Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today's KDD: My Unique Approach to providing information and making a difference in others lives

Here, is today's KDD. I was going to tell you about my day, about How it
was Dougie's day. He got groomed, a bath, and shaved, so he would not be as
hot in this heat. Also, he has a vet appointment this afternoon. However,
soon after I began writing, this KDD, took on a life of its own and is
not at all, what I intended it to be.

The night before , we listend to Kim,

And last, we went for a swim,

The water is a little warmer,, not so cold to the touch,

And today, I am posting much,

Yet, most are not written in KDD format, in poetic style,

They are to inform you, not necessarily to make you laugh and smile.

I do not have a natural gift to write KDD's and compose ,

Yet, this is the style I have chose,

To describe my day, for what is happening for me,

The KDD Revolution, it has come to be.

However, its not always easy to take an article and write it in Rhyme,

Do you know, how much effort and time,

That would take?, and it may not even be possible to do?

I wish, some writing techniques, I knew,

And, I could get the nerve to join a class, or perhaps, I will re-join the
blind writers mailing list once more and not just lurk but share, what I
have so far done?

It could be fun.

I have read some really good story lines and poems from blind folks,, not

Some excellent writing I have red,,

From some whom are blind and visually impaired ,

Wish, I could share,

On one hand, I don't want to be critiqued,

Yet, feedback I do seek.

It has taken me over a year to start this blog,

For the world, to see what thoughts I log,

And find out a little about who I am, things that matter to me ,

All, through, what we call the KDD.

Some things, I post will be to inform,not just entertain,

Not just stuff, that you can see, fills my brain,

How my neurons fire,

What lobes are activated and, things that inspire,

Topics , that do intrigue

Me, things that are way out of my league,

One of which is most everything Techie,yet, go to Darrell's or Jeff's

Articles related to Art, health, science or medicine, like to read,

And information on most of these subjects, we all do need.

To the community, I still give,

A different life, I live,

Other things, catch my attention,

That, I , want to share and mention,

That are not necessarily anything to do with Technology, per say,

Yet, other matters, that can effects one's day.

My blog, is a creative site, not just filled with KDD's,

Yet, I post other things that matter to me,

Its another way to get to know me.

Today, you will see, an article about what is in aCigarette,

And,other items, I found on the net,

Such as helpful external storage options for your Pc,

And, suggested reference sites, to help you and me.

Anything, you could imagine, not just Google, or dogpile,

They have narrowed it down, so it will not take awhile

Will save you time,

Not as long, you will be online,

Which is great,

You could be doing other things, like read, exercise or spend time with
your mate.

Just as Darrell and Jeff,like to inform blind folks on the latest
technology on the mainstream Market or in the AT industry,

I find other areas of interest, for my readers,

Not just stuff on screenreaders,

Hardware or software,

Much different subjects, I do share,

Nothing wrong with that, I suppose,

Not just KDD's I will compose,

We cover all bases ,which is a wonderful thing,

Information is our objective,is what we all bring.

I just have a much different approach, and a much different audience I do

I want to teach and entertain, inspire,and provide encouragement,

This,is how my time is spent,

Also, want to make others smile and laugh,

As well, as reduce, there time in half,

At work, home and online

Share, what is happening, in my life of mine,

Perhaps, make a difference in someone's life ,

Improve the quality of life, for another,

Yourself, Sister, Brother, Father, or Mother

Co-worker or friend,

Anyone, this is why I do this and post what I send.

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