Sunday, May 13, 2007

RIM Access and Causalgia

Last night , got about 5 hours of sleep, then, I rose,

Its now, after 2, and Here, this I compose,

I woke at 5;30, and I arrived to work 10 minutes to 7, was not


Feelling so much better, feelling great,

However, its very slow here at the Hotel, herein Scottsdale,

Because, of this, early I will bail,

Leave an hour early, at 4, not five,

Will be home in time, to listen to Marlaina live,

Not on demand or through Replay,

And how is your day.?

Not many phones are ringing off the hook,

So, information, I did take a look,

On something called Causalgia, similar to RSD ,

Did not know I have this you see,

That,there was a name for what I experience every day since, I did


I am doing pretty well,

Have adapted and do not complain,

Though, just about every day, have pain, swelling, inflammation,

Some days, Burning sensations,Limited motion and , spasms, tasks not easy
to complete,

Feel beat,

Just deal with what I have, what it is, thought, this was just part

of my life,since 11 years ago,

You know?

I realize, what I have is called Causualgia,

Similar to fiber myalgia,

It effects the joints, in the entire body, allover,one does ache,

For me, its mostly the area of the break,

The humorous bone, yet, many days, it's the entire arm,

Even on those days, I still try and keep my sense of humor, have wit

And charm,

And laugh,

Yet, it's easier, when, the pain is cut in half,

I manage it pretty well, by watching what I do, know my limitations

Have them every day of the week,

By Chiropractic care and Massage, I get to control my pain and range of


And I sometimes, use, biofreeze lotion,

To relax the joints and diminish my pain

Aches much more in snow and rain,

Do better in dry climate, such as Phoenix, or Furnace,

The days before my injury, I do miss,

Yet, can not go back in time, to the accident site, do not want to go


Would not dare,

Took me a year and a half to get back on my feet do for myself,

It was not until then, improved was my health,

Much time in Therapy was spent,

It was for the best,

Yet, never have been able to express,

The first few months after,

Excruciating Pain and not much laughter,

More challenging to adapt to my arm injury , then to blindness,without

Could not do any daily living, including eating, dressing ,read and write,

During my darkest hours, when, I lost my sight and injured my arm,

could not journal,no entry's,

Did not have a key,

an outlet,

, did not know how to cope,

lost hope, was not a nice person to be around,

lost focus, needed to get my feet on the ground,

Once, I could do more for myself things did not seem as bad,

Did not feel as much anger, not as sad.

I will have to write more on this subject at a later date,,

Will have to wait,

I can't now, convey,

Not sure where to begin, what to say,

Surprised, you know?

Besides, leaving soon, need to go,

Work is slow,

My ride has arrived,

Our Friend, Marion,

So, for now, this is done.

I am writing this in segments, I am now home, work is done for the day,

Have more to say,

Perhaps, I can disclose and tell of the days, after my accident, all I went

Maybe, it, I will be able to do?

Right now, I am at my desk in the Accessible Command Center, Darrell is
sitting behind me,

Talking to Tina, you see,

They are doing a demo , for Main Menu,

To review new technology, Called RIM,not RAM,

No need to use our Web Cam

They are on skype,

Both do type,

And demonstrate,

Something great,

Something known as RIM, Random Incident manager,

Will Give Darrell the Tech, access to her computer,

And, then, he can operate her system, without her doing anything, pressing a

Just as we did a demo, he and me,

This is amazing and has so much potential and can change the lives for the
blind of course,,

And sighted folks as well, in the work force,

Or for ones personal use, with their PC ,

Wonderful, this will all be,

On the customer side, a screen Reader is not needed,

It was very strange, him having access, my system, he red,

Can manipulate the system, by the stroke of a key,

And I, or the customer, not doing a thing,

And, have no more to add, so, this KDD for you, I bring. J


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