Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today's KDD: Nothing, your Expectations 02.10.07 1;29 pm

Each & every day,

You assume, I will have something to say,

Something of value, filled with humor, & worth your time,

& saying more then, just, I am fine.

I more often then not, write more then a paragraph,

To inspire & make you laugh,

& also tell you what I will be doing each day or night,

& so, you all expect me, to write.

However, soon after I rise,

I realize,

I do know,

If, the creative juices will flow,

&, what, my mood is, & state of mind,

&, if a subject, will be hard to find,

or if, I already, have material, that I can use,

if,not, Events,from the News,

or from you, clues,

I do need,

If, an interesting, KDD, you will read. (

Today,is not one of those days where, I have no thing,

So,a good, KDD, I can't bring,

Sometimes, think your expectations are too high,

&, always, think, I can write something, other then, say hi,

How are you?,

& that is it, then, I am through,

Just because most every day,

I have so much more to say,

& just as you expect the sun to rise in the East & set in the west

Don't you think, my Brain, needs a rest?,

Do you always, think, the creativity, can flow?

That, I am always on the go?,

That, you will always, receive a KDD,in your mail,

Without fail?

That, there will always be music, rock, Country & hip hop,

& my writing, I won't stop?,

For the most part, that is true,

If I can, A KDD, I will do,

As long as I am alive, & beat, does my heart,

I will do my part,

Not to let you down & your expectations, I will try & exceed,

Because, your KDD fix, every day, you need,,

& if, one is not sent,

if, I am absent,

& ,I do not write,

You all,wonder,if I am alright?,

Me, you do rely & depend,

To send, your dose, each day my friend.

Yet, sometimes, I really struggle to compose,

Not sure, where, the creativity goes,

Sometimes,like today, I have my fingers on the keys, in the same position,

Attempting, to complete the mission,

A frustrated expression on my face,

Wanting to fill the space,

& get a KDD sent your way,

To make your day,

The best it can be,

& send you a little note from me.

I guess the creative juice flows a little bit today,

Yet, nothing, I really did say,

Just wrote, about what, I can't do,

Not about me,or you,

Or events in the news,

Or the television or radio,

Or anything that happened at work, home or on the show.

&, wrote about nothing,

But, something,

My ability, not to write,

&, guess, I did alright,

It will have to do, okay?

& do hope you have a great day. (:

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