I am thinking about my Mother Jo Anne, I chatted with her today,
Her and Dad, live a couple Thousand Miles away
They live In New Hampshire, to me she is Dear,
Don't see my Family much, especially since I now live here,
In Arizona, ever since 95, when, I Attended the CCB,
Every other year, Mom and Family, Darrell and I do see,
The Colorado Center for the blind,, ,
She is often on my mind ,
Wonder how they are, how they have been,
Reflecting back, to when I was about 10,
And even the years in New Jersey,when much younger, Very little Karen,
She was nurturing, supportive and Caring.
Both her and Dad helped me on the pattering program, through it all,
Every since, I can remember, I do recall,
They taught me to walk, talk, run and crawl,
Developmentally, they needed me to get up to speed,
Keep up with children my age, learn to read,
And do other things,
She would give me Tea parties and with me would play on the swings,
Our teeter totter in our backyard,
In School, she expected me to work hard,
So, would Dad,
And if, I was bad,
I would be punished we were disciplined, structure, they did provide,
But, she also taught me how to ride
When I was 3,my trike,
Then older, my two-wheeler bike,
Yet, the training wheels I did need, but, she spent the time, she did,
She did her best, to allow me to be a normal kid.
She would read me stories at bedtime and give me a bath,
And , Though, Dad was the one, who helped me in math,
She was also really involved in my Education, help me every step of the
Was their on every Graduation day,
As well as When, I became a Bride,
And though, she was happy, maybe, she cried?
She attend the High School Musical I was in and the Choir Concerts,
And tried to make me feel better, when I was upset or got hurt.
She was over protective, I must say,
Yet, she did not mind , that I did play
When, I was born, I was not only blind, but, had a injury to my brain,
My folks, made sure, I could learn, information I could retain
By age 5, I was ready for Kindergarten,
Gave me my milk money, it was in a small Carton,
I am sure, that was a special day for her? and for me, myself and I?,
I think, I had fun, and did not cry?
She taught me how to eat, bathe and to dress
And was there when I read my first Book, Ballerina Bess
She helped me with vocabulary and to write,
And was there in the Hospital with me, when I lost my sight,
When, I had the flu and Chicken Pox,
As well as, at College, first blind, help me to organize my closet and
match my socks
Since, I couldn't yet efficiently read Braille, she used puffy paint , it
was raised, and it, I could read,
Was there, when I hurt myself, my left foot, it did bleed
That, was back in 84,
And I do remember, the walks on the shore,
Did Show me sea life in Maine, on the beach
And other things, she would teach,
Help with Geography and long division,
And was there, after surgery, to re-patch my eye, was careful, not to tare
the incision
We played vocabulary games and ones to learn fractions too,
Other activities with my sisters and I, she would do,
She was the Leader of our Brownie troop, and encouraged me, when I took
Or an instrument I wanted to play
First, the Clarinet, the flute and last the Piano
Then, years, later, to ski in snow,
Or swim, When on vacations, in Kennebunkport we would go,
She would go on class field trips, like to the Museum or the U N,
Also, taught me to handwrite with a pen.
She would take us to have picnics in the park or to the zoo,
Or we would play board games, like, scrabble or monopoly ,not clue
Or ,Card games, like go Fish,
And on our Birthday's, would make our Favorite dish
And cake
And would put our favorite sandwhich's,snacks,special notes in our lunch,
And at home, would make her infamous, Mc egg sandwich for brunch,
Or waffles with peanut butter and honey
And always, made sure we had on sun block on, when, it was hot and sunny,
And made us chicken soup or hot chocolate, when, it was blistering cold
And taught me how to do chores
Clean my room, bathrooms,vacuum, dust and Laundry,
Independent, she wanted us to be,
Sometimes cook,
They had the same expectations, extra time, she took,
To show me, since, I had limited sight,
As well as taught me values, wrong from right.
Of course, like any relationship, it wasn't perfect no relationship is,
but, still, she is great
Over, the years, we couldn't always effectively communicate
And each other, we did and still not always understand,
But, she tries to be supportive, in the jobs I land
And when, I was in College and wanted to change majors for a second time
,transfer schools and move out west, ,
She did not always agree, but, did her best,
To encourage me yet, sometimes we would argue
, , However, always saw it through,
Many times in High School, She would tell me, No discussion! I would ask
Thought she was unfair, did not understand, and I would cry,
Go to my room, and be upset and Sad,
And Later, Mom would feel bad.
We always Work it out, Growing up, especially as a teen, we had conflicts
a lot,
Despite all this, love her a lot
She is my Mom, after all,
She was there, from the time I was small, till today,
And even though, I am so far away,
I do miss her, and know, I can depend
Not as close to her, as my friends,
But, know, if I really needed her, she would be there for me,
And, that is how it should be
So, though, Mom, I cannot be home for your special day,
Sending you Mother's Day wishes, from far away,
Hope your day, is a great one,
And now, this Mother's Day dose is done.
Love you Mom, Happy Mother's Day!