Christmas Carols for the Deranged". I have no Kdd for you all, not one
yesterday nor today. Yesterday was busy getting things done before the
Bishop Family came up and today, well, I am still half asleep. I am
sitting here trying to wake -up. Jeff, and Family should be here soon. I
had planned on posting this yesterday, last night, but then found out Jeff
was doing his show. He did a special " Christmas in July. Thanks to me
and my Comment about XM playing Christmas music as well as all these posts
about The Holidays I have sent to you to read now, rather then later. I
will likely not be writing any KDD's until Monday night. Yet, you all have
plenty to read between now and then. Well,much to do before the gang
arrives. Take care .
Its almost noon, on December 17 How is your day,
By end ,of the day, 128 Guest will stay,
One, can probably hear a pin drop,
& this morning, more I did shop.
Its very quiet Here, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel,
&, I am doing pretty well,
My Holiday shopping is practically done,
Not much fun,
Not at all,
& I did not do any of it, at the Mall .
I am feeling somewhat tired,
& inspired,
I am feelling upbeat & can now see the light,
& now, that the shopping is
over, can again write. (:
Creativity does flow in my Brain,
& today, we will get Rain.
The thoughts do rule,
& Glad, Keri's computer is working, that is cool. (:
& glad too, the drunk Creepy Guy went to Jail,
& Jeff, this morning, got your mail,
Christmas Carols for the deranged
What about, the strange,
The Crazy,
The Lazy,
The workaholic,
The sick,
Ones, who disobey the Law,
Or our special creatures, who have soft ears, tails & Paws?
What about, The many, who break violations,
Or the people who work at Gas stations?,
What about, those, who commit Chrimes,
Or those like me, who write with Rhyme,
Or, those, like Marlaina, who like Martini's & wine,
I too, like Cheese & wine,
I prefer whiteover Red, or Rose ay,
&, never been to the San Francisco Bay,
What about the Soda & coffee Addicts,
Or the groupies of the Dixie Chicks,
Or the Band Member's of Styx,
Or the Beech Boys,
Or the Elves who make all the Toys?
I do not see a list for all who fit these categories,
Where, are they please?
I would like to see one, in my box,
Or maybe, on TV from Cox,
Would like to see one on Christmas Eve, or by Christmas day,
What do you say?
Can this request be filled?
Or, will I be killed?,
Or will I be strung up by my heels?
Go without eating, getting no meals,
Maybe,in the shower, you won't let me sing?.,
Maybe, you won't do a damn thing,
Just laugh & smile,
& think, I have lost my mind,
& recognize, I am kind,
& doing this, to brighten your day
Did your spirits rose?,
After, reading the KDD,I compose?,
Its now, 12;42,
& I think, I am almost through,
Not sure, what else to say, I can't think,
& once again, I had too much coffee & water to drink,
& the restroom,I need to go,
& Jeff, are you & Marlaina doing the show?
&, the article you sent on Diabetes,
I can not access,
& I feel like I needmore rest,
So much there,on the web site, I think its great, you shall see,
A possible cure, there will be?
Almost time for me to go to lunch, take my break,
So, I will end, for today,
Will go & get on my way,
Do take care & stay well,
& if you can , do write,
or talk tonight? (:
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