Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Final KDD for Today: My reflections on the News 10.18.06 9;50 am

Good morning! (:
I did not write about me, myself,
nor, have I obtained any wealth
I did not have much to say,
Except about the News of the day!
Hope this won't take you long to read,
less, then minutes 3.05,
& at 6, I did arrive. (:
Do take care & have a great day,
Hope its more then alright,
Talk later tonight?
So, read on what I wrote,
What I had to say,
about the News I saw today! (: Here you are , look below. (:

Why does it seem
That 8 out of 10 News articles are filled with negativity violence &
That so many people are cruel & do not care?

Why does it seem,
That all we hear about are,
Murders, shootings Natural disaster's & how our nation is diteriating,
It is discouraging & irritating!

I'd rather reed about how,
Someone rescues another,
Saved a Life,
Instead stabbing one with a knife
Or how someone Broke into someone's house,
Abused his spouse
Or about how many more are divorced,
Or Killed in Iraq,
Or how much intelligence, Arizona lacks!

I would rather hear about the kids,
Who are achieving in School ,
& doing well,
Then, how many drugs they sell,
Or how all these piercings are causing infections,
& Teens to die,
or about severe flooding & rain,,
Where two kids,
Were killed, flushed down a drain.!

Why can't we all respect our neighbor ,
& have law & order,
Not, these Imigration issues, at the border.

I rather, read about how a citizen did a good deed,
Then, the things we reed,
Each day.

That we read in the paper,
How Police have solved a caper,
and crime is under control,
not about Autotheft,
and all the cars, someone has stole.,
Paige aftr paige,
About crime, Road Raige,
and how one was run off the road,
How many on the street,
How many homeless folks starving,
Have nothing to eat.

Why not tell us, the good, people do,
How to succeed,
Instead of those being selfish and filled with greed?
Not always reed about the Wealthy,
What about, what makes us healthy,
And How to live long,
not just about, all the things that,can & do go wrong!

What about reading,
About, other's we respect,
Not about the dozens of wrecks,
Or those Apprehended and put in Jail,
Or how someone hacked into your e-mail,
Or all the kids, who do fail,

What about hearing about one's dreams,
& aspirations,
& not about blind people with guns,
or weapons of mass distruction,
or about all this construction.

I do agree, that the News, they need to report,
It, they do distort,
& can truly effect ones state of mind,
more positive headlines, we need to find,
Yet, could you imagine,
How many paiges,
How many articles in your RSS Feeds,
How much time, it would take to read?
On our Computers, Pac mates, Braille Displays?
Just like the length of a song,
One, does not want to read for long,
Wants to read in a snap,
For, we all have things on tap,
For the day,
& projects to get underway,
Don't want to be hear all day,
Reading the News,
Yet, don't want to make one blue
Like everything, it needs to be fair and balanced ,
Not so pessimistic & intense,
Yet, all in moderation,
& this includes, the News,
Of what we reed about, the World & our nation!(:

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