Yet, there are other things we can do for our self,
That will be very good for us all,
To be able to think and recall. (:
Many , know, what foods are nutricious and that one should
Yet, do you know, how to improve your mental fitness? And be more
There are activities to increase Brain Power,
That can be done every hour, while your awake,
Changes, you can make.
A Balanced diet some have been taught,
Here,is some food for thought. (:
Instead of using your dominant hand
Use the other, it will help understand,
It will open new pathways and your memory will improve,
Also, when on the move, heading to work, running errands or having
Change your direction,
This will help with spatial orientation,
So, when on your way,
Each day,
Whether your heading to work,
Or out to play,
Change your rout , take a different street,
It will teach you how to think on your feet. (:
Make a list , it wil help you trigger ideas, it, do not read,
After, you write, see,if it, you do not need,
See how much you can retain, do recall,
A few things? Maybe it all?
Memorize phone numbers at least one each day
That isn't too difficult, wouldn't you say?
Tell a story, that can be done,
Both helpful and fun,
Try this exercise, it improves memory you see,
Think I do this in my KDD's? (: lol
Play anobservation game,
Each day, remember a name,
A thing or a place, something new,
Watch what others do, wear or say,
Continue to do this the next day,
Will get you to think, out of the box,
Observe someone, what their wearing, their hair ,their socks.
Break your routine, reverse the order on the activities you plan,
Don't start the day, as you usually began.
Read a book, a new novel each week,
Knowledge we seek,
Learn something new,
A person, a place or in the news
Don't choose,
The same material for your reading pleasure,
Do measure ,
And improve your mental ability,
It will increase your mental fitness, you see.(:
So,if you can, do some of these things you will be better offin the
long run,
And, in the process, you wil have fun. (:
I already do, some of these myself,
Yet, I wish, I did some other things to improve my health,
My memory is excellent and quite strong,
I have been doing some of these exercises long,
Since, I was a child of 3, very small,
so, much I do recall,
And thus much I do not forget,
Known by some at work as Memory chip because, I remember everything
so well,
Here at the hotel,,
Much practice I do get most days,
And you can too, stimulate your brain in many ways,
You won't be in a daize,.
Your brain you will strengthen,
Your memory, you will lengthen,
Some say, their memory is poor,
Yet, we can do more,
So do some of these,
You will be pleased.(:
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