Six months ago, Darrell walked in the door,
Well, on the air, of ACB Radio,
August 4,is when, he began the Desert café Show,
& can you believe , it was that many months ago?
How quickly, the time does go,
And speking of time
Anniversary Dates,
We have been Married 8 months ago, yesterday, isn't that great,
Yet, For Some of us ,it seems, we have been Married for ages,
And we are way passed the Newly Wed Stages,
since, we were together for 7 years,, prior to following through with that
Much time was spent,
We had shared much more then just paying rent,
lived as if, we were already Married ,
we knew other's habbits, & what the other did need,
to make this relationship work & be a success
we saw each other's worse side and the best ,&
everything, was brought to the table,
we are able,
Most of the time, to tolerate,
The little things, that annoy us, about our mate.
Some couples, get married, & do not know,
How things will go,
But, try & go with the flow
& dealwith their spouse's differences & behavior,
after, all, they're not single anymore,
Things, like, their sleeping and eating habits , & their communication
Leaving the toilet seat up, or their clothes in a pile,
Or who, squeezes the toothpaste from the bottom & who from the top,
Or who drank the milk, drank the last drop.
Also, how each spends money,
Or what, the other finds funny
Or whose better at balancing the checkbook
whose, the better cook
what one needs to do to fall asleep,
habbits, each needs to make sense,
some,need music, & other's need silence,
some want the television on,
& the other,maybe not want to watch tv,until, at least dawn.
Many comedians do joke, about, Married life
The humorous things, that go on between a husband & a wife,
And in myopinion , somewhat distorted,
About, what life is like, after couple's wed.
Often, these Comedian's embellish things, in their jokes, to make us laugh
To talk about their better half,
In the things they say and do
Darrell & I have known each other for 12 years,
so, know, one another
quite well,
Yes, indeed,
Other's thoughts, we canoften reed
& we give each other, what they need,
our love is strong,
we have made it this long,
like anything worth doing, work it will take,
yet,it,we will make,
it Together,grow old and be there every step of the way,
through, the years, the music will play.
And getting back to music playing,
as I was saying,
we have been part of ACB r i,
for 6 months, now, how time does fly.
I was just supposed to work behind the scenes, Keep track of e-mail and
messages being sent, during the show
keep the flow,
& things smoothly to run,
Yet, I was having way too much fun,
& we haven't figured out yet, how I can keep track of I.M & all the dings,
keep in swing,
And in the groove,,
&, so much to do & little time,
to make sure, all is going fine.
Yet,now, I have been a part of the show ,
And I come & go
But, I make my presence be known,
Whether, I talk live,or on the phone,
& most weeks, I choose, the music for the show,
But sometimes, I do not know,
do not Have a clue,
What I want to play, what to do,
& this week for example,is one, of these times, that I can't decide,
& Darrell,selected most of the music,
so, the music, won't die
need to go, have more housework to do, that is why,
& will listen to the beginning of the football game
but,not much, think its lame,
later, will listen to Marlaina, interview Chris Gray,
hopefully, watch a movie,we chose in DVS format,
by the end of the day,
like one called," M for murder", I love mysteries,
I love to solve who done its, & see,if I am right,
And today, enough I write,
so, going, but maybe, talk tonight. (:,
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