Thursday, April 23, 2020

Poem: Got the Covid Blues?

Hey there,

I submitted a copy to my writers list earlier today
Most liked it and some did say
That it needs stanzas but could be written as a Blues song
To shorten it, that, it's now, too long
Some , thought of Dancing in the streets by David Bowie and Mick Jagger and others, to staying Alive by the B G's, lol.

Got the Corona Blues
Got the Blues
Tired of hearing constant News

Got the corona blues
The Blues
Too much data , whose infected and who is dead
While medical staff on the front lines and full is every bed.....
Got the corona blues, da,da, na,na .... lol

This is revised and longer than the original copy I sent earlier today
But, its meaningful, I had lots to say

Look below

Do you got the Covid blues?
Staying home too much? Social distancing, And hearing the News?
Had enough Statistics of how many infected and how many died ?

Gaining weight from eating too many carbs
and foods that are fried ?
Too much pasta, grilled cheese
or butterscotch banana bread ?
too many thoughts ruminating in your head?

Working in your den or temporary office space ?
Missing visiting with others,
Connecting , getting hugs
and feeling their warm embrace?

Attempting to attend an afternoon meeting on Zoom
while your children are in their own online class
Half Listening to your Boss, while you pour another glass
Of wine and pass the time?

Cooking a lot? Or walking the dog?
Learning Word Press? writing an article for your Blog?
Drinking more coffee, sitting in your slippers and P J's
While you home school your kids, trying to remember the lessons taught to you , long ago were those days

A different method of doing math ,
diagraming sentences
or reviewing the Periodic Table?
While the little ones watching cartoons on cable
Or fighting with their siblings in the other room?
As you grab a file
and prepare for a presentation on zoom

Many unemployed
lost their jobs and loss wages
Some, Trying to cope with the virus, its symptoms and many phases
High fever, trouble breathing and chills
Yet, some still working, in hopes to pay the bills

Helping their family, neighbor or friend
While they are on the mend
Worrying about finances and having enough food on their kids plate
As we all continue to wait
Till the restrictions are lifted , no more shelter in place
Concerned about doing this too soon?, the President acting in haste

At the same time, many on the front lines taking care of patients who are infected
Working long hours , hooked to ventilators and full is every bed

Some, are doctors, nurses, Fireman and store employees
Farmers, police and companies, waiving fees
Making payment arrangements with customers, giving discounts and deals
Mailmen , Delivery drivers, such as Meals on Wheels

Many a placing a grocery order ,
in hopes to get toilet paper today
Thinking of loved ones in the Hospital,
and you begin to pray
For their well-being, safety
and what they mean to you

Don't know what to do?
Feeling helpless , stressed and besides yourself ?
Working hard to make the best of it
and take care of your health
And those you love
Some of you have faith,
while others look for answers from above

Watching fitness videos, playing on facebook
or driving around in your car?
Instead of visiting with family and friends at your favorite restaurant
or bar

Laughing less , and sad more ?
Not knowing whether you will endure

Using facetime or skype to connect
Having trouble with tech?
Or being able to multi task?
Tired of cleaning, not being out in public
and wearing masks?
Having to wear gloves and having no sanitizer , Lysol or TP
Toilet paper is the hottest commodity ,
no one will disagree

It's in high demand and low supply
It's the one thing we all need,
and hope to be able to buy
Tired of some hording basic stuff
that we all depend on
When go to the store, it's all gone!
Its consider Gold! and we all do a High five
When groceries are delivered and the TP has arrived

Baking, cooking and fixing home repairs?
Watching old Sitcoms in your lazy boy chairs
Hurting yourself doing home improvement projects with your tools?
Waiting for the warm weather
and the opening of pools ?
Restaurants and Parks ?
Museums and Zoos?,
Need some comic relief and turn off the news?

But you want to stay informed and understand
To be aware of what is going on in the Nation
and across the land
The cat is annoyed that your home
when their wanting to nap on your bed

Reading more to pass time
and to exercise your Brain?
Forgetting that love remains
And that it will not continually rain ,
the sun will come out and shine
Things will get better,
our lives will improve, yours and mine
There will be a rainbow

Somehow, we need to go with the flow
The colors will show
All of them, each
At peace , later will reach
Hang in there
You may feel ship wrecked
and that you will not get through the storm
Losing patients , not wanting to be quarantined
And To many deaths seen

Continue to share
Connect with others, Believe
Even at times of grieve
Sadness and despair
I know, at times, Life is unfair

There are some negative things about Covid 19
But some positive ones, will be seen
Will be more connected to others , we'll read more
and learn more tech
Less pollution , traffic jams, car wrecks
and plane crashes
Value others and have more inner strength
when times get tough
Better Understanding of health, science,
especially germs
More willing to listen to those close to us,
their problems and concerns
Have more faith and be more wise
Appreciate sunsets and each sunrise
And that we can be alone
and comfortable with ourselves and in our own skin
and don't need it all
fewer material things
That years from now, Covid 19, we will recall
And remind ourselves that we managed
and got through this
And those who passed away and love
we will truly miss

Although, times are tough now, we all will be okay
Make the best of each day