Friday, May 04, 2007

KDD: 9/11 Tribute on the Desert Skies, etc. 09.10.06 11:18 am

After a long day,
Went home,
& the Desert Skies show did play,
Jeff worked out the glitches and blunders,
Played great tunes,
One of which was " Down Under "

He also played ,
Two wonderful pieces,
That did make me cry,
To commemorate 9-11,
and the people who innocently, did die,
to help us not forget,
and recall,
Where we all were,
When, the Terrorists attacks, did occur!

He did play,
A song,
To wish the Astronauts,
Good luck and all,
& also, took Skype Calls,
Throughout the show,
Its 1-866-404-Jeff,
An easy one and even too,
Don't like Odd numbers,
That, is true. lol

I am not sure, why, I,
I feel this way,
Could it be,
Because, I was born,on a totally even day?
I was born on 02.22.64,
This was my birth,
it will be interesting,
To see what day, I leave this earth,

Anyhow, the music really did flow,
Audio quality, great,
A fantastic show!

Afterwords, We watched Star Trek,
On T.V Land,
Yet,no Marathon,
Maybe, it was Canned ?

Because, at midnight,
There was No SCI FI,
and This Morning,
Benson & Happy Days was Seen.
So, was " Cheers ",
Where Everyone knows your name,
and I think, this Kdd is really Lame.!

You all know, my Name,
& maybe, too much,
about me,
what I like and makes me tic,
What I hate, and makes me sick,
What I think is cool and groovey,
and a hit,
and What makesme have a fit.

A good night sleep,

We both did get,
After we were up, went on the net,
Took some time, to get out of bed,

Always does, we are sleepy heads,

and I saw my motion picture Camera,
So,it did seem,
Means, that I woke, but, still,In the middle of a dream!

So, we lie there,
Shnuggling, taking our sweet time,
To start our day
Woke, got some coffee,
and music, I did play!

WE are being Lazy,
still not dressed,
and the house is a mess.

Also, need to prepare,
For our Monday show,
On the Desert Café,
Bright & early ,on monday!
From 13 to 15 UTC,
Won't be listening,
will be at work, you see.

Yet, will be there in spirit,
and say a silent prayer,
to recall, & show that I care.

I will even, bring in a flag,
To show my support
and reflect back then,
to think about the Women, Children, and Men,
who lost their lives that day,
or whom were injured,
as the rest of us,
In shock, & could not say a word,

I have already said,
Written about 9-11,
In another Kdd,
To you three,
Not going to write,
Just listen to our show, alright?

Its now Sonday morning,
Sept 10,
How are you?,
How have you been,

How is your weekend,
My friend?

Yesterday, we did not do much,
Except for the show,
But, soon, will clean house,
Mop the floor with Mop & glow,
Clean, the bathroom,
The shower, sink and toilet ,
Listen, later on the net,
To Jeff, Hosting Marlaina's show,
Which begins at 6,
and maybe, Listen to Jonathon's Music mix,
Probably not, watch Little House,
At 8,
and after , spend more time with my mate,
Hope we are not up late,

Right now, Listening to Kim's ,
" Blast from the Past",
focusing on 1976,
I was 12 years old,
Living in Canada, where its very cold,
& snow, we would get 3 feet,
did not like most, we would meet,

Right now, She is playing
Afternoon delight",
as, this, KDd, I write.

Darrell is editing, one of our recordings,
For the show,
Having problems, With the plug in chainer , thing,
Frustration, it does bring,
So, he saved what he did edit,
& went on to prepare, some more,
on our recording, that we did together,
and make it more polished, ,
for tomorrow's show!

Jeff is busy working away,
Interviewing for main Menu,
& for the show later today,
Tina, what are you, doing today?

Well, I have things to do,
Nowhere to go,
No people to see,
Just stay home, Dougie , Darrell & me!

Do take care,
Know, this Kdd,isn't great,
and very late,
you did not get one yesterday,
Sorry, for this,
Hope you understand,
& give me a break,
& tomorrow you will listen to ,
Darrell ,on the Desert Café,
All 9-11 music, he will play,
Talk later?
Maybe, today,
Or tonight,
Whatever, you do, Take care, alright?

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