Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Second KDD: Balance and moderation with E-mail and Everything!

We live in such a fast pace society, everything needs to be done now,

Tell me how?

When, there are not enough hours in one day to complete everything?

Consequences it will bring,

Effects our health, relationships, our body and our mind,

Time we need to find,

And we don't seem to have as much of it,

We need to be able to fit,

Everything in each day

For work, and play,

Do our day job work, exercise, have time for our families, friends and for
ourselves, be alone,

Answer e-mails and our phones,

Do it all!

Simpler times, I recall.

We often Bend like a pretzel, be in a million places, have errands to run,

We can't get it all done,

There are things to do, people to see places to go,

Can't do it all, you know?

Something will suffer in the long run, usually your health; you will be
under much stress,

Balance and everything in moderation is best.

We all say this, and its much easier said and done, so easy to say,

Hard to do that, each day.

I read an e-mail that inspired this KDD,

On how to save time and clean up your mailbox, you see,

Read messages in a timely manner and do not write much in one message, so
your not feet deep,

And relationships you will keep,

And also the person's attention,

So, little is best, don't mention,

So much, in this case, less is more, this I, often do blow,

I love to write you know? Lollol

I love to compose e-mail and post to my blog

And my Journal, I frequently log,

And in my in-box have a million messages, just sitting there, in folders,
they do wait,

Well, not that many, I do exaggerate,

Yet, I do have many, over a thousand, really, it is true,

I really do.

Speaking of time, I need to go, need to run,

Have housework to get done

So, should get on my way

Not waste time, have a good day.


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