Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nethugs Message: Things to Never Forget!

1. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.

2. Love deeply & passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to
live life completely.

3. Don't judge people by their relatives.

4. Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something,
and has lost something.

5. Remember the three Rs:

Respect for self,
Respect for others,
Responsibility for your actions.

6. Don't overlook life's small joys while searching for big ones.

7. Give people more than they expect & do it cheerfully.

8. Be the first to fight for a just cause.

9. Remember that no time is wasted that makes 2 or more people better

10. Never say anything uncomplimentary about another person's dog

11. Don't think expensive equipment will make up for lack of talent or

12. Memorize your favorite love poem.

13. Do the right thing, regardless of what others think.

14. Judge people from where they stand, not from where you stand.

15. Life will sometimes give you a magical moment. Savor it.

16. Don't confuse comfort with happiness or wealth with success.

17. Be the first to forgive.

18. Spend some time alone.

19. Be an original. If that means being a little eccentric, so be it.

20. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

21. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

22. When you say "I Love You", mean it.

23. Watch your attitude. It's the first thing people notice about you.

24. Remember that the more you know, the less you fear.

25. Be humble & polite, but don't let people push you around.

26. Don't let weeds grow around your dreams.

27. Remember that how you say something is just as important as what you

28. Read between the lines.

29. Don't think you can fill an emptiness in your heart with money.

30. Remember that the shortest way to travel anywhere is to have good
company with you.

31. Take criticism and praise with equal grace.

32. Remember that what's right isn't always popular & what's popular isn't
always right.

33. Remember that great love & great achievements involve great risk.

34. Never risk what you can't afford to lose.

35. Remember that ignorance is expensive.

36. Learn the rules, then break some.

37. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

38. Don't confuse foolishness with bravery and kindness with weakness.

39. Life is too short. Eat more pancakes than ricecakes.

40. Follow your own star.

41. Remember the ones you love.

42. Follow your dreams............................

Written By: Author Unknown

Music: 'Blue Morning Glories' © Bruce DeBoer

Nethugs Message: Anything is Possible

I don't know about you, but I can use some inspiration. It has been a
stressful couple months with work and Health issues here for Darrell and
me. I know some of you have had much of the same where you are as well.
Perhaps, this will help?,give you encouragement?,keep you going? Hope so.
take care & enjoy.!
If there was ever a time to dare,
to make a difference,
to embark on something worth doing,
Not for any grand cause, necessarily...
but for something that tugs at your heart,
something that's your inspiration,
something that's your dream.
You owe it to yourself to make your days here count.

Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy.
There will be good days.
And there will be bad days.
There will be times when you want to turn around,
pack it up, and call it quits.
Those times tell you
that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid
to learn by trying.

Because with an idea,
determination, and the right tools,
you can do great things.
Let your instincts, your intellect,
and your heart, guide you.

Believe in the incredible power of the human mind.
Of doing something that makes a difference.
Of working hard.
Of laughing and hoping.
Of lazy afternoons.
Of lasting friends.
Of all the things that will cross your path this year.

The start of something new brings the hope of something great, ANYTHING IS

Written By: © Author Unknown

Music: 'For the Children of the World' © Yuko Ohigashi

Today's KDD: Karen's Daily Dose and sinus and Ear infections

Today is February Twenty-eight
and this is the date,
that the KdD evolved 3 years ago,
That,did you know?
For most of you,probably not?,some of you are very new to this site
can you believe, I can journal about my day?, have much to write?,
make it rhyme? each time I compose?
I am not a Poet! I'd like some day to write in prose,
Today is not the day for me to create,
I am not doing great,
Though, I am doing better I am ill,
but, another time, I will.

I have another sinus and ear infection, yet, I am on the mend,
and best of luck and good wishes, I'd like to send,
to you Dad, for your hand Surgery Monday March two,
as well as Happy Birthday today for Bob and Todd too.
Both my Brother-in-Laws have a Birthday today,many family in February,
and a speedy Recovery,for our friend Keri,
Who recently had surgery as well,
and though,business isnot as good, we are doing okay at the hotel
compared to many of the Hotels,herein the Valley of the sun
and because I am sick, sorry, this KdD is now done,
Monday, hope My stitches will be removed, that is the plan,
and are you surprised,, 3 years ago, the Karen's Daily Dose began?
Wonder if you all are still getting snow back in the East? Its hot
here, its 80 degrees
and all of you,keep in touch,please!
take care & stay well Okay,
and Have a great day.,

Sunday, February 22, 2009

MountainWings: Hello,How are you?

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#9054 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Hello. How Are You?

1.) Hello.
3.) How are you?
4.) Hello. How are you?

Four words or less could make a world of difference.

I just heard the sad news that a colleague of mine took his
own life over the weekend. My initial reaction was: why? I
guess my reason was that we both work for a company that is
fairly stable in this economy, his life was full of energy on
and off work, he was young and he had a lot of friends.
Everything was perfect!

Or so it seemed.

At a session to share our memories of him, someone brought it
up that it might be a good idea to always reach out to people
we know who might be going through rough times emotionally,
financially, spiritually or in any other way they might not be
feeling fulfilled.

How are you?
My expansion on this is to say this should not just be to our
friends and family alone but to anyone we come in contact with
in our daily life or even just once in a lifetime.

There have been moments in my life that I needed to share
things on my mind but did not know who to speak with. Or
moments that I just wanted to talk to a stranger who will not
give a biased opinion because they were my friends. When
people go through hard times, they become more of what they
are, the quiet withdraw more or the talkative increase their
chatter. A few simple signs could tell us something is wrong.

Hello, how are you?
When I was much younger, a girl on my street caught my eye and
I always promised myself that I would summon the courage to
say hello and become her friend. I never did. She died of a
sickness I had survived a few years earlier. My family was
aggressive with testing and we diagnosed it very quickly.

I keep wondering, what if I had said those four words, would
it have led to me sharing my survival story and would she
still be alive now? I will never know the answer to that.
However, you can! Not the answer to my question but you can
say those few words and you never know; it may just save a

My MountainWings Moment resolution is, as simple as it may
seem, 1, 3, 4 or more words may just bring back a life or
bring a smile at least.

I know I need a smile to get me going once in a while.

~A MountainWings Original by Peter Debo Fadesere,
New Orleans, LA~

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Thank you for inviting MountainWings into your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.


Today's KDd: My Birthday and Finding out who Lurks lol

Today is Sunday February Twenty-two, 5 at night,

And Today, I realize that more people read my site.

My Birthday is today and I was Chatting with my Mom and Dad,

And didn't know that he had,

Been visiting the blog , Says, he likes My Karen's Corner much,

Wished me Happy Birthday, asked how things were? said, Keep in touch ,

We found out how they are there, told us they have a foot of snow,

And then we did go,

Got off the phone, the horn,

And can't believe 45 Years ago today, I was born.

In some respects it seems like along time ago,

You know?

Yet, Age is all in the mind, we are all as young as we Feel, I am young at

And just before I began this KDD, chose songs off the Charts,

For our show, The Desert Café,

And very fast, has gone this day.

Now, my entire Family and closest friends are aware of this site,

They have all always known, how much I like to write,

However, most, have never seen me write creatively

And that I call each Post a KDD.

I am not sure if I am considered a Poet? Perhaps, I could be?

It is just a clever and unique way to tell you all what is happening for
Darrell and me,

To keep you all updated, you all are scattered all over the place in the
East and West,

So, this way, is the best.

I am actually surprised that everyone has enjoyed what they are reading, I
don't think my work is very good, you know?

Never would be close to being like Frost,Overstreet and Poe.

Despite this fact, it gives me pleasure, and is a hobby of mine,

And hope your all well? Doing fine?

It seems like most of you have also been sick as well,

And Even though, we are in a Recession, we are busy at the hotel,

And things there, are good, but Technology is always changing,,

And right now, Darrell is rearranging,

And selecting music for the show Tomorrow night, he is choosing some too

And recently, he got a cold, or has the flu.,

Hopefully, he will not be as sick as me?,

So far, it hasn't been a good year,

But, seems to be a little bit better for us here.

I am finally feeling good, my mouth is healing, though, it is still

It will be about a week more,

Before the swelling will go away,

And then, the next surgery could be may?

Probably June or August?

And Darrell is doing well on all his tests,

Exams, Papers, projects and news stories assigned to him,

As well as gaining more independence with his Mobility, his Instructor

Has been the Key,

And I too, will receive some of these services it will help me

And together, we can go anywhere, at anytime,

And recently , I have joined FaceBook, enjoy communicating online,

Its nice to chat with my Sisters Mary Beth, Tara and friends of mine,some
of them are friends of Darrell and I,

And I also am a Member of the Bradford Alumni.

Tara and Family went to Canada for snow, not surf and Sand,

And next Week, Dad will have surgery on his hand

For a long time, he has been in much pain,

And Tara, Bob and Kids also went to Maine.,

They did surfboarding, skiing and did play on the sleigh,

And returned home Today

So, Glad to hear Jo Anna is doing better, that her knee is healing,

And that you too Tara and mary Beth , how are you feeling?.

It was very strange, quite odd,

That your tooth Tara broke, mine, our Friend Jennifer and Also Todd

All in the same month, just a few weeks apart, very unusual indeed,

But, mine was worse, two surgeries I will need

And also a final crown, before this is all over, Several months will pass

And Darrell is getting All A's in every class.

It is quite demanding, and the amount of work is keeping him on his toes

And do you all really like what I Compose?

There is a reaction field for each post, tell me what you think okay? if
you hate it, think its great,

Where I rate,

I need to make an option for disapprove, Outrageous ? or the Post
totally Rocks?,

Now,its almost 6 O'clock,

And I want to spend the rest with Darrell, have been chatting with Friends
and Family creating the play list for the Desert Café

Gone is the day,

We will hang out, watch lifetime,

So, so long, take care, will write again soon, another time

Continue to read this site,

And maybe, listen to our Show on Monday night's?

That would be super, its always lots of fun,

And for now, This Dose is done.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Catch a Special Cover Edition of the Desert Cafe in Two Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Join us this evening for a special Friday night edition  of the Desert Cafe as we attempt to fill Jeff's shoes while he slaves away at work. We'll keep the tempo upbeat with a party atmosphere, so you all can bailar en la cafĂ©!!!
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Saturday, that's Friday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive
Darrell Shandrow - Accessibility Evangelist
Information should be accessible to us without need of translation by another person.
Blind Access Journal blog and podcast:

Monday, February 16, 2009

MountainWings: The President

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#4047 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Note: This issue was first published in MountainWings in 2004.
I present it again unchanged.

The President

Today is President's Day. To most Americans it's really no big
deal, their only concern is, "Can I get a day off from work?"

There are no cards in the greeting card section for The President.

Most don't think about The President unless it's to complain
about something he's done. No matter what The President does,
he can't please everyone and there is always a large bunch of
protestors outside wherever he goes. No matter what.

If you notice on TV, there's hardly ever a large bunch of
supporters outside waving signs. It's usually protesters.

I know many say they could do a better job but think about it.
How well do we do running our own lives, family, and budget?
If we have a family with children and a spouse, think of the
issues that we have dealing with them.

Just ask one question; "Suppose my failures, shortcomings, goof
ups and even choking on a peanut were major headlines?"

Suppose your doctor visits and medical reports made headlines?

Our family is usually all one color, one religion, one culture,
bound by immediate blood, and we know the excuses that we have
when we mess up.

Now add different races, cultures, religions, backgrounds,
socio-economic needs, educational levels, nationalities and a
hundred other variables.

Then there's the secret stuff. We all have secret stuff, so
does the nation and national leadership. You have no idea about
the secret stuff just as most don't know the secret stuff
outside of your immediate family or bedroom.

Secret stuff is necessary.

Plus, The President has his own personal problems. He has problems
with his children and it's probable that his wife doesn't smile
at him ALL of the time either. She no doubt stands in the
protestor camp on occasion. Many, if not most, of The Presidents
have had infidelity issues but so have many preachers.

Read the MountainWings issue, "So What About Jesse?"
I wrote it when both Clinton and Jesse were in the midst of their
infidelity problems.

The President is human with human problems and he is still
supposed to solve America's and the world's problems.

Perfect - NO.
Made mistakes - Absolutely and he will make plenty more.

Could I do a better job? I doubt it.

Sure, we've got ready solutions but it just isn't that simple.
It's like every football fan has a better plan than the coach
but let them take a team and try to win the Super Bowl.
It's not as easy as it looks from the armchair.

I think The President is doing a good job but then I think all
of them have done good jobs in spite of the big mistakes.

So Mr. President, whether the rest of the nation agrees with me
and I am sure plenty don't, I think you are doing a great job
considering the complexity of it all.

You were ordained to be there, for God always sat the King upon
the throne for His purposes.

Timothy said, "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.
As you make your requests, plead for God's mercy upon them, and
give thanks. Pray this way for kings and all others who are in
authority, so that we can live in peace and quietness, in
godliness and dignity." (1 Timothy 2:1-2 NLT)

Mr. President, I plead God's mercy upon you and give thanks
for all that you do.

I understand a little of the pressure, the pitfalls, the problems,
and the everyday peculiarities of life that you deal with.

Thank you for keeping this country as peaceful as possible,
as quiet as possible, and with as much Godliness and dignity as
you can command, for you have taken a stand, whether folks like it
or not.

Happy President's Day!

~A MountainWings Original~

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Catch the Desert Cafe in Six Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Join us  this evening in the  Desert Cafe as we celebrate Presidents' Day, talk about  our Valentine's Day weekend and see if we can keep everyone from tearing apart the cafe during the two hours it is open. A great mix of  music will entertain you and  help you get your  week off to a good start. There may even be some new music from a local independent musician, which you certainly won't want to miss.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive

Sunday, February 15, 2009

MountainWings: How did you spend your Valentine's Day ?

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#3045 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

How Did You Spend Your Valentine's Day?

As an avid MountainWings reader, I can't tell you how many times
your timing has been so perfect in helping me through whatever
was going on in my life. I mean, it is just amazing! But this
time, you helped me find an answer that I desperately needed.

Last week, my husband, myself, and our two children, ages
7 and 10 decided to go out to Red Lobster for dinner, a special
treat for us.

I had received a gift card for Christmas and we hadn't used it
yet. My husband is a Computer Tech for a large hospital here in
California. It was his weekend to be on call, so we had to stay
around town anyway. We live in Sacramento.

We decided to go to dinner at 5:30 as Red Lobster always has a
long waiting list. My husband got paged around 5:00, had to
make a call and wait for a call back, so we ended up leaving
later than planned, a little after 6:00pm.

We are on our way to the restaurant, it's dark out, and my
husband is telling me all about this new program he just put on
our computer and everything it could do. We are traveling down
a busy street, four lanes, 45mph, and I looked out my window.

I said, "Oh My God! There's a man back there, and a bike, in
the ditch! I know that's what I saw! A man and a bike, on the
side of the road, in the ditch!"

He said, "Ok, we'll turn around and go take a look." We turned
around, went down the road, turned back the way we had traveled,
and sure enough, there was a man, face down, on the side of the

My husband stopped, turned on our emergency flashers, as there
is no place to pull off; he got out and went to the man. I got
on my cell phone and called 911. They said someone had called,
and help was on the way. I told the kids to sit still,
everything would be ok, and I got out to join my husband.

The man was trying to stir, my husband was telling him not to
move around, so I knelt down beside him and talked to him, put
my hand on his shoulder, asked him to try not to move, that help
was on the way, and we would stay with him.

He tried to turn his head to see me, he was facing the ditch,
he moved his arm. I just gently, softly caressed his shoulder
to let him know he wasn't alone, to try and comfort him, and
asked him to please be still, and try not to move.

The sheriff got there, it seemed like 5 to 10 minutes had
passed. Two guys came from across the street, they said they
had found him, taken the bike off the top of him, and gone to
call for help.

I stayed with him until the firemen came, then I moved out of
their way. I could not believe this! Someone had hit a human
being with their car and left them for dead. How could this be?

I asked the Sheriff, "How could someone not know they hit him?"
He said, "I'm sure they did know, and that's why they kept
going, it happens everyday."

The sad truth is, that here in Sacramento, it does happen
everyday. The Sheriff asked us if we saw anything, and we told
him that we didn't, that I had just happened to look out my
window and see him as we were driving by. He took our names and
our phone number incase the CHP wanted to contact us, but
doubted they would since we didn't have any information.

By this time, we could hear the ambulance coming, so we left as
not to be in the way.

This man has been on my mind ever since. The lack of human
compassion is just beyond my comprehension. At first, it
bothered me a bit, the Sheriff, and the firemen, they didn't
seem to care as much as I did. But then I realized very quickly
that they have to step back from these situations, or they
couldn't do what they do everyday.

But I can't get this man out of my mind. Why was my husband
paged, our dinner plans delayed? Why did I look out my window
into the darkness at that very moment and see this man?
Why were we put in that place, at that time?

Why is this stranger so important to me?

As we drove away, all I could think about was this poor guy,
just an average guy, probably doesn't have much money since his
bike was his transportation, in blue jeans, sneakers, a light
jacket, and a comb sticking out of his back pocket.

What kind of person could hit him with their car, and just leave
him for dead? How is this poor man going to feel?

So unimportant. I don't want this man to feel unimportant.
Maybe that's why we were involved in this trauma, because he is
important. I don't know the answers. I just know that I've
been having trouble trying to go on about my daily life, and not
think about him.

I called the Sheriff's dept. on Tuesday to try and find out
where they took him. They transferred me to CHP. They were
able to tell me the hospital he was taken to. I called there,
but without a name, they couldn't tell me anything.

I called back to CHP, told them my story, and asked if they
could help me to find out about this man. They said they really
appreciate the fact that I care, and thanked me for caring, but
unfortunately, they cannot give me any information.

I was afraid of that, and I totally understand why it has to be
that way. The sad truth is, there are some pretty sick people
in this world, and they have to protect this man's identity.

My heart was sad, I really feel a need to reach out to this man,
to show him some compassion, but how can I? I know that if it
is meant to be, it will happen, and if not, then I will have to
let it go.

I sat at my desk, feeling sad, with this man on my mind.
I don't know why this is so important, but I know that it is.

Automatically, I click on my email, and there's MountainWings
"52X". I saw it earlier, I just hadn't taken the time to read
it yet. But now feeling low, I thought would be a good time to
read it.

The first line,

"How do you know when you are doing the right thing?"

I continued to read, but couldn't concentrate; I kept going back
to that first line. I was almost to the end, couldn't tell you
what I was reading, I kept going back to the first line,
"How do you know when you are doing the right thing?"

Then it came to me. the Chaplain! All hospitals have a
Chaplain. I'll bet if I call and talk to the Chaplain, tell
them my story, they will help me.

I wouldn't expect them to give me personal information, such as
a name, but maybe they could tell me if this man is OK and if he
has friends and family around.

I've been making Valentines with my kids for friends and family.
I just have to know if this man has someone around that cares.

I finally got a call back from the Chaplin, and I told her my
story. She said she would see what she could find out, and call
me back. She called back and said she found him.

When I asked if he was doing ok, she said, "Considering the
extent of his injuries, he's doing ok." I asked her,

"Is he paralyzed?"

She said yes, and seemed puzzled that I knew that. But while I
was kneeling next to him, trying to comfort him, I knew.

When he tried to move around, his legs never moved, just his
head and his arm. I didn't realize until I said it, that I
knew. My heart sank so low for him. I asked if he had any
family around him. She said that he told her he had a brother
and a sister, she thinks they have been to see him, but doesn't
know if they live here.

She said that she talked to him, and he didn't mind if we came
to visit him. I'm going to call the Chaplain the day after
tomorrow, Valentine's Day.

We are going to go and visit him, take him a valentine, some
flowers, show him that we care, and are so sorry about what has
happened to him.

I don't know what to say, to this stranger, whose life is
forever changed. I do know, that when the time comes, I will
find the things that need to be said, the things that he needs
to hear. God has never let me down, he always gives me the
right words at the right time. I just know with all of my heart
and soul, that I am doing the right thing.

It's not about being a nice person, or having people tell you
that you are nice for caring, that has nothing to do with
anything. This goes so much deeper than that. There is some
reason that we came across this stranger, this possibly new
friend. Someday it will all be understood.

Thank you for a MountainWings Moment that gave me the answer
that I was so desperately searching for at the time.

~A MountainWings Original by Gail Donohoe~

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

From my Heart,to you on Valentine's Day

hello Everyone,
Normally, I am not one to post anything like this,such as a personal
message from Darrell and or a close friend. However, this is beautiful
and I love it! I had already begun writing Darrell a Valentine's Love
letter before I saw the one I had written for him today. I always write
him letters on Valentine's day and sometimes, other days,just because.
Yet, I don't blog them.
This was extra sweet and Darrell usually doesn't compose one in poetic
He has done an awful lot for me for Valentine's day,a lot lately
especially. I appreciate it all so much. I know the month of January I
have been ill more then well and now I am recovering from oral surgery.
Darrell,you have been more loving,giving me extra TLC. You are the best!
I feel bad because I really have not done anything yet for you for
Valentine's day. You took me out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's,Tuesday Night
before the surgery and then today you bought me a gift. First, this very
sweet,beautiful, very touching card that you brailed for me. Then, in a
cute little bucket was a cute Teddy Bear,a balloon and a small box of
chocolates. How sweet! You know, I don't like flowers, allergic and I am
not into jewelry that much just spending time with you is the best.
I will be doing something for you next weekend, the same weekend as my
Birthday, likely on Sunday,my Birthday, but I will make it special for
you. so, here you are everyone, see what my wonderful husband wrote for
me and then my message to him will follow. hope none of you mind us
sharing this,expressing our hearts in a public way? I don't have
many readers anyway wonder if I even have readers? I hope so! Do let me
know what you all think of this or anything I have written here. Maybe,
you want to hear more from Dougie? :) lol
well, I am actually feeling not so great, in some pain and very tired.
so, going to go,have written a lot here today anyways. Take care and now,
read both Darrell's message to me and the one I composed for him.

Dear Karen,

This is the message from your Valentine's Day card:

True Love, when it comes, is always worth the wait.

Sometimes I wish that we had met sooner, that the detours along the way
could have been fewer. But then something tells me we found each other at
just the right place in our lives.

Now here we are-right on time and so right together. And I want you to know
I would've waited forever for this, for you, for the love of my life.

Now, this is from me:

I love you more each day,
I would never have it any other way,
It should be celebrated even more each day.
A long time before you became my wife,
You became the love of my life.
You always hold the top spot,
In a club whose membership is not a lot.
It is an elite club of my best friends,
For whom my feelings of love and support will never end,
And for whom the hurts I would always try to mend,
And to whom best wishes I send.
We've known each other for 14 years,
Isn't that amazing to hear?
You've been here with me for ten,
The best times of my life they have been,
You've put up with me through thick and thin.
Thank you not only for loving me as my wife,
But also for being the best friend I have ever had in my life!



My Dearest Darrell:

I love you with my heart and soul,

You complete me ,with you, I am whole,

Am truly happy every day of my life,

I am so happy to be your wife

And you are definitely my best friend

I will be by your side to the end.

Here, I want to be

, Almost 3 years ago we took our Vows, seriously I take those

hope it shows

every day??,

I know probably not? not always supportive,

But always you I love!

I take you for better for worse, when your loving and even when we fight,

You are, my, Mr. Right

I take you for richer or Poorer, I know, your unemployed,

That fact, we can't avoid

Yet, These circumstances are not your fault, your not to blame,

And you still are in the game

Of life, your running the race, dribbling the ball down the court

For me, you have provided support,

Along with our family and friends, when, things did not look good for me
at Hyatt,

What they were attempting to do, you did not buy it,

You help me fought back,

We wrote letters, documentation, and again, I am on track,

And there I am still an employee,

So grateful, your always there for me

Thank goodness Mom and Dad are assisting us,

That we are not thrown under the bus

Help we are given

It certainly makes life easier living.,

However, if they did not have the resources or weren't around,

The love we have found,

Would have been enough! we would have made it through just fine

We would have found section 8 housing online,

And we would moved away from here,

And yes, it would have been a very difficult year.

But, we would have done it! and fortunately that is not the case

We are still living here in this place,

We call home, its with you.

In Sickness and in health, there for you when you are well and when
ill, feelling under the weather

We are always together

During the times your sick, I give you extra tender, love and care

My heart and time, I do share.,

Now, I am not well. recovering from surgery

You have been there for me,

Years before then,

You will be up with me passed 10,

Very late,

If I am not great,

Making me hot tea, or cold compresses for my head,

Or just shnuggle with me in bed

Or just lie aside me there, reading a good book

The time and devotion, you have always took,

Do take,

At anytime I need you,

For that and everything, I love you!

Your in school, it's a difficult semester,a stressful one,

But soon, you will be done,

You will have a Journalism degree,

Right now, that is your job, to study, to attend class,

To write papers, all your subjects you will pass

And with A's. will not be easy but, you will achieve!

In you I believe!

You can do anything! If you put your mind to it, like your Orientation
and Mobility

You see,

Your overcoming your fear of traffic and streets to cross,

No Mos Moss,

,no more, your on your way,

I know, its not easy, still today,

Yet, you are getting out doing more,

Like going to the Safeway store,

Picking up items I needed and something special too,

For me, to say, I love you!

The Valentine's day card was very sweet,

And so, was the Teddy Bear, the chocolate a great treat

And the balloon,

With you, we sing sweet tunes.

I wasn't expecting it at all, you're the best!

Your so much better then a box full of chocolate or a bouquet of flowers,

I can spend hours,

Just chatting and spending time with you,

Anything we can do!

I don't need to be at the beach,feel Ocean breezes,water and sand,

Just want to be with you,hand in hand.

I don't need to sit by a fireplace with a glass of wine,

With you, all is fine!

I don't need to hear music on the radio,

Wherever you go, I will go!

Many songs tell stories and have meaning in my life

Especially "our Songs" we danced too at our Wedding,after becoming your

I don't need that candlelit dinner or Jewelry

I just need you and me

And me and you,

And I am here to say, I love you!,

DDD: From the Dougster,Being there for Mommy and Happy Valentine's Day!

It's me Dougie

, here to write some more D-mail, it's been a long time,

Hope you humans are doing fine?

And my canine friends, like Olli, Julio and Herald too,

Herald is a friend that is new

We have not met yet,

And Julio, only know you, from the net,

Never met your Mommy Nickie, feel like I have known her my entire life at
least 7 years for me, that is much

And sorry, I don't keep in touch,

As often. It's difficult when you don't have thumbs and a limited
vocabulary, a strong command


Don't comprehend well the English language, that most of you speak,

But, I am herewith Mommy, love her 8 days a week,

And Daddy too, but Mommy I am with her 24/7,day and night,

At work,home,here when she writes,

When she is running errands or out with friends, I am by her side,
every step of the way,

Just like I was with her the other day.

I don't like to see Mommies scared, hurting, and anxious you know?

When, the surgeon pricked her so much, it hurt her bad, I got up, and they
then, wanted me to go,

I just wanted to be close to her, wag my tail ,lick her and assure her,
she will be okay

But, the Doctor and the nurse did say,

Go To Daddy! And then Daddy called me, but I did not want to leave Mommy,
she needed me

Near her, I wanted to be.

She was shaking out of nervousness,

Though, she was trying to stay strong and do her best,

She hates needles and they always have trouble doing her IV,

And her body does not respond well to anesthesia, you see,

So, that is why both Daddy and me,

Were there, she needed our support,

But, my time in the office was cut short

After they got the IV running, Dad and I had to leave,

This, I couldn't believe

Thought they would allow me to stay,

It should have been okay,

But, I was in the way,

Guess, there wasn't much room for their equipment, the surgeon did explain
to him. he understood,

But for me, it wasn't at all good

However, I did obey Daddy, resisted but did go with Daddy, with him I

And for 2hours I spent,

With Alice and Daddy.

They took me to lunch, but did not feed me anything, not a single bite,

That isn't right,

Is it? Like a good boy I did lay,

Under the table, knowing Mommy I'd see later that day

I really did not cry, but sulk I did,

Just like a Kid,

Had my butt and tail under the table, but, my head out, so I could see
everything around me that the Server brought,

Man, did it look good, it was steamy and hot,

Sure it was tasty, and so good it did smell

From what I remember, from what Daddy did tell,

Mommy! Daddy and Alice sat

Eating and they did chat,

Yapping away, don't know about what, could be about anything,

The nurse had to call them back, a second ring

Saying Mommy is waiting, let's go,

She needs us, you know?,

When we left without Mommy I was reluctant to get in the car, yet, I had,

I was upset, feeling sad,

But, when we arrived back at the Clinic to get Mommy, everything then
was alright

I was so happy to see Mommy, I was garking with delight

Jumping and excited to see her, my best friend,

I wanted to be there, to help her mend

Mommy wrote a dose about Valentine's day, about special people in her
life, like me and you,

I love you all too,

But I love everyone, unlike She,

And I know everybody loves me.

Mommy, Daddy, our family and friends are the best! I too, want it to be

Don't again groan

This is not the same message, that Mommy wrote and posted to her blog,

This is from me, the Dougie Dog.

Mommy is having trouble to recover,

From what I have seen,

Early morning's and late nights are not at all good for her,

Better times, I wish they were

Then,She is in much more pain and her stomach is sometimes upset,

And medicine and something to eat she sometimes needs to get

Because the medicine is too strong and makes her stomach feel worse

She doesn't need a nurse,

Just TLC,

From Daddy and me

Her mouth does hurt ,more when she talks, so its been more quiet here

And I am staying near,

Staying close as I can be, without being in her way

Trying to help her get through the day

Don't know how to use the microwave or can not reach the freezer to get
her ice cream

But can guide her, we are a good team

I am not supposed to go in the fridge, where the carrots are, the big
orange sticks are stored for me,

In the Kitchen, I am not supposed to be,

So I can't assist her, get her yogurt, pudding to help her right now, but
do give her waggie tails give her kisses on her face,

and follow her from place to place

As much as I am able

Lie near the table,

Near her computer desk, on the bed, would do more!,

now,its 3;04,

Mommy says I need to go, we have work to do,

Before Daddy gets home, want to be through.,,

So, I have to cut this short get on my way,

Just want to say,

love you all too. Happy Valentine's day.

KDD: Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello Everyone,
This is not something that would be seen on a Hallmark card. It
would not be sold in one of their stores but these are words written from
my heart, thoughts that came to mind as I think about those I care most
about in my life. And here I am expressing how I feelabout those I
cherish the most.
Though, I don't talk to my Family often, conversations are once in
awhile,I know they all love me and I them. I know, they would always be
there when I really need them and they,are there in the exciting moments
and the challenging ones too.
Mom,Dad, Tara and Mary Beth, Love you all! and for my friends, though,
I only have a few ,those I do have, are close,dear and very true. In no
particular order want to mention you also. Darrell,yournotjust my spouse,
but my best friend. Then, there is Tina,Jeff,Keri, Jennifer R,Mary
Anne, Ruthie, Lynda,Drew,Alice and Nickie whom I am closests too. I
appreciate all of you and cherish our friendship as well. Of course,
can't forget Dougie. He is one of my closests and dear friends,my
buddy. He is with me every day. Happy Valentine's day Everybody,your
all the best! Have a great one. Look below.

Valentine's Day shouldn't just be for lovers, husbands and Wives,
It should also be for the others we cherish in our lives

Valentine's shouldn't just be about Romance and intimate moments shared with
a spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend,

It's about acknowledging those who are friends to the end

Who are close, dear and true

And special too.

It shouldn't just be about giving Hallmark cards written by another,

It should be thoughts from your own heart to your Mother,

Father, friends or anyone,

Who brings joy and sun,

To your life, are there in the bad times not just the good,

Help you out with anything, the special ones would!

Drop most anything and be there to chat and come to your side,

Will be there on your journey, on that emotional roller coaster, ride,

And be there in the game of life, there they will be,

Even if they disappoint or hurt you and or don't always agree .

Valentine's Day is not just about a box full of chocolates and an
extravagant candle lit dinner,

Those who are always there for you, they are the winners!,

It's not about material things and flowers bouquet

It's who are there for you every day!

I am grateful for those in my life,

, family and friends,

I know they will be there to the end,

And love me unconditionally, no matter what I say or do

And that is how I feel about all of you.

You bring me happiness, smiles and laughter and sometime tears

Yet, you're always there for me throughout the years

Valentine's should not just be once a year, just like Christmas and

It's every day, to be thankful for those who make your life worth

Are loyal and giving

Trustworthy and there to stay,

Want to say, Happy Valentine's day.!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Today's KDd: My Surgery,what I remember and my recovery

I didnot feel pain, but some I do recall, lol

and here is a KDD for you all

look below,

and less then 3 hours will be time for Jeff's show.

It's Friday February 13 TH at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the day before
Valentine's Day

I am doing okay,

Just Alright,

And I am here to write

And hope you all will listen to Jeff's Desert Skies show tonight?

Its 2 days after my surgery. it went pretty well from what the surgeon

Have been resting much in bed,

Have been in pain every day, mostly first thing in the morning and late at
night, not worried this is typical for me

And this won't be a long Kdd.

The day, of surgery, an hour just the IV took,

And while trying to find a vein, my left knee just shook,

I was shaking and feeling cold,

Glad when they finally told,

Me, that the IV was running, had to stick me 6 times, it hurt bad,

And Dougie was sad,

When he had to go with Darrell, after they did the IV,

He is very protective of me

Yet, he is a good boy and was for Darrell and Alice when they went to

They took Dougie and at the Cheesecake factory they did munch

Had a nice meal and chat just those two,

And went back to the clinic to pick up me when it was all through.

The I v wasn't the only thing that was challenging, but part of the surgery
was complicated,

From what the Doctor stated,

To me later, the extra tooth impacted in my mouth, wouldn't budge, hard to

And next Wednesday I go back,

The tooth was also upside down,

And the Doctor's office isn't here in town,

But in downtown Phoenix, about 20 minutes away,

And from what the surgeon did say,

I wouldn't feel much and I would not remember anything,

And it will be about a week that a dose to you all I do bring.

It's true I did not feel much but I do remember some of what went on, heard
he and the nurse talking,

And remember when I woke up, it was difficult walking,

Stumbled like I was drunk, could not walk straight,

And of course told to wait,

To eat, and sleep I should,

And the rest of the operation went well, went good,

The removal of the root tip and the bone grafting was routine, and towards
the end I awoke,

I Remember, my teeth, he did poke,

Were tapping with an instrument,

But he also told me I spent,

Part of the time sleeping actually was snoring; a good chuckle they had, and
said we are all done it's all complete,

And they helped me out of the seat,

And I sat and waited in a comfy chair,

And When Alice did arrive, the doctor did share,

How things went and instructions I should follow

And until the numbness wore off, nothing to eat and swallow,

Described the medications, directions for all four,

This all I do recall, and then we were out the door.

The recovery hasn't been easy, but pretty smooth for me, considering how
things were in the past

I know, just a short time this all would last,

The pain, the nausea and eating all soft foods, pudding, potatoes and yogurt

Expect pain and my mouth to hurt,

Especially because there is stitches in my pallet its beginning to itch
which is a very good sign, you know?

And soon I should go.

Darrell is keeping quite busy with school,

And he has a new friend, Jennifer in his Spanish class, she is very cool,

And on Sunday we will meet for the first time,

I hope I will be fine,

and be feeling well? They will study and we will choose music for our show

For the rest, don't know?

Have lunch from Silver mine, Well, they will eat subs, not me,

I can't have solids till Wednesday, you see

Need to have soup, yogurt, just very soft stuff,

I really had enough,

And it's been rough,

Taking perkecet, and this antibiodic,yet know it's all a temporary phase,

And hope, it will just be a few more days, ?

I am scheduled back to work on Tuesday February 17 TH, grateful for the
time they gave me, appreciate the time off and their understanding, I will
be okay.

What are you all doing for Valentine's Day?

Darrell took me out Tuesday night,

And maybe, something we might,

Do tomorrow , depends on how I am feelling,if I am not nauseous, mouth
aching and my head,

But likely will instead,

Celebrate Valentine's Day on my Birthday, next weekend, on my Birthday,

Much better I will be,

And should go, end this Kdd,

Its almost 4, getting tired, this was too much for one day, for me to

Take good care,alright?

Monday, February 09, 2009

The Desert Cafe Goes Live in Two Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Join us  this evening in the  Desert Cafe for a pre-Valentine's Day celebration of friendship, love and all the great things that eminate from such wonderful feelings. We'll share with all of you some audio footage from Saturday's Unity Walk and try out a bit of modern rock music. We  will  have a great mix of  music to  entertain you and  help you get your  week off to a good start. We know the President is speaking tonight. Hopefully, you'll lend an ear to us and the other to Mr. President.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive
Darrell Shandrow - Accessibility Evangelist
Information should be accessible to us without need of translation by another person.
Blind Access Journal blog and podcast:

Friday, February 06, 2009

Mountain Wings: The Big Flash

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#1037 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

The Big Flash

For those of you who are old enough to remember, what you were
doing when you heard the news that President Kennedy had been

I was almost seven years old.

I was walking down a large hill leading to our house on Rockmart
Drive heading home from school. Someone pulled up beside me in
a car and said, "President Kennedy has been shot."

That's been almost 40 years ago and though I was just a small
boy, the memory vividly lingers.

Major traumatic events like a camera flash freeze the moment.
It is a picture that remains and even time itself doesn't erase
it. Most Americans remember what they were doing when a
traumatic event occurred.

Today is such a day for me.

It's February 6th.

The day has no special meaning for most of you but for me it's
one of those flash days.

It's not exactly the typical KodakT moment.

February 6th is the day my brother died.

I remember receiving a 911 page on my beeper. I had been in the
shower and didn't answer the phone. When I returned the call it
was my youngest brother telling me that my 38-year-old brother
had been taken to the hospital after passing out.

It was Sunday morning. I was due to deliver the Sunday morning
message in church in two hours. I rushed to the hospital. Only
my brother's wife was there when I arrived. She explained the
events of the morning.

Although I knew from the description it sounded medically
serious, I knew my brother was a young, healthy, and vibrant

The thought of death seemed impossible.

Two of his neighbors were doctors and they rode in the ambulance
with him and even went into the emergency room to assist.

When his neighbor walked out of the emergency room and walked
past us shaking his head he spoke no words. The gesture and
look was enough to convey the meaning.

This couldn't be. . . and yet it was.

It was the greatest mountain that I had ever faced.

It was a blinding flash.

He had a blood clot in his leg migrate to his lungs.

He had complained and gone to the hospital with difficulty of
breathing several days earlier. The doctors ran tests and said
that he was fine and sent him home.

If he had been diagnosed properly, anti-clotting drugs could
have easily dissolved the clot before it did fatal damage.

Often mountains are caused by the failure of others to do their
job properly.

People will make mistakes. You will make mistakes. I will make

Of all of the sermons that I have preached, I can only remember
the exact date and subject of one, the sermon that I preached on
that Sunday morning.

There was nothing fantastic about the sermon just as there was
nothing fantastic about my downhill walk on the day President
Kennedy was shot.

But it was a sermon preached in the light of a flash.
You remember everything in the light of a flash.

In my mind I was tempted to change my prepared sermon and
deliver a message appropriate to the moment.

A still small voice said, "No, deliver that which you have been

The message was entitled, "Would Jesus be happy with your

I later understood the importance of that message in light of
the events of that day. When we leave this world, it won't be
important what we've gotten, but rather what we gave. All of
our accumulations and possessions won't really matter.

Great mountains will change you. They are the challenges and
the obstacles that will either make you stronger or break you.

They will make you better or bitter, a climber or a complainer

The mountain will allow you to see a vision that you can't see
from the valley.

The mountain can also make you so cringe with the fear of
falling that you tightly clamp your eyes shut.

You can revel in the pure rarefied air.

You can gasp for breath from the thinness of it.

The mountain can do great or terrible things.

It depends on both perspective and preparation.

A flash can change your life like none other.

It can either blind you or illuminate dark areas where you could
not see.

It depends on both perspective and preparation.

The Kennedy flash I remember very well but it didn't change me.

I was never the same after the February 6th flash.

I later preached two sermons about how the experience changed my

They are still some of the most downloaded and listened to
sermons on

If you ever have the flash of the loss of a loved one, go and
listen to "1 Hour and 40 Minutes" and "The Eulogy of Effie

It will help you fly over that mountain.

I shouldn't say "if" you ever have a flash of the loss of a
loved one.

If you live long enough, you will have several.

Those types of flashes MUST come. It is an inevitable part of
life. You cannot stop them and often can't even delay them.

The flashes are not the problem.
The problem is not being prepared to fly when the inevitable
flashes come.

How do you prepare for a flash?

You don't.

You learn to live each day to the best of your ability and to
see the beauty.

You learn to laugh at the traffic jam instead of cursing it.

You learn to smile when someone attacks you.

You learn to have patience when the grocery checkout line stands

You learn to handle the little things.

The little things prepare you for the big flashes.

When my brother left this earth, I could honestly say that I had
done everything as an older brother that I could have done for
him in life.

When he had gone to the hospital days earlier I laid my hands on
him and prayed a prayer of comfort and peace.

His told his wife later that he felt a warm glow go over him and
his fear left him.

It was just a touch, but a touch in love.

Neither of us knew what lay ahead.

Neither do you know what is ahead.

Don't worry about that.

Just do the right thing now.

Stay at peace in the grocery line.

Stay at peace with the little things.

Touch someone in love,

And treat your brother right.

Then you'll be better prepared to handle the big flashes.

It depends on both perspective and preparation.

Whether the big flashes light you up

Or burn you up.

~A MountainWings Original~

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Petwarmers: A Champ at Heart

by Kathy Armstrong

On a crisp autumn afternoon, pet rescue volunteer Sharleen Smith
got a call from the animal shelter in Buhl, Idaho.
The staff person at the shelter said they had a five-year-old
Springer Spaniel and she'd never seen one in such bad shape before.
He was covered in bumps and lumps, and had a growth the size of a
lemon hanging off of his leg. He was scared of being touched and
cowered easily.
Sharleen didn't hesitate. In her experience with pet rescue,
dogs were capable of amazing transformations with a little help. She
drove to Buhl to get him and took him immediately to Treasure Valley
Vet in Boise.
There were many foreign objects matted in his fur and embedded
in his skin, including rocks, twigs, feces, thorns, and
unrecognizable decaying things. Sharleen decided to name him "Champ"
because she was confident he would succeed in getting through his
recovery process.
The veterinarian, Dr. Shackelford, determined that Champ's
medical problems were severe. He estimated that Champ had been
fending for himself for years, without adequate nutrition, baths,
grooming, preventative health care, etc. Champ went under anesthesia
and they shaved him down. Seven benign masses were removed.
"I haven't seen a dog this bad in years," Dr. Shackelford told
Sharleen. "This dog's condition is due to 100% neglect."
Medical treatment, whether for dogs or people, is expensive. To
provide the care that Champ needed, English Springer Rescue America,
Inc. (ESRA) made Champ a "Special Needs" dog. He even had his own
web page on, with more than thirty sponsors.
Supporters from all over the United States and Canada rooted for
Champ and helped defray the costs of his treatment.
Sharleen and her husband Phil cared for Champ and tended to his
multiple incisions, held together by 67 staples throughout his body.
Two of the incisions had drainage tubes. They administered pain
medication injections, and antibiotics, but nothing seemed to make
the dog comfortable. For several days, Champ cried for hours.
Sharleen wished Champ could tell her his story. Whenever she
approached him with the leash, he cowered. He was totally hand-shy
and had to smell her hand and examine it carefully before she could
touch him.
Champ was terrified of trucks. When he would see a big semi
truck, he shook and cried and sounded like he was screaming. Champ
was definitely not an indoor dog. It had taken a lot of coaxing just
to convince him to come inside the house. He had not had much
training, but he learned quickly. Sharleen took her time with Champ,
helping him slowly come out of his shell.
Psychologically, Champ had made wonderful progress as he healed.
He was no longer afraid of strangers, and he had conquered his fear
of the freeway.
Over the course of the next two months, Sharleen corresponded
with a family in Arizona about Champ's progress. During the holiday
season, they traveled to Boise, Idaho, to meet Champ. Sharleen
believed this family had the patience and dedication to continue
working with him, and had unlimited love to give him.
Five months after the adoption, Champ's family wrote, "We love
him and he loves us! He is one happy-go-lucky pooch. He hikes
nearly every day on the trail system near our Phoenix home. His fur
has grown out and he has filled out some. He is one very handsome
Springer. Once he's out on the trail, he is all bird dog -- his nose
to the ground smelling for wild game. He has flushed up lots of
quail, rabbits, coyotes, and lizards!"
Champ's story was a triumphant journey of an abused, scared, dog
who became a happy, healthy family member.
ESRA's mission is to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Re-home English
Springer Spaniels.
Champ's rehabilitation, both physical and psychological, was a
good example of what a dedicated volunteer, a caring vet, and a solid
organization can do to help one dog at a time.

-- Kathy Armstrong <lawkathy at>

Kathy says, "I'm a huge fan of dogs. I volunteer with a pet rescue
group, English Springer Rescue America, Inc. (ESRA). I live in Post
Falls, ID, with my husband and two dogs."

Today's KDD: If you felt pain, but can't Remember, did you feel pain? lol

Hello Everyone,

It has been a very long time since I have written Daily doses, they are
few and far between these days. I have been sick for a month. This
virus I have had, has taken various forms: cold,sinus infection, and
Bronchitis. I think I am finally getting over it. Many have been sick
at work too. Working in a hotel is almost as bad as working in a
Hospital. WE have thousands of guest staying with us, from around the
World ,some for days at a time. They bring their germs,our housekeepers
clean their rooms, those housekeepers come down to the office where I
work, they touch my Desk and there, I got it! This is typical in Families
too, its just that it can be passed around several times in this kind of
environment. I heard it is taking on average two to four weeks to recover.
I actually feel pretty good today and for the first time in a month I
slept well last night. What a relief,was getting worried and very
frustrated having this hacking cough coughing all day long at work and
during the night.
I think I will be fine for my surgery next Wednesday February 11 TH.
Speaking of surgery, Tonight, Darrell was discussing his Ethics class with
some of us on the phone and we were also discussing my upcoming surgery.
He then, began philosophizing and asked the following. If I feel the
pain, but can't remember, did I feel Pain? So, this conversation we had
was the inspiration for this post. lol. My Doctor says I will be in a
twilight state, be able to hear him,what they are doing and even respond to
him if he asks me something or do something he may need me to do.
Yet,later I will have amnesia. I really don't want to remember nor really
hear all the drilling,cracking and snapping of them removing the root and
extracting the extra tooth. And, I certainly, don't want to hear and or
feel the bone grafting. This worries me the most. I really hope I will be
comfortable and sedated enough that I don't feel much?. I am glad too,
that I will not recall what happened days later.
This entire process will take months.
After I have this surgery, then 3 to 6 months later,after my mouth heels,
then I will have the next surgery in which they will do the implant. He
intended to do this in the first one, until he discovered the supernumerary
After the implant Surgery in the Spring, then I will wait another 3 to 6
months before I will get my crown. What a long time, but at least I will
not be having brain or heart Surgery.
Well, I didn't plan on writing a book here, just a brief note to
explaining the meaning and purpose of this Kdd. :) lol... take care & see
for yourself.

If you felt pain,
it did register in your Brain
but, did it really resonate?
if your Brain was in an altered State?,

if you were under I V sedation ,in a twilight sleep
and not too far under,not too deep,
and you can hear everything around you,
but a week later, you can't recall what the surgeon did do ?
Did you really feel the pain, if you had amnesia after the surgery? after
the Doctor did Drill?
can you recall feeling pain, still?

The pain was felt at the time, the pain you can't bare,
Yet, later, the experience, you can't share,
or express to another, not much you will be able to tell,
Though, you know your not feeling well,
your mouth is swollen,
so, you knew they didn't operate on your colon
or your heart or your eye, lol
you knew it was your mouth by the things your husband or wife did buy.
Soup,Jell-O and other soft food to eat
certainly not a big chunk of meat,
steak or pork,
see yourself drinking with a straw, not using a fork,
maybe a spoon, and items that are cold, cool to the touch,
but, you don't remember why you can't eat much? lol

You may remember why your in pain,
but the fact you were there, you won't be able to retain,
as if you were not lying in the Chair at all. hearing instruments he is
but later, aware of the bruising
and notice your stomach feels like butterflies, quite nauseous,vomitting
gauze packed in your mouth, so you wouldn't bleed.

if you feel pain and if you can't remember?, did you feel the pain?
Another philosophical question. Darrell came up with this one,,
do you find these fun
Thought provoking?
do you say? what,are we smoking?
what, drugs are we taking? but, I am not inhaling, lol
and on my surgery day, I want to be sailing,
drifting out to sea,
Then,I really, don't want to be me.!

I know, I will remember the pain, in the present time,
yet, I really want to be off line,
and its perfectly fine,
That later, I will have amnesia, and will forget. I heard a crack and a
want to be out like a light, take a long nap
Very nervous about the bone grafting,this aspect of the surgery,
two hours, it will be
He will remove the root tip and extract the extra tooth and there will
then be a gap there,
so, bone grafting they will do, from what the Doctor did share,,
he will use other material, a membrane,
especially this part, I will be glad I will not retain,
remember, this portion I will hate,
will want to be in an altered state,
of consciousness,
and for a few days I will need much rest.

So, I ask you,
When,its all through ,
Did you feel the pain?
will I feel the pain? a week from today?
I may?
or not?
Since, later, I forgot ?
Who knows
just know, this is ridiculous,what I just compose.! lol?

did you hear the tree fall, if you did not see the tree fall ?
This one, do you recall?

did you hear the sound? see the tree Sway
Will I remember this day?,?
Will I remember hearing the drill and the material he will be applying?
that I will be anxious and almost feel like I will be crying??
I hope not! I will likely retain most,
and this, should I post
to my site?
surprised on some of the things I do write. ?
A week from tonight,
I will not be feeling right,
will not be totally myself,I will need to recoup ,
and it will be difficult to talk, so Darrel will give you the scoop,
as to how I am,if you do ask, How I am filling? If I can talk? and
and what is yet to follow?,
in weeks ahead?
as I lie in bed.

We all shall see,
What will be,
and if I felt pain but won't remember, did I feel the pain?....

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Our Crazy Language


English is the most widely used language in the history of our planet.
One in every 7 humans can speak it. More than half of the
world's books and 3 quarters of international mail is in English. Of
all the languages, it has the largest vocabulary, perhaps as many as
2 MILLION words.
Nonetheless, English is a crazy language. There is no egg in
eggplant nor ham in hamburger. Neither apple nor pine in pineapple.
English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in
France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't
sweet, are meat.
We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes,
we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a
guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers
don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth,
why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one
moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one
amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single
annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but
one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preacher praught? If a
vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you
wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed
to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people
recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo
by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise
man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be
opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the
weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another?
Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when
they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful
gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever
run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable?
And where are all those people who ARE spring chickens or who would
ACTUALLY hurt a fly?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which
your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form
by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.
English was invented by people, not by computers, and it
reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, is not
really a race at all). That is why, when stars are out they are
visible, but when the lights are out they are invisible.
And why, when I wind up my watch I start it, but when I wind up
this essay I end it.

-- Richard Lederer


Heartwarmers: Your not Alone

The best thing to happen to mornings since the Sun!

Your morning thought for the day:
Love looks not with the eyes,
but with the mind,
And therefore is winged
Cupid painted blind.
-- William Shakespeare

Some of you might think that today's story is a bit of a downer.
However, with Valentine's Day coming up soon, we have to remember
that there are countless people who haven't been shot by Cupid yet.
For reasons unknown, true love has yet to be found.
Michael's story reminds that regardless of where we are in life,
we are far from alone. It puts things perspective -- we all have
reasons to regret, reasons to celebrate, and reasons to hope.

by Michael T. Smith

It was Valentine's Day. I was in a new job.
My boss walked up to me and handed me a red, heart-shaped
balloon, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mike!"
My cubicle is one of hundreds in an acre of cubes. If I go to
the bathroom, the lunchroom, or am just coming in to start my day,
I'm lost. Every cubicle looks the same.
I tied the balloon to the wall of my cubicle, "There!" I thought
to myself. "Now I'll be able to find my cube."
An hour later, I stood up and looked around. Every cubicle had
a red, heart-shaped balloon tied to it.
For a short time I thought I was different, but I was wrong. I
was not the only balloon. Memories from the past came flashing back.
"Stop shaking the floor!" Dad yelled. We were three boys in a
four room house. I was the youngest of the family. Our house was so
small, it was impossible not to bother our father. We tried to walk
softly, but the floor shook and upset him.
I was 18 when we got an indoor bathroom. Before that, we used
an outhouse. We were poor and knew it. My friends had indoor
bathrooms, but we went outside to use ours. We trudged through the
snow to do our business, even when it was -25 degrees or lower.
Years later, I had my own home and family. Our house sat on the
side of a hill, with a great view of the cove below us. The ocean
currents filled the cove with fresh water and provided for the osprey
and bald eagles who fed there. They were wonderful to watch.
The company I worked for at that time made major changes. After
fifteen years of service, I was let go. I had to move. It was
another hard time in my life. I was separated from my wife and kids.
It was a year before we were back together.
We weren't separated because we wanted to be, it was the
circumstances of my work. Later, we moved again and then again.
Life wouldn't allow us to stay in one place.
Years later, my wife passed away due to illness. I always
seemed to be in a maze, alone, struggling to find my way.
In every case, I thought I was the only one, but I was wrong.
There were other kids who used an outhouse, other people who
moved, and other spouses who lost loved ones.
We feel like we are facing unique problems, but in reality,
we're not. No matter what we face or how lonely we feel, there are
always others suffering the same.
I thought I was the only balloon. I was wrong.

-- Michael T. Smith <mtsmith at>

Michael lives in New Jersey with his wife and their children. You
can sign up for his email newsletter here:

Monday, February 02, 2009

Catch the Desert Cafe in Three Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Join us  this evening in the  Desert Cafe.    Those of  you  who are  Steelers   fans, we will continue   the celebration with a   special   drink for you while we Cardinals fans lick our wounds.    We will not let you   Cardinal's hang out to dry in the  Desert sun; we have   a unique  beverage  for you as well.  In addition, Darrell will make  a  secret  recipe to cure me and those of you who are also  feeling  ill. Darrell will be  flying  solo most  of the  time, but I will  make an appearance.    We  will  have a great mix of  music to  entertain you and  help you get your  week off to a good start.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive