Sunday, April 29, 2007

Today's KDd: 5 Super Foods :)

Here, are 5 super Foods, did not say, they were great,
Just ones that will help one lose weight. (:

Below, are foods that research has shown,
To lose weight and likely tone,
Enable you to burn Calories,
one is not Cheese,
Yet, studies show eat protein,
Will burn fat and make you lean.

This may not be of interest to you,
Yet, some of these foods are cancer fighting, that is true.
Before, I reveal them to you all,
I will disclose others, that will allow the weight to fall,
For the pounds to shed,
No, its not meat, red,
, Eat fish and Poultry,
As well as Berries, nuts and Broccoli.

I know, Jeff and others, you do not like any of these foods,
However, from what is said, also improves mood,
And one is likely to eat less junk and over eat,
And on this list is not bread, not rye or wheat.

Some Medical reports say, eat berries and nuts like in the Hunting
and Gathering days,
Will keep you fit and your metabolism will raise,
Will help you lose weight and feel great. (:

First, the best is grapefruit, it does not taste good, but is a fat
Will help you lose weight and be lighter,
They say, have ½ grapefruit before each meal,
And you will drop weight,
As well as they state,
Not grapefruit Juice but the grapefruit itself,
Has more effective results and better for your health.

The Second is Sardines,
Would rather, have Veggies green,
Those, do not sound good, either does soy,
Yet, most fish, all seafood I enjoy,
Except for crab, love,Shrimp, clams and fried fish,
And Fettichini Alfredo with shrimp, is my favorite dish. (:
Its extremely delicious and tastes great,
Yet, I know, its a heart attack on a plate.

Of course, Potatoes, rice and Pasta, one can not find,
On this list okay,
Let me tell you what ones , they did say,
Are the top five,
The last 3, to keep you healthy, and stay alive. (:

The Third is Pumpkin, not pumpkin seed
Canned pumpkin is what you would need,
To lose weight,
They say, sprinkle it with Splenda or cinimin to make it taste great,
Cinimin is known to lower blood sugar, so do not just use it on your
French Toast,
And studies show a higher fiber intake is associated with a host,
Of Benefits ,will keep you fit.
So, increase, your fiber, not your starches and fat,
And, will help you lose weight, and make your stomach flat.
They also say, add, Nutmeg and almonds too,
To make a delicious snack, who knows, that is something, I may do.
The fourth is Grass-fed meat,That works well,
From what the studies tell,
They also say, Beef is a wonderful alternative,
All these things, Make a difference, longer you will live.
The Last, number 5,
Something else to lose weight,
That, they say,is great,
Is green Tea,
And this too, does not sound good to me,
Yet, some of you,
May like tea, this kind,
And research does find,
That it promotes heart health and aids in digestion,
And a fabulous weight loss solution
Regulates blood sugar and body temperature speeds up fat oxidation
And increases metabolic rate,
I have tried this, it does not taste great,
Yet, I may drink it anyway,
Since, they do say,
What about you?
However, eating the sardines, I can not do

I am not a health food nut, but am interested in Science, health and
And the weight loss battle, I would like to win,
And lose more weight,
Improve my health and feel great,
You may too,
So, here are some things to do,
I know, this KDD is not about me or filled with humor and whit,
Yet, like to send things to inform, so, here is, how to be healthy and
stay fit.,,bowden_b4297db6,00.html (:

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