Saturday, March 15, 2008

Today's KDd: Our Saturday and News I heard Today

Its Saturday March 15, at 1; 29,

Hope your well? Doing fine?

Just took Darrell's lunch out of the microwave,

And I can not believe, my document, it did not save,

Even though, I did, not sure what happened?

And how are you friend?

So, as I said, a KDd earlier, I began

And Safeway delivered extra Cans,

Stuff we did not order at all

And my Folks this morning we did call.

We had a conversation with my Dad,

And a good week, hope you all had?

Dad was outdoors shoveling snow

And right now, listening to Desiree's show

He was breaking up the ice,

And though, the conversation wasn't very long, it was pleasant and very

He told us about how this winter; they got 8 feet of snow,

And how skiing this year, he did not go

And that he bought both a desktop and Laptop, both a dell,

And I told him about my conjunctivitis and how work is going at the hotel.

He also said, he has a bad back and computer lessons he is taking,

And in quite awhile I have not done any baking,

Yet, Today I am making a beef stew in the crockpot

And here it is starting to get hot,

About 80 degrees,

And Darrell just had chimmy's with beef and Bean, not cheese

With chips, not fries,

And better, do feel my eyes.

Though, the left is still read, worse then the right

And we were going to go out to dinner tonight

To Applebee's restaurant, yet, changed our mind,

And I can't believe, in one's house, 800 dogs the Humane Society did find.

How can anyone do that? that astonishes me,

And I am sure, you agree?

That is tragic, neglect and abuse, how did they allow it to go on this

To this magnitude? they were not found in one's car,

Yet, in a single trailer home, in a very small space

And as said, Safeway brought cans we did not order, like peaches and apple
sauce, not tomato paste,

And Mushroom soup and English muffins those I like well,

Especially with cream cheese or Jelly, and I cannot believe these folks,
these chawawa's, they tried to sell

I assume, they were arrested? Fortunately this is not the Norm,

And also did you hear about the Atlanta Storm?

Or the plane crash here?

And I am sure, many on Monday, St. Patrick's Day, they will drink green

Have you heard too, about, the drugs found in the water? Crazy, wouldn't
you say?

And we heard from Tara and Bob the other day,

I am sure, in the spring, Dad, Bob and Bobby, Golf they will play?

And Thursday, the 20 th, Our Niece Katie will be 10,

And not sure when,

I will see my family next?

And I am glad; I will soon discontinue these antibiotic eye drops, called

There is nothing to report or say,

Everyone is trying to just make it from day to day,

Week to week, same old, same old, nothing new,

And I am sure; the same is true for you too?

Most are just trying to complete tasks and projects at work and pay the
bills and stay out of debt?

Not much time for a vacation? or to even sit down and surf the net?

Assist their kids with Homework and have meetings with the School? Go to
The PTA?

Run errands? go to doctor's appointments?, clean up messes every day?

Or write papers and complete school projects just attend classes each day,

Despite the fact, you may not be feelling okay

Retain much information in your brain,

Worry about traveling in the snow? Or Rain?


Not much happening for us the same goes,

And sorry in a few days, a KDD, I have not composed.

I was looking at Today's Headlines, and as usual, nothing positive or
upbeat, stories being reported and told,

And at our Hotel, every room for the next 3 weeks will be sold,

For many its Spring Break, many Families come to relax and have fun,

To play and soak up the sun.

I will tell you later, what kinds of activities, our recreation department
will do,

And I am going to do some housework when this is through.

My close Dear friend Mary Anne, I am trying to reach,

And right now, wish I was on the beach,

She and I have been playing phone tag and sending e-mail, havenot spoken in
a long time

She is a old friend of mine,

From High School, that, was a very long time ago,

Who knows when we will connect? I don't know?

Well, I don't have much here to add,

So will go, hope a good day, you have had?,

As well as your week hope it is a good one,

And for now, this dose is done.

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