On Saturday, & both Darrell & I don't feel great.
Both of us have off today,
and we are choosing music to play,
for Monday's show,
Some of which you may not know.
Some, are new hits on the charts, top 40 and maybe country,
No Jazz or R & B.
My work week was very long and not a very good one,
Difficult and not fun,
Yet, that is why its called work, paid to perform a service,
off today, trying to get some rest.
Yesterday, was especially rough, hectic & like a Zoo,
and how are you?
Last night, came home, all psyched up to listen to you Jeff, do your show
soon, after, it was not a go,
The signal strength was por & sound quality was failing,
and halfway into it, you thought about bailing,
Server ports , you and Darrell did switch,
and the music, you wanted to pitch
But, us, listeners, you did not ditch,
You hung in, did not throw in the towel and all was alright,
things, got better, later in the night. lol
Halfway through the show, worse, got my head ache,
So, an aspirin I did take,
It wasn't a migraine,
Later, we may get rain,
Listening to music,
So, much better, I feel after.
and definitely, cures & has similar results as laughter.
This morning we were going to go out for awhile,
Get up early and take Dial,,
We were going to have Breakfast at the Village Inn and then go to Target,
Instead, we did sleep in, talk on the phone & played on the net.
Jeff, you could not be reached, so we called Monte,
You know him, his Show, Random acts of music,
Well, he helped Darrell and I test, using the squid Mics,
Then, later Jeff, you and I were writing I.M, & I accidentally did call
and you helped us, do some testing too,
and we all had lots of fun,
we got a good laugh, by the time it was all done.
We were laughing so hard it hurt to breathe and talk,
now, we are listening, to Desiree , 80's music rock.
Now, you Guys,are attempting to find a resolution,
My headaches there are solutions
me, you were teasing,
you & I, earlier had such a good laugh, were weezing,
not hacking and sneezing.
Now, an hour has gone by,
Since, I began today's KDd, wow, the time does fly.
& later today, Darrell,going to make your Shepard's Pie,
think you will like, your stomach will agree,
and maybe, we can find a good movie,on Tv?,
Need some water, to feel awake and alive,
Help you through the day, revive
On days off,We all benefit, ,
& are you two, adjusting the bit,
The bit rate?
What adjustments are you making?,
and no, not going to do any baking,
But, later, we will cook,
and maybe, I will read a book. (:
and now, its 2;06,
listening, to Smooth operator " not Styx,
Don't like that song, & this KDD is length pages 3,
& right now, don't have more to say,
so, better, start going, have a good day,
& tomorrow I work all day,
But,off, Monday and Tuesday,
do not recall, how many departures, Tomorrow,Guests to leave,
Hope this is an interesting read, a KDd, you receive?
&, well, time , this to end,
Do take care, my friend.
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