dying? Do you?

And that spring is for a time of renewal,

And for rebirth,

However, in the autumn, one can smell the earth,

And feel the cool, crisp, air

Love the feeling of the wind blowing in my hair,

And on my face, skin so faire

The taste of chicken noodle soup and apple cider

Those things sometimes give me oomph and inspire me as a writer,

If you can say I am one?

I am not sure; just know, I find it relaxing,rewarding and fun,

And soon, this will be done

As said, the book, I want to resume

And also have to clean the kitchen and living room.

Dean Koontz novels, do captivate,

Most of his I read, I think they are great,

I do want to read others, Like Jo Hanson Sawyer and Turrow,

When, I do, I will let you know,

It is now, 12; 30,

And Darrell is doing laundry, had many clothes that were dirty

I have things to do, so, should get on my way,

Do take good care & have a fantastic day.

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