Sunday, June 05, 2011

Today's KDd: Highlights from January to June

Today is The Fifth of June ,
and its almost two in the afternoon ,
I know not a single KDD has been written this year ,
So I will give you the highlights of this year.

January and February were not that great ,
So I thought I would wait ,
And compose a KDD ,
But then things got busy for Darrell and me.

In late February, we had a party celebrating my Birth
These are all local friends,that are close to us, fun and down to earth,
We had a great time that day ,
Good company,Food and games we did play.

In March we went to The CSUN Convention in San Diego ,
In Mid March,was when we did go,
We saw all kinds of cool technology
not just for blind folks like Darrell and me,
but for all types of disabilities,we did see.

They had 800 venders,that were there ,
some of the products I'd like to share ,
They had something called A Braille Sense On Hand,
Its like a Blind person's PDA,Understand?
It is very small,like a computer and has a Braille Display,
eighteen cells and little does it weigh,
very cute powerful product indeed ,
Enables one to write and Read ,
Perform tasks for work and school ,
It is definitely very cool.

WE also saw some amazing glasses that vibrate,
At the Convention,High they did rate,
they were a topic of many dinner conversations at the table,
These special glasses would enable,
Blind folks to avoid objects over their head ,
like overhangs & tree Branches,the Rep did say ,
and more do they weigh ,
than most. in expensive for what they do ,
I wore them, my face hurt by the time I was through ,
When the demonstration was done,
yet,it was fun.

I felt a vibration when I got close to an object above me
and my nose did hurt,but may be great for another,who can't see,
and may be something that we may consider at a later time ,
and if we do I'm sure we could order them online.

They also had some fun tactile games: Puzzles and such,
Things we were able to touch.

I also spoke to Company's that develop software and products for those of
us who can't see ,
Thought they would have something for me ,
to enable me to do my job more easily,
and resolve my accessibility issues ,not the case ,
The convention wasn't a total waste ,
and glad I had the opportunity to Attend ,
and I also did get to meet Darrell's friends.

While in California, Our Friend Ruthie I did visit for a couple days,
we mostly went to the Beach,soaked up the Rays,
Chatted and went out to eat,Enjoyed the Weather,
Glad we had some time together.

Speaking of weather,its 99 degrees ,the high,103
Darrell and I wish 60 or 70 it could be.

In late march,we visited with Dougie and his Family ,
He remembered Darrell and me,
and the Apartment too,
I'm sure by sight and smell, he knew ,
and was so excited when I opened the door, quivering with excitement ,
Am sure he could smell Joycie's scent,
so a park nearby we went.

Joycie stayed home in her crate,She does fine,
only is in there once in awhile,for a short time ,
Doesn't Bark or whine ,
unlike dougie. could never get him to go in one ,
he had separation anxiety and felt like it wasn't fun ,
and couldn't stand to be away from me,
and kennel trained when younger,maybe,he would see,
That it was alright ,
and really not that bad ,
but,unfortunately not,made him way too sad.

Sorry that I did digress ,
allow me, to finish the rest ,
of the visit with Dougie Dog,
so I can post this dose to my blog.

Darrell,Rick,Kay and I
took Dougie to a park nearby ,
He did bark ,
it was a beautiful sunny afternoon in the park,
He has gone more gray,
Tenmore pounds he does weigh,
he still has his health issues,but loves to play,
Full barks he does make,
and the separation anxiety some he did shake,
isn't as needy,clingy and has adjusted,enjoying retirement ,
Grateful for the time that was spent ,
Do miss Dougie,having him around,
and the cute little garks,what a cute sound ,
and the way in witch he would communicate with Darrell and I ,
and it was extremely sad and difficult to say good-bye,
to him,but I know he is happy and treated well ,
from all the visits,that, we, can tell.

In April we attended a couple Events near us ,
Some alone,some with friends,took the bus ,
One evening ,went to Open Mic Night ,it was free ,
heard Amateurs sing and perform ,
The weather was warm,
a bit
and we debated what we,thought was a hit,
and the food was bad ,
but the time spent,we were glad ,
it was nice,enjoyed the breeze,,and the outdoors for awhile ,
Even though,we have very different styles ,
and music tastes ,
It wasn't a waste.

At the end of April,we went to the Taste of Greece,
we certainly had an interesting feast ,
and it was a fun Friday night ,
We enjoyed most of what we ate,but not,every bite ,lol
Yet, really appreciated the music and dancing that we did hear ,
so, that,is why we are mentioning it here.

In May we went to an Art Festival near Mill Avenue ,
They closed some of the roads. that, they did do,
Our friends Amber and Alice came with us ,
We rode the Orbit buss
They are small busses that travel around the neighborhood,
The Art Event was very good.

They had a lot of cool Art which Alice and others described to us three
Would have bought some,if it wasn't so expensive you see.

They had unique home made jewelry,household items and wooden flutes,
saw purses made from tires,not any cute little boots ,
But did see blown glass,
and met some folks from Colorado but not mass.

Another highlight in may,
Was the day,
we went to our friend Allison's pool party,it was fun ,
She does live here in the Valley of the Sun ,
yet, a distance away ,
,and Transportation was a Challenge for those who did go,
and Allison and her Mom, Kathy, have become part of the Production team on
our show,
The Desert Cafe.

WE Broadcast every Sunday Morning 10 A.M here ,Eastern time at 1 ,
A different Theme,cool music,definitely fun,
Darrell,Allison,Kathy,Amber and me.

we search for tunes and place them in the drop box
Much variety,spanning decades,but the show usually does rock lol.

Well,its almost 3;30,
and I need to clean our Apartment, the place is a bit dirty,
and make some dinner,
and I hope this Kdd,is a Winner?
That,it you did Enjoy? that you thought it was informative and cool?
and next weekend our friends will hang out with us at the pool

This time,we will host the party and have invited our close friends from
various locations in the state,
It will be great ,
will be a cookout,good food on the grill,
and swimming we will,
at least most,
,won't be in the sun too much,so won't roast.

So we will tell you about that another time,Okay?
and BTW, Celebrated our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary,just the other day,
had a little get-away,
it was very nice,relaxing and we enjoyed our staycation.

tomorrow,work I do return ,
You know how it goes , Money, we all need to earn ,
and make a living,
and hope this Dose is giving ,
you a reason to visit my blog and make you smile ,
so you will look at Karen's Corner once in awhile ?
every now and again ?
Until then ,
Take care and any feedback,comments you like to share,please do,that,I'd
appreciate ,
Must go before it gets too late,have a good night ,
and another time,I will write. ,