Saturday, September 06, 2008

Today's KDD: Changes at work,Hurricane Gustav and Mccain

Its 3 pm on Saturday September 6

In the background is an 80's music mix,

On our XM Radio in our Living Room,

This is my Condensed weekend, Tomorrow work I resume.

My first week back and changes they made

And not much my stress did fade

Did diminish,

And when this is finish,

It will probably be time to prepare dinner?

And I know there will be many Winners,

In the Paralympic games that began today,

And I better stay on topic; I remember what Darrell did say,

How it is sometimes difficult to comprehend,

The KDD's I send,

Because, I change subjects so fast, without warning,

And I woke up with an allergy headache this morning.

See, I just did it here, lol,

Yet, you may not realize, that it is not easy, wanting to share,

And providing it in this format in poetic form,

And hope all in the Gulf Coast did weather the storm?

And made it through?

Writing in Rhyme, is a challenging thing to do

To Make it interesting, and informative takes time and energy,

Try it and you will see,

That it cane be problematic to create

A Masterpiece. And provide an update,

To all your family, friends and readers who view this site,

This takes work to write

Never-the-less, I will do my best to simplify,

I will certainly try,

To attempt, to stick to one topic at a time,

Yet, all the while.

making it rhyme. Lol

Yes, work I did return, and as said changes they did make

All 490 rooms have new numbers, time it will take,

To learn all the numbers and their location,

To visualize the configuration

This information I will retain

And looks like the months that remain,

Of this year, I will be working for Hyatt Corporation

At least I think so,

Yet, none of us does know,

We don't know our fate,

And hope your all well, doing great?

Moreover like all employers, they like to find new tools, improve Guest
Satisfaction and increase revenue,

Exceed standards, so, technology, they need to get that is new

To keep up with our competitors in the Industry,

Next spring time it will be

For our Resort to update to a new platform, to replace our existing one

This new computer application and new PC's will run,

Much faster and we will update with the times, in the Twenty-first century

Stressful, these technical changes will be.

This particular application is java based

Don't know exactly, what I will face?,

In the days ahead? I am still in the Research phases

And hopeful with some new technology, it will increase my wages?

And my status and position as an blind employee?

We shall see.

Besides that,Okay,was my week,

Did you all take a peek

Did tune in to the Convention?

Among Family members and Friends, hope it did not cause tension?

Nothing wrong, with a discussion or a debate

What do you all think of John McCain and his Running Mate,

Sarah Palin?, or are you a Obama and Byden Fan?,

It doesn't matter if it is a woman or a Man,

Just who will do the best job for our Country,

Gender, does not matter to me,

Just as long as they are qualified, and the issues they will address

Makes no difference, if they wear a Suit or a dress

If there voice is a higher pitch

Or if he or she is poor, middle class or Rich

What their race or ethnicity is, in this case Black or White,

What matters, are what they say they will do Once President, the other

Of course, we all are concerned about the State of the Economy, the Iraq
War, and Education,

Yet, other things effect our nation,

Like health Care, Services for those of us who are disabled Americans,

In 2 months, we will see who wins.

A person's Values, morals and ethics say so much more, about people, in
this case, each Candidate,

Its nice to know, if Vice-President, Sarah Palin will be an advocate,

For those of us whom have a disability

Like Darrell and me,

and some of our Readers

It is very cool and about time, that we will have a Woman, for a leader

First time, There is an Afro-American Too

In November, do Vote, that we should all do

I was also thinking about the folks in New Orleans, during the

Gustav and Hannah,I don't know, what does remain?

Have not listened to the news much, the last couple days I need to get up
to speed

I did not read,

Or watch on Television, had a major headache after work each night and
sleep I did need to get

Usually, I read my news on the net.

I did hear in those communities most did evacuate,

Before, it was too late,

And the storm ,did hit, mostly flooding,7 deaths, hope there were not more
then that?

That is not a place I would want to be living at,

In, and I would definitely leave

I know too, much more Assistance they did receive,

Unlike,Catrina,in 2005,A very good thing, you know?,

And soon, I should go

An hour has passed

And Darrell enjoys his class,

All 3 he is taking

And soon, I will be cooking a meatloaf,not baking

Will make meatloaf and baked potatoes tonight,

Later in the week, I will try and write,

However, it will be a crazy week at the office for me

Wednesday and Thursday, off I will be

So, I will compose a dose then. for September, this is the first one

Now, I need to run,

So, I can spend it with Darrell and Dougie Dog

Hope you will continue to read my blog,

And that this KDD was less confusing to read?

If not, give me time,alright?

So long for now, have a great night

1 comment:

Darrell said...

This KDD is great! I really liked this one! You managed to rhyme while staying on topic. You avoid switching between subjects in mid-stream.

This election year, I have decided that my overriding consideration will be disability rights. As a Senator, John McCain has shown his willingness to consider the needs of the blind. Sarah Palin says she will be an advocate for children with "special needs." I'm going to take them at their word, putting my vote behind the McCain-Palin ticket. It is going to be wonderful for our country to, finally, have a woman as Vice President! I'm excited. I don't feel Obama really has a chance at winning. At least, I hope not. His record on disability issues is unclear at best, and he threatens to significantly decrease our safety and security as a nation against terrorists.

I was incredibly dismayed with both the Democratic and Republican Conventions with respect to their brutal attacks against their opponents. I don't want to hear attacks from any candidate. Don't tell me what's wrong with the other guy/gal! Instead, tell me what's right about you! That's all I want to hear. I am turned off by campaign ads that are nothing but attacks against the other side of the isle. That's just so messed up!

OK. That's about all for now. Great KDD. Keep it up! :-)