Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today's KDD: Help,not hinder!

At 6;15, I arrived to work, in plenty of time,
Hope all is fine,
I am struggling to keep awake, that will be difficult to do,
And how are you?

Only a couple hours of sleep, last night, We did get,
Most of it, having to do with The Lawsuit and messages being passed on
the net,
Some saying things to be hurtful instead of addressing the issues at
Dragging one another through the mud, dirt and sand.
Some are shooting each other in the head, through Character
assassination , rather then provide support,
Who wants to see anyone in court,
Deal with Lawyers and go to trial,
Wish FS, this Lawsuit, you did not file.
The blind community is way too small,
United , we should stand,
Give our fellow blind a hand,
Don't Make assumptions and accuse,
Until we are walking in another's shoes,
This is human nature, and we all do this,, including me,
Though, does not make it right, don't you agree?.
There is room for all Companies, each has their place,
No one should act out of haste,
Each player has a purpose and much each brings to the table, to suit
all blind people's needs,
Don't pull the other through the weeds,
Knock down and trample,
Experiment and sample,
Their products, services and Technology content , that anyone provides
for all,
Don't get pleasure in seeing anyone take a fall,
Encouragement do bring,
Don't allow derogatory comments to be swung,
Or for another to be hung.
We all have " Freedom "of speech, and can express our minds,
Yet be kind,
As well as, here, in America, one is innocent until proven guilty,
Unlike in other Countries, , it's the other way,
That is why many stay,
As they say, This is the" Melting Pot", Home of the Brave and the land
of the free.
Not sure what else to say, and am sure, this will fall in deaf ears,
this message, will not be heard,
And surprised I wrote so much today, this was written in MS word.
Due to this issue,Some of us are losing sleep and feeling stressed,
Hang in there, do your best.
Its almost 8:30 ,
And Darrell has begun the laundry that is dirty,
It is in the wash, up early, he was too,
And nothing more new,

Except, I went to the Disability commission meeting last night,
Think it went more than alright,
I Was outspoken about the issues with Dial-a-ride making me late,
To work and I do not feel great,
I am feeling exhausted and the pain in my arm, it radiates and did
From my elbow, now to my shoulder,
And here, in Tempe, the Weather, has gotten colder,
We had a cool snap, not as hot, high,90 degrees,
And my allergies, are bad, Here, I do sneeze,
Yet, I will make it and get through the day,
And should get on my way,
Do think about what I had said, think with your head and your heart,
Act with both, don't toss darts,
In one's back, don't stick knives,
This effects lives,
just food for thought, serving you all a plate,
And do hope your day is great.

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