Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Today's First KDD: The Long and Winding Road

It's almost 4 pm on Tuesday on July third,

Hope you all found some peace in the inspirational words,

That I sent your way,

Earlier today?

A KDD I did try to write,

But, had writers block, so, sent the net hug messages instead to my site,

Perhaps, that was better time spent?, for they were words that some of our
friends needed to here,

Friends, so close, true and so dear,

Who have felt lost, helpless and discouraged lately, not able to find a

To resolve issues, cope with stress and get through the day.

Finally, after some resolution, they can see the light, have hope, and the
life's problems they were confronted with, are not as much of a heavy weight
on their chest,

Maybe now, they can sleep and get some rest?

Its during the bad times, during the trials and dark hours,

That none of us can smell the flowers,

Appreciate the good things, the gifts, that we receive each day,

The smiles, the hugs, the words of encouragement sent our way,

We don't always want to hear about others joy or here their laughter, when
in such an emotional state,

And sometimes, some of us withdraw and don't communicate,

Become a hermit, be alone, need some space and time,

Until, life is back to "normal", not until everything is fine.

So, if the net hugs message, helped any of you at all, the wonderful

Worthwhile, my time was spent,

And, to my blog, they, I did send,

To those who are, and who are not my friends,

Since, these messages could help someone I don't even know, that I never

I know, sometimes, I find strength, encouragement, and hope on the net,

From something, I see, or read,

Written by another, that after, I have hope, and can see the sun their
messages are exactly what I sometimes need

To enable me to feel grateful, and not take life for granted,

And I cherish, what I red,

And can then, begin to get on track, back on the horse,

It's a struggle of course,

Yet, will get easier in time

Then, eventually, everything will be fine,

Furthermore, as someone had said, "we sometimes have to sit down to failure
before we can dine on success",

And, it's much better to confess,

Your sins, be honest, have ethics, morals, its best.

Moreover, during the bad times, we learn the most,

Even though, when, we find it hard to coast,

Stay awake, deal with the mundane things from day to day when, nothing
makes sense,

When, our head is spinning, want to run and everything is too intense,

Still take those risk, do what is right

You will be able to sleep better at night,

And more you will gain from your failures learn from your mistakes, more
then you may realize,

As we age, we become more wise.

And when in life's road, you find too many pot holes,

Through it all, don't lose your heart and soul,

When, the road is filled with too much dirt,

And you're feeling helpless and hurt,

Take it slow, take your time but do walk the path, you need too, you know?

It will help you grow.

Your goals you will achieve,

When yourself and others you don't deceive,

And this message is way too long, so, now, it you will receive.

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