Tuesday, May 08, 2007

KDD: Karen, the Philosopher, What if? 10.11.06 5;20 pm

After receiving an E-mail from you, Tina This is what I wrote. You had Philosophyzed about if, the Tree had fallen , would it be heard? This is what I wrote.

If, noone was around when the tree did fall,
Did it really fell?
Was it falling?
or was it just placed, stretigically so?
if, there is noone in the forest, does the wind, really blow?

If, , noone does see,
or can not hear,
if, noone is close,
or near,
Did the tree, really fall to the ground?
After all, noone was around,
To hear the sound?
to hear the boom ,
The bang,
the Forest did not sang?

Do animals in the forest do sing?
Do Birds, flap their wings?
or squirls & raccoons gather nuts,
or Bears Hybernate?
or fish, snag bate?

if a human did not witness?
Did it not exist?
If we, do not see it for our own eyes,
or ears?
Do we shed tears,
or laugh or smile ,
or walk a mile,
if not seen by a soul?

Do we not see the Fawn,
up at Dawn,
if, we were not awake?,
,to view, this sight?
if, Edison, did not do his research,
Would he get credit for creating light,
the light bulb or phonograph,
or, would, others really recognize,
Vincent Price's laugh,
if, they did not see?

If, Noone saw Alexander Grham Bell,
Could we tell?
Who invented the Phone,
would it be known?
That it was he?
It could have been you? or me?
or noone, if he did not exist,
If he didn't experiment,
& try to speak,
Communication, he did seek?

If, I did not write a Word,
each day,
if my e-mail address was unknown,
would you see the tone,
Who the writer was,
would you know, who did create,
or compose?
Maybe, not I suppose?

So, tina since we did not see,
only did hear,
maybe, you did not sit in your underwear,
& write us all,
that silly note?
you did not wrote?
Life,is filled with illusion's and mysteries,
None of us, sees,
The same,
Our perspective is different,
from one another
Even at an accident site.

Yes, since you told us,
We do believe,
since, after all, we did receive,
and your name was attached,
it all did match,
it did appear ,
in my mail box here at work,
a couple hours ago,
& yes, the wind does blow,
and the tree does fall,
after all,
even when noone is around,
To hear a sound,
Even though, it was found,
& placed, right there,
Maybe, put there by a bear,
or a Lion or tiger,
or Human,
Who knows?
whether,it had fingers or toes,
or was a reptile?,
or was a primate?
Or does it have a scale?
Did you even see, this mail? lollol
its getting late,
& I sit here & Philosophyze,
& soon, will have to log off,
PMS, & groupwise.
my shift is over in 15 minutes,
But, did I put in a 10 hour day,
Since,I have been here at 6,
noone did see me until after ,
When, anyone did show,
Was I really here, you know? lollol
Twelve hours, I will be here,
it has been a long day,
and silly, sometimes, the things, I say,
do they make you laugh,
or smile,
make your day?
Hope so! (:


Claudia Porras said...

What if?
This KDD has meant a lot to me since I read it. What if?, what if?, what if?
I have a lot of "what If" questions in my life, and I wish I had someone to ask thos questions to.
But for now, this KDD has answered some of those questions and I'm sure it can help others as well.
Good job, Karen

Thank you!, thank you!, thank you!

Claudia Porras said...

What if?

This is a good KDD, I enjoyed it, and encourage others to read it because it has been very useful for me.
What if?, What if?, What If?
I have so many What If questions in my life and I wish I had someone to ask those questions to, but for now, this KDD has answered some of them and I think it can help others as well.
Good job, Karen!
Thank you!, thank you!, thank you!