Planning on posting one last KDD for the month before it gets too late
Haven't created many this month, not at all,
And it is the night before the Super bowl.
It will be Super bowl 43,
And now, I will tell you what is going on with Darrell and me.
Darrell is sitting behind me at his computer, working on an assignment for
And today we spent with our friend Alice, she is originally from Mass.
I met her at Hyatt but this past September she retired; don't see her
much these days,
And on our XM Radio, Cory Heart's Sunglasses at night song plays,
We have accumulated so much crap over the years, you wouldn't believe it,
And after several hours we finally did quit.
WE sorted through, pots and pans, shoes and clothes
Dougie stuff and Toiletrie products, nothing fragrant rose,
Several Recipe books, Computer manuals and Darrell's Radio Gear,
You can't imagine what all we had here!. lol
NFB 50 th Anniversary cooking books, Windows 95 explained, and Jaws
And boxes we kept lifting,
And unloading and sorting, and things we did toss away,
And we even saw a Braille book about E-bay. Lol
Some stuff we are keeping but some giving it too Salvation Army or Good
And the rest of the night I will chil.
After we did all this work , we relaxed and ate,
Alice brought a roast,chicken, we made potatoes, it was all great.
In addition to the stuff we found we also saw a gift basket from my
Sister Tara on our patio,
When it got there, we don't know ,
Whoever accepted the package did not deliver it to us, put it outside
And soon, time it is for bed.
She ordered us a gift package for Christmas from Wine country, a lot of
delicious stuff in there,
A little of it, with Alice we did share,
Sorry Tara, we did not know it was sitting outside,unopened,on our deck,
so it was delivered after all, wish the person came to our door and
handed it to us,
And today, there was so much dust,
Many dust bunnies, and I am sure, cobwebs,
And tonight were Larry and Deb's,
New Oldies show on Interactive, from 5 to 7, Saturday night's
And you should visit two web sites,
Jeff's and Mary's, they are great, there blogs, you should go,
Jeff is into Technology and Mary, loves to sow
Jeff is our close friend, who is going to Guide dog School,
And his friend Mary, she seems cool,
She is one of the Nurses at GBD, an R. N
And now, its 30 minutes before 10.
As I said, Jeff is a computer programmer and Mary is a seamstress also, it's
a Hobby,
And Jeff visits her sometimes; don't know how close her office is from the
And mentioning it here, in case you want to visit her site
Dresses and outfits she makes, about it all she writes.
She seems like a nice person and a sense of humor she definitely has,
Go look, at her most recent entry" Welcome Back! " , Jeff, she does razz
Gives him a bit of a hard time
She tells the scoop, the way it is straight up,
About picking up after your pup. Lol
It's now 9; 34, must get on my way,
Has been a long day
I work Tomorrow and Monday and we also will do our Desert Café,
Show Monday night,
Wish we did not miss hanging out with Debbie and Larry T,
And February 11 th will be my Oral Surgery,
I have a second consultation on February five ,
At 2 in the afternoon I will arrive.
When he took a special x-ray last week, he found a supernumerary tooth; it
has to be extracted,
Can't do the dental implant at the same time, he said,
Knew I had an extra tooth, 33, not 32
Before my wisdom teeth were removed, the early 90's, is when, that they did
There are complications, so the surgeon wants to see me once more, before
surgery day,
And better soon, I must go, okay?
Besides, don't want to discuss my surgery now, not here, some other time,
Do hope your all fine,
I need to get some shut eye, not sleeping well,
And we have been very busy, quite hectic at the hotel
I am feelling much better, yet, still have this wicked cough, on and off,
for a month, this virus has last,
Wish,it would go away, and fast!,
So, you all take care, alright
And don't forget to check out Jeff's and Mary's site,
And Nicky's too,
And for now, this is through,
Not that good, not that great,
Maybe, the next time, a more creative one I will create?
More interesting, it will be?
So long, from Darrell and me. ?