Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Very last KDD for Today : A Jo et (:

Do you think my KDd's are a combinationof journaling & Poetry,

Would you agree?

So, am I a Jo et?

A Journalist & a Poet?

This is unusual indeed,

The style of my doses that you all reed?

I am very grateful for the ability to write,

And for Darrell for creating this site,

So, I too, am Blogging, it's the latest craze,

And, journaling it's the first stage,

To getting published and one's name on the map,

I will begin by telling you, what is on tap,

For my day,

Or what Current Events I feel strongly about,

I will take this rout,

Take this road,

Write my thoughts about being disabled, in this creative mode,

As a woman whom is blind

I will tell you what is on my mind,

And in my heart,

And this is the method I choose to start.

Wish, I began blogging sooner, but do not know HTML,

Nor, I do not believe I write well,

Yet, that should not effect me from having my own site,


And,I should write,

Here, if I do want to be an Author some day,

Like Frost, Poe, Dickens & Hemingway?

Or Dean Koonz or Erma Bombeck?,

Should not matter,if I am not a teck,

Or a Radio Broadcaster?

Perhaps, this craft I will one day master?

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