Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today's Final KDd: Acknowledgements

This is dedicated to you, Darrell & jeff (:

Thanks to you two for giving me a push and a shove,

To develop a hobby that I love

Thanks for your support, for being in my corner, in my ring,

For building my confidence , through these KDD's I do bring,

Just about every day of the week,

You do not judge and critique ,

The style in which I do compose,

Or the subject matter, I chose,

Or countless number of messages I sent by e-mail, long or short,

You always have been in my court. (:

Thanks to you two you gave life to this blog

Never realized, I would unleash journal entrys , that I did log,

From this last year

& now, my Daily Doses are now posted here.

Thanks to you I too, have a site,

I have a space on the net to write.

Its mine, Karen's Corner, my little nook,

Perhaps, it will give me the courage, some day to write a book?

Everyone has to start somewhere,

Maybe, it will be here, where I will share,

the happenings of my day, and topics that matter most to me,

It will manifest itself through the KDd.

Now, It will encourage me to work on this craft,

I was always, waiting for a perfect draft,

Yet, in life, there is never perfection,

Though, we all can do much reflection,

& through introspection,

be the best person we know how to be.

I feel self- conscious to take this Avenue,

For,it is something new,

And I am a private person,not much I do disclose, ever do tell

Unless, I know you well.,

Moreover, I am somewhat ambivalent about these KDd's, seeing the light of

And those who view this site, reading what I do and say,

And despite this fact,

Or the creativity I may lack,

It will enable me to have a platform to create

years from now, something that could possibly be great?

Furthermore, improve this skill,it I want to enhance

Please, all give me a chance,,

& be patient,

Maybe, I too, can be eloquent?

And someday Famous? More will know my name,

I really do not care about Fortune & Fame,

I just love to write, its evident every day the thousands of words ,I
write,notin word pad,,

But in MS word, and its not a fad,

And I do not have an ulterior motive,

Rather, its something I live,

I have been Journaling Since I was a child, since Elementary School,

It is something, more then just cool,

It is a tool,

That allows me to deal with life's issues, that come along,

Just like a musician who writes songs,

Or a Ballerina who Choreographs a dance,

Or a writer like Danielle Steele who writes romance,

Or Robin Williams and Steve Martin, whom are Actors and Commedians,

Writing for me,is both rewarding and fun.

So,maybe I too, will some day have a novel on Barnes & Noble's Shelf,

For now, I do this for myself,

& for all of you,

1 comment:

Darrell said...

Hey! Glad we were able to nudge you in this direction. I think blogging the KDD's and other things is really going to help you in your writing. Who knows? This could really be a start to something beyond your wildest dreams in the future! Keep up the great work; we all love reading all that you write!