Thursday, July 12, 2007

KDD: Continuation, Critique of the Novel, " Husband: 11.25.06 11;36 a.m

This morning, I am doing quite well,
& if you see the House Count few rooms they do sell,
Today, 18 % & tomorrow 16 %,
& now, a KDD, I am trying to sent
A KDD I am attempting to produce,
& I am sitting here, having more coffee,not Juice,
I am awake, but,not quite alert,
& my right Sshoulder hurts
& an adjustment, I really do need.
& Dean Koontz Novel, was definitely a good reed.
& though, I am feeling pain & my arm feels restricted ,
& I wish, I am still in bed,
I am doing great
&, We were up pretty late.
A Teriffic Thanksgiving, Darrell & I had indeed,
We did not do much, go out to eat, much time,I , did read,
Reading the novel from the Bookport,
Not in court,
Or watching sports.

Of course, comments I have regarding, the Novel,
It is another one, I like quite well,
and maybe, some day, a Novel, I will sell,
that it will be on the top Seller's list?,
on the bookstore shelves?,
ordered online, & delivered by Santa,not Elves,
Not just during the Christmas Season,
Any time, for no reason.

Always, say, I will
Yet, don't think, I have the talent,
& do not think,it will pay the rent?.
Perhaps, its an unrealistic dream?,
and I am better off, staying here, at Hyatt,, & assisting the team?
Some say, I should go into Medicine,not work in a lab?,
Or I should work for rehab?,
That, I should be a doctor
Or a Counselor of some Kind,
To help others, with their troubles, ease their mind,
Or assist, with Blind folks, obtain their goals,, & a job to find.
Sorry, I seem to digress,
I think, I need some more rest,
I will be alright,
& can tell, This Kdd, will be long, Today, I write.

Anyhow, As I said, much time I had spent,
and the Novel, the Husbund ", was excellent,
Yet, never ends, How , I,the reader, , thinks it will,
&, we, the reader, can't get our fill,
& I know me, want the Novel to continue,
& sometime, disappointed, the avenue,
Koontz, takes the Character's, Plots, and scenes,
Often,not how things seem,
& the way in which the novel's do end,
& how he raps it all up, very quickly in the last page, two or three,
Wouldn't you agree?

I guess, perhaps, from the beginning, I was confused, thought, He had
That, the " husband" was dying, would be dead,
So, I expected, the book,not to end well,
For them, to be separated, Husbund and Wife,
For him to end his life,
and was very happy but surprised that it ended peacefully,
That,is how, I like all things to be! (:

Then, I did not like the transition, from the second to the last Chapter,
to the Last,
As I have stated, his books, end way too fast!

I, myself, would continued the Police pursuit,
The Novel, would have taken, an additional route,
and more, chapters, about, the Kidnapping Incident,
& the Hostage exchange, would be spent,
and more words & pages, would be filled,
About the Men, who were killed,
& the Ordeal, Mitch and Holly had experienced,
those chapter's would be intense,
& a possible arrest ,
for the Crimes,
& Mitch doing time,
Or, to see a Court Case,
Perhaps, that, would be a waste,?
and what happened, to Kamble & Tagart?
& the Cops, on Hot pursuit, on his heels?,
and for also, stealing the wheels,
and nothing more, was
said, about that day,
one minute, the kidnapper is being shot, and the next, Their Son
Anthony , does play,
and 5 years, go by,
and no questions are asked, why?
The case, solved to everyone's satisfaction,
All had taken action,
In the pages,in between,
None of us, we had seen,
&, in our imagination, the path, we could take,
or, be happy, with the ending, that Koontz, did make?

Imagination, is a wonderful thing,
That books, allow,us to do,
Yet, just did not like the transition, from the Kiddnapping incident, to
the Chapter last, that is true.

However, what would you have done?
Would you have fun?
Rearranging Character's & plots ,
& other elements of each book?
Would, you allow your mind , to examine, & take another look?
Or do you just accept & are pleased, with what you read?
Or, do you feel the need,
Like me,
Pages & Characters , to add or subtract?
Something, I find, they do lack,
& want to see more,
Yet, I continue, to read his Novel's, not from the store,
& like to read on Audible better, I can retain,
& process, what is happening in my Brain.

Did you ponder, where Holly was held Captive?
Or just wondered, whether, she was going to live?
I thought from time to time, where she was being held for ransom,
and , escape, would, Anson?,
That, was not revealed to the reader, None,
As well as, what happened, while,on the run.

From the details of the Novel,
& the direction, the book took,
It made me think, made me look,

Remember, what, was being said?
As you red?
Mitch could see, but was blind,
Could hear, but was deaf?
This made me, think, where, Holly, was left.

The scene, where she was held, as a Hostage, was like an Attic
With all those Nails and boards,
Dust and cords,
Both the loft and the hostage site, seemed similar, so, she might,
Have been held there?,
Yet, do you really care?
Its irrelevant,
I do agree,
Yet, my brain, thought of that too, you see. (: lollol

While, writing this,
I think, & Darrell, I see , me, you miss,
An E-mail you sent, Quiet I seem,
Helping my team,
& your worried ,
and soon, this KDD, you will read,
and realize, I am fine,
that, Iam okay,
That, I have been busy, typing away.

How is your day?
More, I had wanted to say,
But, will write it, in another installment,
Two Kdd's, will be sent,
Will make up for not sending one yesterday
Know, you will be more then okay, with me sending two,
How are things?
What is new?
The morning,is almost gone, 11;21,
The work day, half way done.

Do take care and stay well,
& I, have more to say,to tell,
& you will ,just have to see,
about, what,or who?
Will,it be about you? (:
Stay tuned,
Don't go away,
Yet, do get done, what you have planned for your day.
Do talk later,
Perhaps, tonight,
If you can, please, do write,
A little something, a line or two,
To say how you are, what is new.

Until then,(:

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