Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today's KDd: Taking Care of Business and the Environment

Its Saturday afternoon on March Twenty-eight,
Hope your well, doing great?
Not much going on here for Darrell and Me,
and I didn't realize that it has been about 3 weeks,since I had written a

The Creativity lately just doesn't flow,
and heard last week in New Hampshire they had snow
and Mary Beth and Todd made Maple syrup collected the sap,,last
weekend,it they begun
it sounds difficult but messy and fun
I am sure its a lot of hard work, so will not ask for a bottle of the
and work lately for me has been tough.

Business is good, its been crazy, hectic these days,
Don't enjoy the job as much, but it pays
and skills and experience I continue to gain,
Lately we have had a problem with our drain,
our Kitchen sink,
and as said,work is chaotic, sometimes difficult to do,
and think,
feel like I am in a calgone commercial. You know what I mean?
and,have you gone green??
Have you done anything to save the environment? Recycle? receive those
Ideal Bites?
Help the Earth, turn off the lights tonight,
,for one hour , small sacrifice,not much to ask
and at the office, its a good thing, I can multi-task
and that I have a great memory,
and can carry on more then one conversation at a time
and though, I am doing better, I am not totally fine.

The oral surgeon says I am doing well, saw him the other day,
My mouth is heeling and wil have the next surgery in late May,
or early June
and soon,
I will see an Allergist, still have this cough, it, I can't shake
and Darrell is doing well on his exams, he recently did take
and the way I am writing, I feel like I have A D D , Topics changing
from line to line, you see,
Yet, I am trying to make it all rhyme and still a story be told,
and we will see, what the Allergist says, maybe, I am allergic to
dust,pollen?, Mold
and whatever else, hope not Coffee though
it wakes me up, helps me to go
its my beginning of each day,
I consume some on the job,at home, when music we play
Unfortunately I am addicted,, wish I was not,
and this weekend, I will begin a Novel,one with a good plot.
It will probably bea Dean Koontz,nothing SCI FI,
and Darrell did very well,on his test in Poly Sci,
and News Writing,, its his favorite class,
and I am also allergic to golden Rod,most flowers and definitely fresh
cut grass,
and in a couple weeks we will know
right now,not sure when I will go
have an appointment on Monday to have my Annual Physical,
don't think I am allergic to wool,
and don't like these well women exams or having blood drawn,
don't like when anyone mows the lawn,
but it has to be done,
and its nice here,in the Valley of the sun
it has been quite windy,brisk, stormy , cool,
but soon it will be hot, will be able to go swimming in the pool.

well, don't have much else to say,
so, will end here, hope you all have a good day.

MountainWings: Give Thanks!

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#1067 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Give Thanks

It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same
~Naomi Williams~

In each of our lives, for whatever reason, there are times that
we are faced with things that just don't make sense to us. And
the more we struggle to understand our hardships, the less any
of it makes sense.

I have found that in every challenge and obstacle that we are
faced with there *can* be good that can come from it! While
it's almost never easy to identify, I assure you that it is
there, lying dormant just waiting for us to release it! I urge
everyone to spend your days looking for positives in your life.
~Josh Hinds~

Just be grateful and you can't be depressed.

What positives have you given thanks for today?

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Thank you for inviting MountainWings into your mailbox.
Change a life, give a friend MountainWings.
See you tomorrow.


Petwarmers: Domino Effect

by Edna Taylor

It is difficult to write about just one pet or animal that has
been in our lives or lived in our home, even if just for a weekend.
My husband has told me for years that I should keep a scrapbook
of all the cats we have rescued. I DO keep a scrapbook -- I keep one
in my heart.
Not one kitty has passed through our home who did not touch my
heart and make me wish for a nation that treated its animals better.
I can trace back to the day that Frank and I became completely
immersed in rescue.
We had done bits and pieces before that day -- stuffing
envelopes, donating money, administrative work -- but we had never
gotten our hands dirty, so to speak.
That day was August 13, 1999, and that was the day we lost Domino.
We had adopted Domino, a black and white and cute-as-a-button
kitten, as a little brother to our first kitty, Ichabod, a deaf Maine
Coon we had rescued from a small Texas town where a man was
threatening to kill her.
Domino was a special soul and there will never be another like
him. We only had him in our lives for three short years and his was
a tragic end, but in those three years, he taught us more about love
and life than we had ever learned before. Even though Domino was
gone, we still had our "first born" Ichabod and had adopted another
homeless waif from a local shelter, Shtinky. But there was still
something missing in our hearts and our home.
Trying to fill that void, Frank and I literally threw ourselves
into rescue. Since that day in 1999, I do not think there has been a
time that our house has not been filled with foster cats. Of course,
we added to our own "herd" and ended up keeping some of the fosters
that would be considered unadoptable -- the blind, crippled, litter
box challenged, the ones that had been tortured and therefore had
emotional issues, along with the plain old black cats that no one
seems to want to adopt. We even built a larger house to accommodate
all the cats.
While we still miss Domino more than mere words can express and
there is still a hole in our hearts, we truly believe that Domino was
an angel and his purpose was to come into our lives, and open our
eyes and our hearts to the plight of homeless animals and to inspire
us to become rescuers.
We have pets in our lives for such a short time, but in our
hearts forever and Domino will forever be in our hearts. Thank you,
Domino, for being our rescue.

-- Edna Taylor <tayloredna at>

Edna says, "Frank and I have been involved in animal rescue for about
13 years now. We live in Houston with our house full of kitties that
others deemed 'unadoptable.' We like to call it the 'Land of Misfit
Kitties' and we love every one of them."

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Desert Cafe Goes Live Tonight

Hello Everyone,
Visit us in the Cafe,
Great music we will play,
It's the last Monday in March, its now Spring,
No worries, I will not sing
But you we will entertain,
Here there is no rain  or snow
It does not matter where you live on the world map,
Let's bridge the gap
Work together hand in hand,
Across the  land
From sea to shining Sea
Here on  ACB
In the  cafe, we'll have most beverages and good things to munch,
It does not matter if its your breakfast,dinner or lunch
Come join us,my  friend,
Stay the  2 hours,till the end.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 7:00 Pacific (and Arizona), 8:00 Mountain, 9:00 Central and 10:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tomorrow night,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Desert Cafe Opens for Business Tomorrow with a Slightly Irish Theme

Hello Everyone,
Top of the morning Lads & Lasses,
Stop by the  Desert Cafe after your classes,
When you awake or at the end of your day,
we will entertain, great music we  will play.,
Bring your dancing shoes and  good cheer,
We will have no  green beer,
May have Irish Soda Bread and hot Tea,
point your browser to ACB.
You can do an Irish Jig  and bring your Harp or Irish flute,
Here is the route,
Travel on the information Highway, Destination,
we wil  not assimilate you like the Borg,
If you don't wear Green, you we wont pinch, willnot do this,
our show, you  don't want to  miss,
You will feel good, when  its time to go
so do listen to our show
We will play the 60's through today,
please Stay
so,  spend time with Darrell and I,
on ACB R I
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 7:00 Pacific (and Arizona), 8:00 Mountain, 9:00 Central and 10:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tomorrow night,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Petwarmers: If there is a Will...

This is a wonderful story. It doesn't matter who you are or whether
your human or Canine or Feline. We all should be accepted and be
treated with respect and well no matter if we have a disability or not.
Please read, think you will enjoy. And, below, tell me your reaction.
Take care.
You know the old adage. You'll find out today in Denise's story
that it took a lot of will to make things happen for Pawlee.
But today she's thriving! Nice story!

by Denise Koebel

I'm a physical therapist assistant in an acute care hospital.
Occasionally, you build up a very quick, but strong connection
with a patient. I worked with the patient's daughter, a nurse, and
had met his wife of 60 years. During the final treatment, he threw a
pulmonary embolism and coded. He died within an hour. We were all
devastated. His name was Paul.
A week later, my step-mother told me about a litter of Beagle
puppies that had been born next door. One was needing some help.
So I came in to check them out, even though I already had three
dogs at the time. She was very small, 2.6 pounds at 7-1/2 weeks, had
a large domed head, like a Chihuahua, and was about 1/4 the size of
her litter mates. She was the runt of the litter, and when called,
she ran smack into the side of the door frame of the doghouse. She
was blind too.
Of course, she came home with me. Her name is Pawlee. Yep,
named in honor of Paul.
She was taken to my vet in Etown, who diagnosed her with
hydrocephaly (the large head) and blindness. The vet gave me plenty
of hope, but also a reality check, suggesting the possibility of
seizures, major medical issues and possibly even death.
All of which I refused to accept.
She had made it this far and deserved every chance possible.
At 5 months, she was strong enough and had gained enough weight
to be scheduled for spaying, but it had to be postponed due to a
newly discovered liver enzyme issue. She was put on Denosyl and milk
thistle for almost a year (both help with building up the liver) and
the following July, at 1 year and 3 weeks old, she was finally
Today she has the run of the house and is house trained to the
puppy pads, but will "go to the door" to go outside. She runs around
the fenced backyard with little problem, wrestles fiercely and often
with her "sisters," and she sits on command. She didn't make a sound
for the first 5 months, but now only bays when she is wrestling --
and VERY happy doing it!
She does run into things occasionally, but her vision appears to
be greatly improved since her adoption. I also supplement her food
with carrots, both raw and canned, so maybe that has helped. Pawlee
is now 15 pounds and full of life. DEFINITELY A BEAGLE -- lots of
digging, following a scent, baying.
Being blind hasn't stopped her from being a dog.
Pawlee deserved a chance at a normal life, and has proven she is
a fighter.
Just because a dog has a disability and is born with multiple
challenges, both medically and physically, doesn't mean they can't
improve and live a full life. And it doesn't mean they are stupid
and can't learn.
With love, patience, a great vet, special medications and food,
and other family canine support, Pawlee is doing extremely well and
is thriving. She will be 2 in June.
I thank God daily for sending her into my life. She has proven
where there is a will, there is a way. You just have to be willing
to try and have faith.

-- Denise Koebel <skeezerby at>

Denise says, "I'm a physical therapist assistant in Elizabethtown,
KY. I have three dogs, two guinea pigs, seven birds, an aquarium
and feed outdoor cats. I'm also a HUGE promoter of to
all of my family, friends and co-workers. And I thank my vets, Dr.
Will Flanagan and Dr. Jessica Ayers, for having faith and great
determination to help keep my little Squirt and the rest of my
family, healthy and happy."


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MountainWings: Ice Water

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#9069 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Ice Water

There is power in our tongues.
Let us be mindful of how we use words.

One hot afternoon, I asked my five-year-old son to bring mummy
ice water. He came back and said there is no ice water in the
fridge. I thought this was the strangest news ever as we
usually have about a dozen bottles at anytime in the fridge.

So I said to him, "Is there no bottle in the fridge?" and he
answered, "there are plenty bottles but some are cold and some
are not, but there is no ice water."

It was then that it occurred to me that because I used the word
"ice" he was actually looking for a bottle that had some ice
(frozen water) in the fridge.

I smiled and said, "Please bring me some cold water," which came

Do you realize that sometimes we use words without considering
what we actually want to say?

Think of how many times you have used words just because you had
them in your vocabulary and which ended up hurting others.

Let us be mindful of our choice of words.

I thought this was a MountainWings Moment.

~A MountainWings Original by Clarke Larbi, Ghana~

from The Mountain:

Words that we use that often shape our world:
"I'm catching a cold" or "I'm gonna be sick"
"I'm poor"
"I'm ugly"
"I can never catch up"
"Bad things always happen to me"
"I will never find a good man (woman)"
"Why Me?"

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Monday, March 09, 2009

Nethugs Message: Just One .....

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,
One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!

Written By: © Author Unknown

Music: 'Dreams' © Margi Harrell

Nethugs Message: 15 Things God won't Ask

1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove, but will ask how many people
you drove who didn't have transportation.

2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, but will ask how many
people you welcomed into your home.

3. God won't ask about the fancy clothes you had in your closet, but will
ask how many of those clothes helped the needy.

4. God won't ask about your social status, but will ask what kind of class
you displayed.

5. God won't ask how many material possessions you had, but will ask if they
dictated your life.

6. God won't ask what your highest salary was, but will ask if you
compromised your character to obtain that salary.

7. God won't ask how much overtime you worked, but will ask if you worked
overtime for your family and loved ones.

8. God won't ask how many promotions you received, but will ask how you
promoted others.

9. God won't ask what your job title was, but will ask if you reformed your
job to the best of your ability.

10. God won't ask what you did to help yourself, but will ask what you did
to help others.

11. God won't ask how many friends you had, but will ask how many people to
whom you were a true friend.

12. God won't ask what you did to protect your rights, but will ask what you
did to protect the rights of others.

13. God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, but will ask how you
treated your neighbors.

14. God won't ask about the color of your skin, but will ask about the
content of your character.

15. God won't ask how many times your deeds matched your words, but will ask
how many times they didn't.

Written By: © Author Unkown

Music: 'Forever' ©

Nethugs Message: The Heart of a Friendship

I know some of you have been pondering friendship and have lost friends
recently. I have been there, know what that is like. Friendships change,
come and go. Hopefully, the special ones will be lasting. Hope this
cheers those of you who are feeling sad right now.

Sometimes God chooses to bless us,
By crossing pathways with certain ones.
The moment we say hello to them,
A special friendship has already begun.

It seems we've always known them,
Although we have really only just met.
They have the heart of a friend you'll cherish,
One you will never, ever forget.

Some where in time and place a bridge is built
between two hearts that make a bond of love,
This precious gift is given with blessings
from God above.

So many things to be thankful for
when friendship blooms into a garden so bare,
Then we find the heart of a friend
will always be there.

The heart that loves cause the blossoms to bloom
The garden is no longer sad or alone.
As richness of color and fragrance springs forth,
From the joy as their friendship has grown.

Each word that they speak to each other,
Sprinkles the lovely flowers with dew.
It kisses each glistening petal,
And whispers God's love songs to you.

Though we're just getting to know each other's heart,
This is a beginning for true friendship to start.

Time is a blessing for two hearts that give with such care,
Memories are made from the moments we share.

Friendship matures and grows without end,
It's a loving bond from the heart of a friend.

Written & Submitted By:
© Lady Mustang (Wilma) & © hisheart (Karen)

Today's KDD: My Writing I'd like to Master and Darrell's Mock Disaster

Its 5 PM on Monday March Nine,

Hope your all well doing fine?

It is been a little while, since a KDD I did Post,

And in 2 hours we will Host,

The Desert Café on ACB Radio,

And I know in Boston,

They are getting snow.

I heard from my friend Lynda on Facebook recently,

And not much going on with Darrell and me.

Darrell is on his Spring Break,

And no antibiotics I have to take

I am not completely over my sinus infection but at least my ears don't
hurt anymore,

And my mouth isnot sore.

It is still a bit swollen where the bone grafting was done,

And here in Arizona, having much sun,

It has been about 80 degrees,

Not hot at all, there is a nice breeze.

Darrell still has a cold, so neither one of us is completely well,

And it has been quite busy at the hotel.

Business is good, many groups staying,

and in less then 2 hours the music we will be playing

As Said, Darrell is on his Break, getting An A in every class

And tomorrow we will see our Friend Alice, She is from Mass.,

Darrell's most challenging classes are Spanish and News Writing, yet, he is

He has a great deal of reading,

And writing each day to do,

As well as Work in

Ethics and Polly SCI too.

The Spanish and News Writing especially keeps him on his Toes

And KDd's here should I continue to Compose?

I am thinking of broadening my Focus, write in Prose

Can I do that? Who Knows?

What would evolve on this Blog? on this site?

In prose, do I have the ability to write?

Should I write in prose and in Poetic form, go with my Heart?

Or another blog entirely should I start?

Do begin? What do you think?

Will the amount of readers shrink?

Reduce in half?

Will you gain insight from my writing? Will it make you laugh?

Does a blog like this, still have a place?

Or, is it best if they travel to cyberspace?

Go to the byt bucket? Or shall I Try?

Tell me, do reply.

It is now 5;38, and soon, I should go,

Darrell and I will be broadcasting, doing our show.

Oh how can I forget

, What is happening Tomorrow at ASU,

I wanted to tell you what Darrell wil do.

He will be involved with a Mock Terrorist attack it sounds like fun,

At noon, it will be done,

It will be a Mock Sporting Event,

And Reporters like Darrell, will be sent

To interview First Responders on the scene , at the site

Will speak to Fireman,Police,others, a story he will write.

He wil interview the Victims and Home Land Security,

This, I wish I could see,I'd like to be there, Dougie and me.

It will be a Chemical Weapons attack at the Stadium hear,

It is near,

Our House, a mile away ,not far at all

Sounds like a ball.

Alice will be Darrell's eyes and help him find the appropriate people to
speak too,

And when they are through,

They will provide lunch I am sure, it will all go fine,

Darrell will have audio and pictures of the crime?

And Hospital Staff, all that is involved in this Disaster

And all these Skills, Darrell will eventually Master,

The Reporting and working with the Press,

Knowing how to Photo shoot, Video What works best

He will learn along the way

And I am sure, he will not forget this day

I can't say more, not much I know,

And besides, in an hour will be the show

So, finally, this dose must come to an end

Take care now, my Family and Friends.

The Desert Cafe Opens in Eight Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Take a gamble and join  us   in the Cafe,
As usual a variety of  music we will play,
We hope this blend will cleanse your heart and soul,
We'll play songs about changing friendship from artists like Sarah McLachlan and Billy Joel.
From Asia to the Doobie Brothers,
and many others.
Mostly  70's,80's but also some Modern Stuff,
We will not play any Hilary Duff,
or Simply Red,
here in the U. S,  Remember, The Clocks for most are one hour ahead,
it will  still be at 2 to 4 UTC,
Fun it will be.
There will be  plenty of virtual Beverages and food to devour,
some healthy,tasty, some  sweet, or sour.
Darrell is the  Technical Master,
he will also tell you about the Mock Disaster,
the  Terrorist attack that will  occur Tomorrow morning at ASU,
if your   interested, listen, please  do!.
Be there,
or be square,
for now Take care.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 7:00 Pacific (and Arizona), 8:00 Mountain, 9:00 Central and 10:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive

Saturday, March 07, 2009

MountainWings: My Cup has overflowed

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#1062 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

My Cup Has Overflowed

I Drink From My Saucer

I've never made a fortune,
and I'll never make one now,
But it really doesn't matter
'cause I'm happy anyhow.

As I go along my journey
I'm reaping better than I've showed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I don't have a lot of riches,
And sometimes the going's tough
But with kin and friends to love me
I think I'm rich enough.

I thank God to the blessings
That His mercy has bestowed.
I'm drinking from the saucer
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

He gives me strength and courage
When the way grows steep and rough,
I'll not ask for other blessings for
I'm already blessed enough.

May we never be too busy
To help bear another load.
Then we'll all be drinking from the saucer
When our cups have overflowed.

~(c) John Moore, 1970~

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

**************************************************************** "Wings Over The Mountains of Life"

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

MountainWings: Hands Free Law

MountainWings A MountainWings Moment
#9063 Wings Over The Mountains of Life

Hands Free Law

According to a proposed new law that will soon go into effect,
you will no longer be able to use a cell phone while
driving unless you have a "hands free" adapter.

I went to Radio Shack® and they wanted $50 for a headset with a
microphone for my cell phone. Having a friend in the cell phone
business, I talked with him and was able to come up with an
alternative, working through Office Depot®.

These kits are compatible with any mobile phone and one size
fits all. I paid him $0.08 each because he bought in quantity.
Then we tried it with Motorola, Sprint, Verizon and Nokia units;
and they worked perfectly.

A photo is included so scroll down and take a look and let me
know if you want one. We are selling them on this site, but we
need to make a profit so we are marking them up but these
adapters are still much more affordable than the high priced
store models. We also include directions for you to construct
your own adapter. Also, forward this to anyone you know, who
has a cell phone and who may want one!

Advantages of this new model:
1. One size fits most ears and heads.
2. Easy to construct.
3. Comes in multiple colors to match your outfit.
4. Environmentally friendly all natural materials.
5. Easy to afford.
6. Materials can be purchased at most office supply stores.
7. Assembly and use instructions included.

To see the photo of the adapter and to order one click below:

Forward this issue to a friend or send them the link below:

Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.


Monday, March 02, 2009

The Desert Cafe Opens in Just Over Four Hours!

Hello Everyone,
Come join Darrell and me,
 at  2 to 4 UTC.
On ACB Radio,
Think you will enjoy the  show.
Back East, there is a  major storm,
but,in the Cafe, you  can stay warm.
we will have  cool tunes and hot  beverages   to make you  smile,
so, stay awhile.
Out here, we are baking  in the sun,
forget about the  heat! have fun.
It doesn't matter where you are, What   Continent ,
 your time in the  cafe will  be well spent.
playing mostly songs from 85,
 and other decades, too, so do arrive.
 be here in three hours, do attend,
  hope to see you friend.
The show can be heard on ACB Radio Interactive at 02:00 Universal time on Tuesday, that's Monday evening in the United States at 6:00 Pacific, 7:00 Mountain (and Arizona), 8:00 Central and 9:00 Eastern. Visit to listen.
See you tonight,
Karen and Darrell in the Desert Cafe on ACB Radio Interactive