How are things?, how are you?
Last night, much sleep, I did not get,
It was not because I was surfing on the net,
Not much time at all on the computer, I did spend,
Nor, talked on the phone with friends.
After Dinner, For a short time our stationery bike I rode,
With a bottle of water in one hand and the book port in the other,, I
red, not in writing mode,
Did not read much mail or new Kdd's I did not create,
Red more of my novel had flavored water and discussions and debates.
Dean Koontz always seems to have more then one Theme or element, if
you have red his books, you will agree,
There not just filled with SCI FI, but with Drama, Romance and
These kind of novels are excellent, the best,
But, once you begin, don't count on getting much rest.
One can easily become enthralled, and he captures his audience
The plots, keep his readers in suspense,
And on the edge of their seat, the story, the characters, one can
not leave,
Makes one think, and a moral to the story, the reader does receive
This Novel, " by the Light of the Moon", you should read
He plants a seed,
One reflects on what they reed.
In this particular novel, a mad scientist injects a substance that
alters the brains and personality ,
Of the 3 main Characters you see,
Things such as nanno technology are mentioned and after this, each has
special powers that are unique,
And into their psyche , we get a peek,
and their lives are on the line and they are on the run,
Last night, I red until one.
Often Koontz Characters have issues related to time and space,
Find themselves in another dimension
Things, like time travel, fascinate me, capture my attention
And though, I really don't want to know my fate,
, I want to wait,
There is a part of me, that would like to travel into the future, and
the past, you see,
Alter my life and change some things about me?
However, if I was born into a different family
I'd, not be me,
For obvious reasons, my Chromosomes and genes would not at all be
the same,
I may be a boy of course with a different name,
However, My brain would not have been patterned when I was very
I could also, have been a blonde and quite tall?
And if I did not go through the patterning for several years,
I'd likely have multiple disabilities ,issues and fears?
If I did not have The exercises, as long as I did,
I'd not have the same experiences as a kid,
I'd not be who I am today and now the person I came to be,
I'd not be me.
If I knew my fate and could alter it back then,
Perhaps when I was 10,
Adjustments I'd possibly make?
Then, a very different path I would take,?
Perhaps medical school, I'd pursue?
Become a doctor, if you could control your fate, what would you do?
For the most part I like who I am, yet, not as intelligent as some,
Yet, I certainly am not dumb,
I am not beautiful, just a plain Jane
Do have creative thoughts in my brain,
And things like KDD's I do compose,
Some say, I have a big nose,
And though, I don't think I am very smart,
I know, I am kind, have compassion and have a heart.
Furthermore, I don't really want to change much about myself and go
back in time,
And alter this life of mine.
For, I would not have met such wonderful people, throughout my life,
Have a great family, friends and Darrell, would not be your wife.
A few extra special people I have come to know
Have had an impact on me, help me to grow.
So, I would not change a single thing, I suppose
And this dose for you I compose.
This KDd, took a completely different direction,
Was not at all my intention
The ideas, did just flow,,
I need to go,
have work to get done
and today, Recreation will make it fun,
for our Guests, here at the Resort,
Tennis Lessons for those who enjoy the sport,
Later in the day,
One can play,
Beach blanket Bingo or ping pong,
This time, they do not have a family sing along,
Also, in the day, they will have face painting and temporary tattoos,
Or you can get a sweet Sundae if you choose.
These are special activities for the Holiday,
And from what I heard, not many yesterday,did play,
Musical chairs, nor don't know, how many saw the movie,
But, we think many will be
At the " Texas Holdem",, a poker game on Tuesday,
If you like to gamble and cards you play,
Then, this activity could have been for you,
There are other activities this week too.
For lunch today they are serving us employees,
Pasta primavera, meat Lasagna and Soup, Broccoli cheese,
Here at the Hotel, will not be a busy day,
By the end of my work day,
Only 238 Rooms occupied
And today, I will not have to take Dial-a-ride,
A friend is driving me home, so earlier I will arrive,
Pleasant is the drive,
Do hope your all well, doing okay?
still trying to wake up, have a good day.
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